Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Interview with Weight Loss Expert Dr. Robert Maki

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Many people start running to lose weight yet they find that the pounds still won’t come off. I have even seen runners gain weight during marathon training.

Since weight loss is such a pertinent topic in the world of running we decided to bring Dr. Robert Maki onto the podcast.

Dr. Rob is a naturopathic doctor who has helped thousands of people drop the pounds without surgery, fad diets, or appetite suppressants. He doesn’t even make his clients count calories!

Here are the weight loss questions we asked Dr. Rob. . . Continue Reading →


Race Recap | The Paducah Iron Mom Half Marathon

I’ve run lots of races in my life and one thing I can say for certain is that you never know what to expect.

It’s great to learn from past experience, but each race is a new puzzle for the runner to solve.

I signed up for the Iron Mom Half Marathon in Paducah, Kentucky, shortly after running my last full marathon in Washington State. I knew I’d need a goal once I got back home. Some source of inspiration to keep me training in the heat.

I recovered very quickly from the North Olympic Discovery Marathon and all was going well. Until I threw my back out while picking up my eight month old son (who is 25 pounds). I started taking it easy hoping the pain would disappear. That didn’t work. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: North Olympic Discovery Marathon

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The North Olympic Discovery Marathon in Port Angeles Washington has been called the best boutique marathon in North America (according to their website).

What is a boutique marathon? Is boutique even a category? Googling this term didn’t yield many results.

Here’s what I can tell you about this marathon: (1) the scenery is grand, (2) parking is easy, (3) people are friendly, (4) the medals are cool, (5) and the post race food is plentiful.

Although I’ve got a few marathons under my belt I still learn something about myself at each race. Here are my discoveries from the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. Continue Reading →


Special Report for Fall Marathon Success

In this report I reveal the six key components to successful marathon training.

These six things got me back into long distance running quickly and safely after my pregnancy. I know they will work for you!

If a marathon is on your radar this year I want to tell you what it takes to make your training a glowing success.

Running in the summer can be tough especially if you live in a humid climate. But successful training is possible this time of year if you know what you are doing. I realize that if you live in the Southern Hemisphere you’re going into winter right now. Winter is actually my preferred time to train.

ANNOUNCEMENT (drum roll goes here)
In just a few days we will be reopening the doors to our training and coaching program for people who want help taking on the marathon challenge. This time my husband Trevor will be getting in on the action to prepare for the Rock and Roll St. Louis Marathon. He was a total “non-runner” only a year and half ago!

This program is an A to Z system for total marathon butt kicking. It is designed with beginners in mind. More details to come.

Now here are the six key components make your training effective! Continue Reading →


Will Running a Marathon Kill You?

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Occasionally I get the question about whether marathon training is damaging to a person’s body.

Maybe a well meaning person has told you that it will ruin your joints, lead to arthritis, or cause sudden death. Often the people spreading these myths about running do so while clutching a big gulp soda in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

So, what does the evidence say? Having the facts can help you answer people who may be concerned that your running a marathon will lead to an untimely death or disability. Continue Reading →


Overcoming Adversity Like a True Athlete

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Marathon Training forces you to face adversity. You must overcome fear, fatigue, and frustration. The journey is tough but also life changing!

Even the best runners stay engaged in this conflict:

As a runner, I deal with fear almost daily. To prevent fear from defeating me, I have to fight back against it in my mind. Reminding myself that I am doing what I was born to do—that, win or lose, embracing the challenge is still worthwhile. Kara Goucher, Olympic Runner

Here are three simple ways to overcome adversity . . . Continue Reading →


Proper Fueling Before a Long Run

As a runner it’s important that you learn to fuel your body properly.

When you start running longer distances, like marathon training calls for, it becomes even more critical that you know what, when, and how to fuel your body.

Eat too little and you may “bonk” half-way through your run. Eat too much and you may be plagued with stomach cramps. Here are some tips for knowing how to fuel. Continue Reading →


How to Choose a Marathon

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More than 628 marathons took place in the USA last year.

Each race is a little different. How do you know which marathon course is just right for you?

Matching the right marathon to your goals and personality can make for a truly memorable experience.

Here are my seven deciding factors you can use when choosing a marathon. Continue Reading →


Race Recap -Lessons from the Little Rock Marathon

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This podcast episode deals with a lot of racing firsts.

My sister Autum ran her very first marathon. Trevor completed his first half marathon (a long anticipated event). And this was my first time going 26.2 after having a baby 5 months ago.

You may be preparing for your first marathon or going into your one hundredth race. Each time your training is going to be unique and there will be some firsts to deal with.

I want to help you be prepared for your marathon experience. Here are some tips to remember going into your race. Continue Reading →


Nutrition for Long Distance Runners

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On this episode we spoke with Ben Greenfield the Get Fit Guy and drilled him with nutrition questions.

I believe that understanding proper nutrition is one key to unlocking your running potential. Eating a healthy balanced diet will give you more energy and mental clarity.

I get many questions regarding diets, weight loss, and fueling for long runs and races. In fact, I had over 70 people email me with questions for this episode!

So I am excited to offer you this information from one of America’s best fitness gurus.

Ben delivers great advice for marathoners that he has tested in his own long distance running and with clients of his fitness business.

Here are some of the questions we asked Ben

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Marathon Tips from My New Ebook

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One of the main inspirations behind this ebook was my sister Autum.

In the last couple of years she has gotten more serious about distance running and set the goal of running a marathon.

I wanted her to have the knowledge to avoid making the mistakes I did and have a great marathon training experience.

So I decided to write about the things I wish I knew before doing my first marathon.

If you haven’t read the book yet . . . here are some official tips to help you run your first marathon. Continue Reading →