Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Interview with Gretchen Rubin -How to Make Time for Running through Knowing Yourself Better

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The month of February is often a time when many New Year’s resolutions end up abandoned by the wayside. And this can be a major happiness stumbling block if you had high hopes for accomplishing certain goals this year. This episode can help you gain new insight and motivation to continue pursuing your running and fitness goals. And to help us dive deeper into this subject we were excited to welcome back Gretchen Rubin.

Gretchen is the author of multiple New York Times bestselling books like The Happiness Project, and Better Than Before. Her books have been so helpful and I consider her my personal happiness guru. I know you will enjoy this interview as we talk about some key productivity tips for busy people who want to pursue marathon training! Continue Reading →


Role of the Elliptical Machine in Marathon Training

We frequently get asked about the role of the elliptical machine as a mode of cross training while preparing for a marathon.

The elliptical is a very popular fitness machine that mimics the running motion in a zero impact way.

If you’ve been listening to the MTA podcast for long you know that we highly encourage including cross-training activities in your training. Focused cross training is an important way to build strength and stay injury free. Continue Reading →


You Have What It Takes to Run a Marathon! Here’s Why . . .

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At the beginning of the year we asked the following question on our Facebook page and got so many good responses.

“What are your biggest challenges in reaching your running and fitness goals in 2017?”

We then narrowed down the answers to the five biggest challenges . . . which we will seek to tackle in this episode. Here’s why you have what it takes to stay motivated, find the time, manage injury, eat healthy and run at any age! Continue Reading →


Future You Versus Present You; How to Make This a Great Running Year!

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This is the time of year when many of us reevaluate the direction our life is taking and set goals for the New Year. As a runner one of the things that comes to mind is continuing your success and taking your running to the next level.

With this episode we want to help set you up for marathon success. And often to have the most successful training you have to resist several natural impulses that lead to improper training. Continue Reading →


Replay Episode: How Heart Rate Training Works

Heart Rate Training *[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Today we bring you a special replay of one of our most popular episodes from 2013. It’s a nuts and bolts kind of topic so get ready to learn a lot!

Maybe you have a heart rate monitor (HRM) that you never use or use a heart rate monitor and get frustrated because you don’t fully understand how to go about using this training method.

In this post I want to cut through the clutter and tell you how to get started with heart rate training. You will learn:

  1. What to know before you start heart rate training
  2. Three ways to find your ideal training zones
  3. The limitations of heart rate training

Ready, set, go! Continue Reading →


How to Study the Marathon Course in Advance to be Confident on Race Day

screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-12-40-08-amBefore each marathon there are a few simple things I do to get a solid idea what the course will be like.

This takes a lot of stress out of my mind when I get to the starting line.

Sometimes I work with my coaching clients to develop a race day strategy based on the course profile (elevation gain, hills, aid stations, out-and-backs, etc.).

Your study of the course doesn’t need to be that involved. Just start with these five things. Continue Reading →


The Highest Road Marathon on Planet Earth

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I recently ran a marathon billed “The Highest Road Marathon on Planet Earth.” The 9th annual Madison Marathon took place near Ennis, MT on July 23, 2016. This race is part of the Greater Yellowstone Race Series.

The next day Trevor ran the Big Sky Half Marathon. In this podcast episode we recap both races and all the nitty-gritty details of running a tough mountain race. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Shadow of the Giants 50k in California

66357985-SOTG-8097*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

The 27th annual running of the Shadow of the Giants 50k was held on June 11, 2016 in Fish Camp, California.

We ran through forests of Giant Sequoias -the trails were beautiful, the weather was “magic”, and the race director was colorful!

Here is my race recap . . . Continue Reading →