Author Archive | Angie Spencer

100 Marathons After Parkinson’s Disease -Interview with Rhonda Foulds

Rhonda is in the blue shirt to the right of the banner.

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Interview with Rhonda Foulds

In this episode we speak with longtime listener and Academy member Rhonda Foulds who competed 100 marathons after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and undergoing multiple brain surgeries! Plus Angie answers a question from a listener who asks, “Can I Really Run a Marathon?”. Continue Reading →


How to Stay Fit When You Are Isolated at Home

Those of us in Europe and North America are really starting to feel the impact of Covid 19 on our running and training. Basically all races between now and June have been cancelled and it can be challenging to stay motivated when things are uncertain.

I think it’s important to keep a larger perspective in mind and focus on how we can come through this stronger and with a greater appreciation for the things we take for granted (gyms/fitness facilities, group runs, races, regular schedules, the ability to go out whenever we want, socialization, etc).

Even though this is stressful and hard we can use it to develop a higher level of gratitude. When you think about it we don’t have to run, we get to run. Continue Reading →


How to Stay Motivated When Your Race is Cancelled

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Because of the Corona Virus so many spring races have been cancelled or postponed. It’s really felt like dominos falling!

Just this past past week we’ve learned that the Boston Marathon will be moving to mid-September and London will be early October. And given the seriousness of the Covid-19 virus it’s important to take these safety precautions. Cancelling large events and social gatherings can save lives by flattening the curve of infection.

But what do you do now that your race is cancelled? Continue Reading →


Interview with Metabolism Expert Angelo Poli

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Angelo Poli is an expert on helping athletes understand their body’s metabolism. In this interview he answers questions about why the metabolic rate is a moving target, why diets stop working, periodization, cheat days, meal prep tips for busy people and much more!

His new ebook called The Science to Transform is something you can get for free when you visit . Continue Reading →


One City Half Marathon Race Recap

Autum and Angie at the One City Half

The One City Races are located in Newport News, Virginia. This is the 6th year of holding the races which consist of a marathon, half marathon, 8k, and mile fun run.

Between all three events there were around 2,700 participants.

My sister Autum and I traveled down there on in search of PRs in the half marathon. Continue Reading →


Rebounding from Running Injury

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According to some statistics 75% of runners will experience a running injury at some point.

When injury happens it can feel like a huge part of your life is in disarray.

In this episode we speak with Carrie Jackson Cheadle and Cindy Kuzma, authors of the book Rebound, about tools and perspectives that will help you bounce back mentally during periods of injury.

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Deconstructing a Huge Running Goal

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For some people dreaming big seems to come as naturally as breathing. They’re always thinking about a next adventure or challenge to take on. Their default mode seems to be “bring it on.”

But many of us struggle with anxiety and self-doubt which makes setting goals much harder. I have to admit that my first thought after hearing about a big goal or challenge is often, “I could never do that.”

That’s how I responded to two ladies who were telling me about the requirements to join the Marathon Maniacs Club. Continue Reading →


Hawaii Race Recap- My 50th State Marathon

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In this long awaited episode we recap the Revel Kulia Marathon on the Big Island of Hawaii, the final race in my quest to run a marathon in every state.

This happened to be my fastest marathon to date with a finish of 3:19:55 (20 minutes under my Boston Qualifying time)!

Plus in this episode you will also hear practical tips on how you can run a PR (personal record) this year.

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Books I Enjoyed in 2019 📚

Let’s talk about books! If you listen to the MTA Podcast you probably know that one of my other great loves, besides running, is reading books.

In 2019 I was able to read or listen to 268 books total.

-133 fiction

-135 non-fiction (16 running books)

-Highest volume month was January (31 total).

For those looking for some recommendations, here’s a list of the books (non-fiction and fiction) that I enjoyed the most in 2019. Continue Reading →