Author Archive | Angie Spencer

How to Keep it Fun at Your Next Marathon

photo credit:  Jeff Moriarty;  Flickr CC

photo credit: Jeff Moriarty; Flickr CC

While pursing my goal of running a marathon in all 50 states (I just finished California), I’m reminded of the importance of having fun at these races.

Maybe you’re feeling nervous about your upcoming race. It’s typical to have pre-race nerves. If you’re not trying to PR or BQ why not take the pressure off and just run for fun?

Here are five tips for keeping it fun . . . Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Fargo Marathon -Where Fun Times Are Had By All!

Fargo Marathon mug shot

Fargo Marathon mug shot

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The 12th annual Scheels Fargo Marathon was held on Saturday May 21, 2016.

They also had a half marathon, 10k, 5k, relay, kid’s run, furgo dog run (2 mile), and Go Far challenge (5k + another distance).

This race as been rated “best value marathon.” It gets 4.5/5 stars on the course, organization and fans over on Continue Reading →


Race Day Kit: What to Bring to a Marathon

My race day kit prior to the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Miler last year.  Click to enlarge

My race day kit prior to the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Miler last year. Click to enlarge

We’ve all experienced that pre-race anxiety –wondering if you’ve trained enough, tapered enough, brought everything you need, and if your alarm clock will go off at the right time.

There are some things that you can’t control about your race experience. But being prepared with a race day kit can help make your run a lot more comfortable.

You’ll also have the peace of mind knowing that you didn’t forget anything important. Continue Reading →


Why is it so hard to keep my heart rate in Zone 2?

noun_343728_ccZone 2 training is something I get asked about quite often. You may have heard us talk about it in the quick tip segment of MTA podcast episode 178.

Many people find that they have to slow way down or even add walking intervals to keep their heart rate in Zone 2.

This can be frustrating but it reflects the state of your aerobic system and the fact that a better endurance base needs to be built. So give it time! Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The New Jersey Marathon (Running in Relentless Rain!)

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I just ran my 44th marathon and collected my 35th state in my 50 state goal.

The New Jersey coast is beautiful, unfortunately it rained the entire 26.2 miles and I was underdressed (I was trying to be minimalistic in my packing).

I have never been so cold during a race!

Other than that, it was a great marathon. Here’s my recap . . . Continue Reading →


Respecting the Distance

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After 42 marathons and ultras I’ve gotten to the point where finishing a marathon is not in doubt. Dare I say that I became a bit overconfident about marathons since they’ve gotten fairly easy for me if I’m not trying to set a PR.

The New South Trail Marathon was a good lesson in respecting the distance and the course for me.

With this marathon, and as I continue my running journey, I realize more and more that running teaches us about ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally and presents many character building opportunities. Continue Reading →


Running Terminology You Should Know

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Running terminology may not be the most fascinating topic at first glance.

However, running like any other sport or profession has a language of its own and it is very important to understand the definitions and terms that will be referred to so you can be in the know.

This might be the most exhaustive list of running terms on the internet! Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Lost Dutchman Marathon

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The 15th annual Lost Dutchman Marathon was held on Sunday, Feb 14, 2016 (for those runner’s who really love running on Valentine’s Day).

It has been voted the Arizona Winter Classic “Best Little Marathon” and gets very positive reviews on Marathon Guide as well. It’s an all volunteer event with proceeds going toward local youth programs. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Jacksonville Bank Marathon (How to Run a Last Minute Race)

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The Jacksonville Bank Marathon was held for the 33rd time on January 3, 2016.

This race is billed as the “fastest marathon course in the south” and rated the Top 10 Fastest by Runner’s World. It has a 6 hour time limit for the full; 3 hour for the half and also featured a 5k.

I was able to travel to Jacksonville, FL to visit a friend for a few days during the holiday and by chance found this marathon to do while I was there (because doesn’t everyone search for races at their trip destinations). I registered for the race about one week out and it was still a reasonable $80. I love a good bargain! Continue Reading →


Going From Zero to Marathon

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If you’ve recently started listening to the podcast we’d like to give you a big welcome and let you know that you have come to the right place, even if a marathon seems like a long way off.

Trevor and I didn’t start off in marathon shape and it’s been a process through the years to get to the place where we can run a last minute marathon.

You may be looking to train for your first half or full marathon or you’re just returning to that level of fitness after some time off. That’s what “From Zero to Marathon” is all about. Continue Reading →