Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Race Recap: The A2A Marathon – Why We Love Small Marathons!

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We were invited to run the A2A Marathon in Ardmore, Oklahoma, by the race director -Alison Smalley.

MTA was the race’s official training partner and was even featured on the local news!

After running 23 marathons I must say . . . small town races have a special place in my heart. The A2A Marathon is friendly, well organized, and unpretentious.

Ardmore seems like the kind of place you would want to raise a family and the race volunteers are the sort of folk you would want as neighbors.

I went there expecting to make some new friends, run another marathon and enjoy a nice (kid free) weekend with Trevor. I didn’t expect to hear what they told me as I crossed the finish line (keep reading to find out).

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Taking Care of Your Amazing Feet

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During the course of a marathon the average runner will take between 30,000-40,000 steps so it’s obvious we rely on our feet a lot!

I’ve read that the running motion causes impact forces on a runner’s feet 2-3 times his/her body weight.

This episode and blog post is all about taking care of your amazing feet that survive 26.2 miles of pavement pounding each marathon.

I will give you a little anatomy lesson about the foot, and information on how to deal with problems like blisters, arch pain, plantar fasciitis and more. Your feet will love it! Continue Reading →


Three Tips from The Niftiest Shoe Box Ever

IMG_1818Have you ever worn a zero drop shoe? You should try it.

I just got a pair of Skora Phase running shoes which have a zero drop from heal to toe. This forces me to pay more attention to my running form while encouraging a midfoot landing instead of a heel strike.

This is not a review of the Skora Phase, I’ve only done 2 runs so far. This post is a look at the running philosophy of the company (encapsulated on their shoe boxes) and why rotating a zero drop into your running tool box is a smart move. Continue Reading →


Interview with Jan Seeley -Race Director and Publisher of Marathon and Beyond Magazine

Jan Seeley with Danny Bourgeois

Jan Seeley with Danny Bourgeois

*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a big marathon?

In this episode we talk with Jan Seely co-race director at the Christi Clinic Illinois Marathon in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

This race attracts more that 20,000 runners each year and was ranked as one of the best new marathons in 2014 by Runner’s World.

Jan is also co-owner of Marathon and Beyond Magazine -a bimonthly magazine tailored specifically for marathoners and ultrarunners. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Myrtle Beach Marathon

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This episode is about our experience running the Myrtle Beach Marathon in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Myrtle Beach Marathon is in its 17th year and also features a half marathon, 5k and family fun run the night before. They also brought back the marathon relay this year.

The Myrtle Beach area has approximately 60 miles of shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean and around 30,000 permanent residents. However they get an estimated 15 million tourists per year. It’s actually very cost effective to visit in the off season as most of the hotels and eating establishments are nearly empty.

The race partners with the Rare Species Fund, a non-profit conservation program, and Ripley’s Aquarium (you can get a discount on entry with your race bib). This area, known as the “Grand Strand” must be the mini-golf capitol of the world, although the majority are closed in Feb. Continue Reading →


Special 4th Anniversary Edition – Listener Q and A

100th Episode*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

In this special 100th episode of the marathon training academy podcast we answer real questions from every day runners who are trying to take their running and their health to the next level.

I answer questions about running multiple marathons, hill training, the 10% rule, 50ks, proper recovery, eating a high fat low carb diet, speedwork, running form, and questions about our family.

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Your Brain as the Central Governor – Interview with Dr. Tim Noakes

Dr. Tim Noakes*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Dr. Tim Noakes is a professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

He has completed more than 70 marathons and ultra-marathons and is the author of Waterlogged, Running Injuries, Challenging Beliefs, and the Lore of Running.

The Lore of running (900 pages) is the first running book Trevor bought me before we started the MTA podcast. I have kept it by my reading chair for reference ever since. It is worth its weight in gold.

While we had Dr. Noakes on the phone we were eager to talk with him about how the brain governs one’s performance in the marathon. Here’s what he had to say, Continue Reading →


Increasing Productivity and Reaching Goals in Marathon Training and Life

2014*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

As we enter the New Year many of us have ideas about what we’d like to do and accomplish in 2014.

I think it’s healthy to have goals and dreams and work toward these things. However, I’ve read that only 8% of people’s resolutions actually get carried out.

I know I’ve been guilty of letting many good intentions go by the wayside. One common roadblock to accomplishing goals is the fact that we’re already so busy. Sometimes it seems overwhelming to add even another good thing to our schedule.

Here are my three tips for getting things done . . . (and loving it) Continue Reading →


Happy New Year!

IMG_1539Happy New Year to everyone in the MTA community. You guys are awesome!

I logged 1725 miles and nine marathons last year and am looking forward to a wonderful 2014.

Life is good.

What are your goals for 2014?

Maybe you’ve heard the quote, “If you aim at nothing you’ll hit it every time.” It’s so easy to be complacent and let life pass us by. However, just the fact that you’re a runner (or aspiring runner) means that you’re not the kind of person who lets life pass you by. You want to live a full and meaningful life and running is one way to add adventure and purpose.

To reach your fitness goals you will need a proven plan and the support of a community who has done/ is doing what you want to do.

Here is your invitation to train with us and make 2014 the best year of your life.

From the Academy (this could be you)

In 2013 I ran my first marathon, PR’ed for my 5K and half marathon times, and totaled 920 miles for the year. In 2014 I plan on breaking 1000 miles for the year, training smarter (using cross training and speed work to my advantage) and PR in my 1st marathon of 2014 in Providence, here I come! -Liz

I did 1200 miles for 2013 (my goal for 2014 is 1400). A huge thanks to the entire MTA family, especially mom Angie and pop Trevor, for all of the support this past year. Best wishes to all for a super 2014!! -Foti

I’m so pumped to reach 1500 miles in 2013 even though I only ran a total of 35 miles between January and February. I completed 4 marathons, 1 half, 2 10k’s, numerous 5k’s and a 1 mile race. I PR’ed in all of those distances this year! 2013 was a great year, but 2014 is going to be even better! Thank you Angie for all of the great coaching and the MTA family for all of the encouragement. Bring on 2014…Happy New Year everyone!!!!! -Chris

What a year….I ran my first marathon and had my first broken bone (my heel, which I unknowingly ran 8 miles on and finished my marathon!) I was able to come back hard and PR in a 5 miler, a 10k and marathon and joined Marathon Maniacs. Just wanted to Thank our wonderful coach Angie for everything! Look out 2014! Happy New Year everyone! -Johari


Merry Christmas from MTA!

Merry Christmas!
Best wishes from Angie, Trevor, Riley, Gavin, and Liam. We trust that 2014 will be an amazing year of health and happiness for you and your family.

Thanks for supporting the MTA podcast! We are looking forward to another great year of providing the best content possible on all things marathon training.

Happy Running!

angies signature


Race Recap: The Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, Alabama

Rocket City Marathon*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

On December 14, 2013 we got to run the 37th annual Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL put on by the Huntsville Track Club.

Huntsville is located in the north central part of Alabama and was a 5.5 hour drive for us. The city has around 180,000 residents and is the home of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and US Army Aviation and Missile Command.

This race is geared toward marathoners as it doesn’t offer any other races except a kids “marathon” later in the morning. The entry fee is very reasonable (around $60) considering the good organization, support and swag.
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Let’s Get Physiological! Vo2 Max, Heart Rate Variability, Anaerobic Threshold and More

running pysiology*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

In this blog post/podcast episode we want to delve into a few more components of understanding how your body ticks by discussing heart rate variability (HRV), V02 max and anaerobic threshold (AT).

I received a question from a listener related to our podcast about heart rate training. He says,

“The only thing you did not discuss and maybe there is no answer to this, but I’d like to know more about monitoring and tracking recovery heart rate after a workout. I “appear” to recover very quickly after a long or hard workout, as my heart rate comes back to normal quickly. Do you have any data or thoughts on this?”

This excellent question leads into the topic of heart rate variability (HRV). Continue Reading →