Author Archive | Angie Spencer

The History of the Marathon

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When you run a marathon you become part of a living history.

Crossing the finish line connects you to those who have endured the toughness of marathon training before you.

Over 500,000 people will run a marathon in the US alone this year.

Here is the history of how our sport came to be.

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How to Manage the Marathon Munchies

The long runs required for marathon training can really increase your appetite which makes it more challenging to take in fewer calories than you burn.

Plus, it’s easy to fall into the trap of justifying eating whatever you want because you ran 20 miles.

If you’re training for a marathon and want to lose weight, be conscious about your food intake. Here are four ways to keep your appetite in check. Continue Reading →


Maintaining Your Momentum in Marathon Training

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Keeping good steady momentum is crucial to meeting your running goals.

There will be times when you might feel unmotivated or bogged down in your marathon training. In this post I will show you five great ways to keep your enthusiasm for running and exercise week after week.

Here is how I keep momentum… Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Wisdom from the New Orleans Rock n Roll Marathon

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I finished the New Orleans Rock and Roll Marathon in 3:36:47. I missed qualifying for Boston by 1 minute and 47 seconds!

Even though I didn’t qualify, I’m not overly disappointed with my performance. I set a personal record -beating my previous best time by 7 minutes. I think that the lessons I learned during this race will be helpful as I continue to reach for my personal best in the future.

If you take the time to analyze your race experience you’ll find valuable lessons to apply to future marathons and even other challenges in life.

“Every time I fail, I assume I will be a stronger person for it. I keep on running figuratively and literally, despite a limp that gets more noticeable with each passing season, because for me there has always been a place to go and a terrible urgency to get there.” -Joan Benoit Samuelson

Maybe you’ll be running a half or full marathon this spring. Here are three essential marathon strategies. Continue Reading →


Running Etiquette – How Not To Be a Rude Runner!

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This is funny . . .

One of my aunts sent me an article recently about the negative effects of long distance running.

I started reading some of the comments afterward to see if anyone would voice an alternative opinion in support of running. Instead I ran across this woman’s comment.

Here is Barbara’s two cents on runners:

“I think too much exercise is when you are in pain or uncomfortable for an extended period of time. Many runners look like they are in pain the whole time. They don’t look happy or meditative. They are usually angry and aggressive and refuse to run on sidewalks but instead run in the road and make you almost hit oncoming traffic trying to drive around them. I think they are a menace to society and a pain to deal with. There is usually room on the side of the road or sidewalk for them, but they charge at your car like enraged bulls. I think they are bullies and egomaniacs. If cyclists and joggers have any look on their face, it is like of smug superiority or bent determination.” Posted On Jan 25, 2012

I was pretty surprised by the animosity she expressed and it got me thinking that she can’t be the only person out there that feels that way about runners.

Here are the rules of running etiquette: Continue Reading →


Running Past Obstacles in Your Marathon Training

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Each of us face obstacles and roadblocks on our way to reaching our running goals.

We can either let them stop us or we can problem solve and find a way to get past these hindrances. Each time you do something hard it loses some of its power over you. Slowly you take the power away from your fear.

Let’s look at some specific obstacles and how to overcome them. Continue Reading →


Flashback Episode: How to Perfect Your Running Form

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Running form encompasses the position and state of relaxation of your body as you run.

Having good form can save energy and decrease the chance of getting a common running injury!

If you are a new runner it is important to learn good running posture so that you don’t pick up any bad habits. If you’ve been running for a while be sure to evaluate your running form to see if there are areas that need improvement.

Let’s take a look at each body part directly involved in running. Continue Reading →


Setting and Achieving Your Running Goals in 2012

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The beginning of the year is typically the time when we think about what we want to accomplish in the New Year. This reflection often causes us to set New Year’s resolutions.

How can we set goals that are meaningful, realistic, and do-able? I developed the acronym R.E.A.P. which stands for REALISTIC, EVALUATION, ACTION, PERSEVERANCE. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Stories

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In this episode we bring you success stories from four people who ran their very first marathon this year (and one ultra marathon).

All four of these runners are loyal MTA fans and it was a huge treat to talk with them. They are everyday people like you and I who took on the challenge of the marathon and changed their life for the better.

No matter where you are in your running journey be sure to celebrate the successes, dream big, and never give up! Continue Reading →


Secrets of Proper Recovery

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When I was training for my first couple of marathons I didn’t give recovery much thought.

My biggest priority after finishing a run was getting a shower. I didn’t know that what I did in the minutes and hours after a hard workout was almost as important as the workout itself.

The body has the capacity to work hard and improve, but it also needs time to recover. When you don’t take time to recover properly this can take a toll on the body. Here are the secrets to proper recovery. . . Continue Reading →


Race Recap – Trevor Runs His First Marathon

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After almost two years of hard work my husband Trevor has been transformed from a desk potato to a successful marathon finisher.

He ran his first full marathon on October 23rd in St. Louis, Missouri. His official time was 4:31:40.

In this episode I talk with Trevor about the agony and joy of running his first marathon. What you are about to read is the brutally honest battlefield report of a first time marathoner and former “non-runner”. Continue Reading →


Interview with Fueling Expert Steve Born

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Steve Born is a fueling expert at Hammer Nutrition. Steve is also an accomplished athlete holding two ultra marathon cycling records and has been inducted into the Ultra Marathon Cycling Hall of Fame.

We brought Steve on the podcast to help us unravel the mysteries of fueling for long distance running.

Ten Questions for Steve Born

1. How did you get started in endurance sports and what is your role at Hammer?

My sport was the financially lucrative (sarcasm) sport of ultra marathon bicycle racing. I did the Race Across America five times. I have spent so much money and made so many mistakes with fueling and I don’t want people to make the same mistakes. That’s pretty much why I have a job.

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