Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Ask the Coach Episode . . .

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Welcome to the Marathon Training Academy Podcast where we empower you to take your running to the next level!

In this podcast episode we cover an array of questions from our community about base building, tight hip flexors, black toenails, what to do if you are under-trained on race day, hamstring pain, fuel and fuel belts, anti-inflammatories, treadmill recommendations and more things that inquiring runners want to know! Continue Reading →


How to Deal with Post-Race Blues

Post race blues or even mild post race depression is not something that gets talked about in the running community that much but it’s a very common phenomenon.

People are more likely to talk about feeling like a rock star crossing the finish line, having a sense of euphoria or super powers post race, pride, a generalized relaxation, calmness, relief and a mental high.

But often these good sensations start fading anywhere from a few hours to a few days post race and you’re left feeling anything but great. You’d think that post race blues might only happen after a disappointing or horrible race but it can also happen after conquering a new distance or an amazing PR. It can also happen to some people during periods of injury or hitting a plateau in training. Continue Reading →


Why Run A Marathon?

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In this episode we discuss the many hidden benefits of running marathons, plus we’ll give you some important steps if you’re just starting. And in the quick tip segment we recommend two online directories for finding races all over the world.

The marathon is a distance that puts you in a small minority of the population. Less than 1% of the population will run a marathon (some figures put this at 0.5% for the United States). And while the marathon is not for everyone, we truly believe that it’s do-able for most anyone who has the desire and is willing to work hard. But the marathon is also challenging enough that it’s important to put the time and energy into training properly. So, why run a marathon? Continue Reading →


Becoming a Lifetime Runner -Interview with Jonathan Beverly

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Here at MTA we want to empower you to be a lifetime runner not just a “one and done” marathoner.

In this episode we speak with Jonathan Beverly author of the new book Run Strong Stay Hungry -9 Keys to Staying in the Race.

Why do some runners give up the sport when they get older when others continued for 40 years or more? Running journalist Jonathan Beverly interviewed 50 lifetime runners including champions Deena Kastor, Joan Benoit Samuelson, and Bill Rogers to discover the key ingredients that kept them going strong. Continue Reading →


Motivation to Do the Hard Thing!

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In this episode we motivate you to do the hard thing in endurance and life! We speak with Rob Jones, a double amputee who just ran 31 marathons in 31 days. Plus, Trevor recaps his Spartan Beast race in South Carolina and Angie gives a survey of the toughest races in the world -which will change your definition of hard.

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What I’ve Learned From 50 Marathons

Ten years ago I started training for my first marathon. We had just moved from Montana to Missouri, I had a toddler and baby at home, and I was feeling a bit depressed and needed something big to challenge me.

At that time I didn’t know anyone who’d ever run a marathon, didn’t have any friends who were runners (and Trevor wasn’t a runner at the time), and had only done two 5k races. Clearly this was pre-MTA days. Continue Reading →


Race Recap + What Angie Has Learned From Running 50 Marathons

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In this episode we recap the Mount Desert Island Marathon in the beautiful state of Maine, USA.

Since this was my 50th marathon you will hear Trevor ask me to share some lessons and take-a-ways from my journey thus far. We also take a short walk down memory lane.

You never know where running will take you!

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How Running Surfaces Affect Your Body

running on the roadLet’s talk about why it’s important to vary your running surfaces. As runners we often become creatures of habit and run the same routes on the same surfaces week after week.

Depending on the type of mileage and surfaces you run on, doing the same thing over and over again may result in overuse injuries or muscle stagnation.

However, large studies haven’t yet shown a connection between running injuries and whether you routinely run on hard or soft surfaces.

As we run the muscles and tendons act as shock absorbers as your foot lands and then they release energy during the push off phase. The surface that you run on and your running shoes (or lack) also function to absorb and release energy.

The body takes the information from your previous footstrikes (and what your brain knows from experience) and adjusts muscle contractions before the next time your foot hits the ground. Interestingly the body pre-tunes the muscles before your first step onto a new surface. Continue Reading →


Confidence On Race Day -Shoutout To MTA Coaching

Here’s an email we received from a coaching client named Melissa Rutzen who ran this year’s hot but glorious Chicago Marathon. Success stories like these inspire us coaches to keep working hard to bring out the best in runners.

Hi Angie and Trevor,

It has now been a little over a week since the Chicago marathon and my heart is as full with gratitude as ever towards you two and the MTA community that you’ve cultivated. It was my first marathon and I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face and tears of joy in my eyes.

It was hotter than I was hoping for but I was happy to finish with a time of exactly 4:25:00. Continue Reading →