Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Race Recap: The Des Moines Marathon

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On Sunday, October 18, 2015, Trevor and I ran the the IMT Des Moines Marathon and Half Marathon in the great state of Iowa.

This was the 31st state for me in my 50 state marathon goal. The race offers multiple events over two days, friendly volunteers, a well-supported course, and AWESOME post race food.
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Race Recap: The Rock Cut Hobo Runs

Rock-Cut-Hobo-logo_1410811722I decided to run the Rock Cut Hobo Run series for my peak training week for my first 50 mile race. This would involve three back-to-back races.

I knew it would be much more motivating to run an actual event rather than gutting out two back to back long runs myself.

The trails in Northern Illinois also seemed very similar to what I would experience at the North Face Endurance 50 miler in Wisconsin. Continue Reading →


The Marathon That Got Away!

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If you’ve been running for a while you may have faced the disappointment of having to miss a race due to injury or illness.

You may have been fighting injury over a long period of time and came to the realization that the race wasn’t going to be a good idea. Or you may have had an injury or illness that came out of nowhere.

In either case, it’s very hard to know when to skip or DNS (did not start) a race and deal with the disappointment of not being able to do something you’ve been training for and looking forward to.

Trevor faced this recently with what would have been marathon #10 at the Tupelo Marathon. A couple weeks before the race he started experiencing Achilles soreness, a lump, redness and discomfort.

This got progressively worse until he was feeling discomfort with every step. This is annoying for a 4 mile run but potentially dangerous during a marathon. Continue Reading →


How to Safely Run Back-to-Back Marathons

A listener named Neisha sent in a great question recently. We read it on podcast episode #151 where I talk about my double marathon.

Hi Angie and Trevor – I have been an avid listener of your podcast from the beginning, and I still look forward to every podcast that comes out. My question is about marathon training for back to back races. This fall I am signed up for 2 half marathons and 3 full marathons (Marine Corps, Vegas, and Dallas). While I typically run 2 marathons every fall (in addition to shorter races), I am curious to know what you recommend for making my training most effective so that I can perform well in October, November and December marathons. Thank you! -Neisha

My answer . . . Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Angie’s Double Marathon Pain Fest!

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It was exciting to be able to run two more marathons on our trip this summer. I always love picking up a new state (#29) and taking on a different challenge.

Although I was a bit road weary from traveling there were several reasons why I wanted to do these marathons.

I had never been to New Mexico, never tried a double marathon before, and never
done a race put on by Mainly Marathons. Continue Reading →


Why Half Marathon Times Don’t Translate into Full Marathon Times

Here’s a question I received from a fellow runner named Chris,

Hi Angie! I’m 50 years old and have been running for 2 1/2 years (after losing 105 pounds, but that’s another story). My times for the half marathon are decent, generally in the 1:55 area. I’ve run three marathons with a PR of 4:27:34 and a worst of 4:58:30.

Anyway, based on various race predictors, it looks like my “expected” marathon time is in around 4:05. Why am I so far off, and how can I get my half marathon ability, such as it is, to translate to the marathon distance? I’m training for the Long Beach (Ca.) Marathon in October and I’d really like to come in around 4:10 or so. Thanks, and keep up your great work! -Chris

My answer . . . Continue Reading →


Lessons From My First Ultramarathon

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Iwas looking for a race in Idaho this summer and came across the To Bone and Back 40 Miler in Idaho Falls. I’ve been thinking about doing an ultra for quite a while. In fact, I said that after I qualified for Boston I’d run one but had never found the right opportunity.

In many ways doing the Leadville Marathon made me more confident about taking on an ultra because I survived a tough course and over seven hours on my feet. I also enjoyed the more laid back and non-traditional aspects of the trail marathon.

So in a haze of post-marathon euphoria and Colorado’s thin air I signed up for this race. Even though I was registering just a few days before the event the fee was only $45.00! Continue Reading →


How to Beat a Motivational Slump in Your Running

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There are many different reasons why you may face a lack of enthusiasm and energy for training.

We often face life stressors—those positive or negative events that cause change or upheaval in life.

Some of these events may be easy to identify but some are more subtle. Things like a new job, loss of job, starting school, ending school, getting married, going through a divorce, having a baby, kids leaving the nest, moving, building a home, death of a friend or family member, illness, injury, a running partner moving, change of schedule, change of seasons, cold or hot weather, etc.

All these things can leave us with less energy and throw off our normal routine. Before you know it you may be in an exercise or running slump. And the longer you go without running regularly, the harder it is to start doing it again.

Pretty soon you wonder if you’ll ever get your mojo back. Continue Reading →


How to Run at Elevation

This post is inspired by my recent Leadville Trail Marathon which began at over 10,000 feet elevation and topped out at 13,185 feet.

We arrived in Breckenridge, Colorado, (9,600 feet) a couple days before the race and I could tell immediately that the air is a lot thiner than I’m used to. I struggled to run even a mile and climbing stairs left me out of breath.

Running at elevation can be tricky. Here’s how to do it safely. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Leadville Trail Marathon

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The Leadville Race Series currently operated by Life Time Fitness puts on the Leadville Trail Marathon and Heavy Half along with several more running and cycling events every year (most famously known for the Leadville Trail 100 miler).

The marathon is in its sixteenth year and starts in the Historic Mining District located on the east side of Leadville—an area known for its mining heritage, beautiful scenery and exciting trails. Continue Reading →


Fitness Begins In The Mind!

Angie and family climbing Square Butte in Central Montana

Angie and family climbing Square Butte in Central Montana

Since we’re traveling around the American West climbing mountains and seeing family we’re a little behind on podcast production.

Here’s a training lesson pulled directly from the Academy member’s only area. I know you’ll love it!

Before you can physically run 26.2 miles or accomplish any other running goal you have to believe that you can do it. Continue Reading →