Author Archive | Angie Spencer

How to Have a Good Decade

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This time of the year there’s a lot of attention put on goals, resolutions, getting motivated, and having the best year ever. I think there’s every more hype about it this year because we’re starting a new decade.

The title of this episode is based on a book I read recently called How to Have a Good Day-Harness the Power of Behavioral Science To Transform Your Working Life by Caroline Webb. Continue Reading →


How I Ran 3 Marathons in 30 Days

I didn’t set out to run three marathons in thirty days at the beginning of this year.

Originally I was only signed up to do the Manchester City Marathon in November with my sister Autum but then I decided to go for a PR at the Hartford Marathon in October. Then Trevor (my husband) talked me into running the Nor’witch Marathon in Vermont one week after Hartford which then gave me three marathons to run in the space of thirty days.

If you’re thinking about doing long distance races close to each other it’s important to ask yourself a few questions to determine how wise it is. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Manchester City Marathon

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The Manchester City Marathon in Manchester New Hampshire bills itself as the largest running event in New Hampshire.

The 13th edition of the race was held on Sunday, November 10th, 2019.

My youngest sister, Autum Haley, traveled with me to this race. It her first half marathon after having her 4th child last year.

This was my 62nd marathon in my 49th state. Only one state to go!

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9 Simple Running Shoe Tips

We’ve been thinking about running shoes lately since our conversation with Brian Metzler on the MTA Podcast who has personally tested over 1,500 pairs.

Admittedly I am also a shoe geek -I can remember the first pair of running shoes I bought at age 14, and the shoes I used for my first marathon in at age 29.

I’ve done my last 5 marathon in the On Cloudswifts (pictured here).

Here are nine simple shoe tips I’ve found useful in my running journey no matter what brand you run in . . .

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The Hartford Marathon Race Recap + How to Set Yourself up for a Personal Record

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In this episode Angie recaps the Hartford Marathon in Connecticut -her 60th marathon and fastest to date. Plus, Trevor talks about his experience at the Kaisermarathon in Austria. And in the quick tip segment you will hear how to set yourself up for a marathon PR. Continue Reading →