Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Finding Your “WHY” as a Long Distance Runner

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Why do you run?  In this episode we talk about the importance of finding your “why” if you want be a long term runner and what listeners shared with us about what motivates them.

Plus we give you a quick run down of this year’s MTA Virtual Half Marathon.   And in the quick tip segment, Angie answers a question about how to implement treadmill running into your training.  Continue Reading →


Tips for Runners in Their 60s

Masters runners now represent more than 50% of all marathon finishers. 

A person is actually considered a “masters runner” from the age of 40 on up so I’m now officially part of that classification.  

However, I would say that there are a number of physiological differences between a masters runner in their 40’s and one in their 60’s. 

Some races actually break down the masters category more with 50+ being grandmasters and 60+ as senior grandmasters.  There is a push to make another category called veteran grandmasters for ages 70+.  The questions that we’d like to tackle have to do with runners in their 60’s.  Continue Reading →


Smart Pacing Strategies in the Marathon

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In this episode we discuss smart pacing strategies with Coach Steve Waldon -one of our coaches here at MTA and a 3:30 pacer at the New York City Marathon. You will hear how to establish goals, the tricks to pacing (tools and tips), how to adjust mid-race, and how to get through the tough later miles! Continue Reading →


Heart Rate Training and More with Dr. Phil Maffetone

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When it comes to heart rate training perhaps you have heard of the Maffetone Method -which is a calculation that uses 180 minus your age to find your maximum aerobic function.

The genius of heart rate training is that it trains your body’s systems to tap into its fat stores for energy instead of primarily burning sugar.

That’s why we are excited to have Dr. Maffetone on the podcast to pick his brain about the MAF Method, inflammation, and the over-fat pandemic. Continue Reading →


How Hiking Can Fit into Your Marathon Training

One of many hikes with the kids this summer.

For runners who also enjoy hiking it can be a challenge to know how hiking can fit into your marathon training plan without you feeling sore all the time or getting injured.

Hiking can be approached in so many different ways depending on the type of elevation, length of the hike, your pace, and how many rest breaks you take.

I personally feel that hiking can take the place of easy runs, be done on some cross training days (as long as you’re not neglecting strength work), and even be an occasional substitute for long runs. Continue Reading →


The Importance of Electrolyte Replenishment

Let’s talk about electrolyte replenishment during long runs and races. As runners we all sweat to some degree. Amazingly, each person has around 100 sweat glands on a quarter sized area of your skin for a total of 2.6 million total sweat glands. The amount we sweat depends on our gender, fitness level, weather conditions, altitude, and a few other factors.

Our bodies are designed to effectively keep a stable body temperature which can present a challenge during prolonged running, especially in warm conditions. Continue Reading →


Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Summer Adventure

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In this episode we recap our big road trip to Alaska, which we are calling “Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Summer Adventure.” Plus we talk about why you should take the plunge in marathon training and life.

We also have an important announcement about this year’s MTA Podcast Virtual Half Marathon!

Lot’s of photos ahead . . . Continue Reading →


Yoga for Runners, Interview with Sage Rountree

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Welcome to the MTA Podcast! In this episode we speak with yoga expert, runner, and author Sage Rountree about how practicing yoga can do wonders for your running.

Plus we give you a travel update on our trip to the Juneau Marathon . . . something we are calling “Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Adventure”. Continue Reading →


Choosing a Pair of Running Shoes

Here is a question from a podcast listener named Vince that we featured in the quick tip segment on episode #254.

Hi Angie and Trevor, I am running my first full marathon in about a month!  Wanted to know if you had any specific suggestions for running shoes.  I would like some cushion to prevent soreness in my feet.  Look forward to your reply 🙂 -Vince

Here are a few things to consider when looking for the right pair of shoes: Continue Reading →