Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

Race Recap | Winthrop Marathon and Half Marathon

What is vacation without running a half marathon?

We vacation every year in Port Townsend, Washington. Angie, being the marathon junkie that she is, signed us up for the Winthrop Marathon about 180 miles away.

My initial response was, “That’s too far to drive for some obscure little race.”

To get to Winthrop from Port Townsend requires taking the ferry to Whidbey Island then a 4 hour drive over the Cascade Mountains.

Angie’s response was, “What would be so bad about a scenic drive through the mountains?”

I acquiesced. We left our three kids in the capable hands of their grandparents and we headed to Winthrop.
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How To Get A More Athletic Looking Body – Interview with Fitness Expert Ben Greenfield

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Ben does 15-20 triathlons a year. This means he is not unaccustomed to stripping down to Speedos to hit the water.

Lucky for him he’s tri-ripped (a ripped triathlete).

After perusing his website I (Trevor) see that once you are tri-ripped, you can pose for half of all photographs with your shirt off.

The last time I had my shirt off in public I spent all day sucking in my non tri-ripped stomach.

The problem is . . . even though I am in pretty good shape because of marathon training my muscles are concealed under a cozy blanket of fat.

The Skinny Fat Look

This happens when runners have a lot of fat deposits along the waistline (love handles, muffin tops, gut) yet skinny legs, arms, and chest. This skinny fat look stems from a combination of low amounts of muscle, a lot of aerobic training, and a high carb diet.

And after reading that last paragraph you never need to see me shirtless.

The Fit Fat Look

Ben describes this as a runner who is built more like a rugby player. The body has stored its fat in various places throughout the body and copious amounts of exercise can’t blast it away. That’s because the real problem is often a hormonal imbalance which needs to be diagnosed by a hormone specialist. Also, the fit fat runner is dealing with the same dietary and exercise imbalances of the skinny fat runner.

Where to Go From Here
I would love to be an endurance runner with a more athletic looking body. I want less body fat and more toned muscles. I want to rip my shirt off at the next family gathering and say, “Somebody call a veterinarian cus’ these puppies are sick!”

And if you are like me and are tired of being skinny fat or fit fat then listen to my take-a-ways from this episode. Three simple action steps. Continue Reading →


Accidentally Setting a Personal Record

This picture was taken at about mile 12 of my recent half marathon in Port Angeles, Washington. Angie is turning me into a lean mean running machine.

I was planning on just taking it easy and running alongside my Dad (2:18:01) the whole way. But suddenly I felt a competitive streak and decided to push hard, throttle on, and surge ahead. My Dad said, “Go for it”. Or maybe he said, “Run Forest!” I can’t remember.

I felt like a gazelle. The weather was hospitable. The scenery was spectacular. I wanted to RUN FAST!!! But I could hear Angie’s voice in my head telling me to save some gas in the tank for my later miles. She was right.

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My Calf Muscles are Ripping Apart – And Other Strange Fixations

Lately I have been haunted by a strange sensation in my calves. It feels like a small electrical spark under my skin. I can’t say that it is a sharp or deep pain . . . just a mild twinge now and again.

My brain had me convinced that my calf muscles were ripping apart. Maybe these strange twinges were microscopic tears? Maybe my muscle fibers were cleaving with each awkward foot strike?

Soon I was running on my tip-toes in order to save my calves from utter ruin.

I’ve heard of runners who rupture a ligament and hit the pavement face first. Everything is fine then all of a sudden “snap”! Perhaps it was about to happen to me!

Plausible explanation don’t you think? Continue Reading →


Confessions of a Lazy Runner

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In this podcast episode Angie interrogates me about my training for the Little Rock Half Marathon.

Many of you know that I am a new runner. The furthest I have ever run is 10 miles, reluctantly.

I am taking on the half marathon challenge to prove to myself that I have what it takes. And because I think it will be a cool thing to brag about to my co-workers.

Here are my startling revelations from the first six weeks of my training Continue Reading →