Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Sweating and Hydrating 101

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water bottleWhen I run I sweat. . . a lot!

In fact, I once had an elderly lady at the YMCA approach me and ask, “Excuse me, um I was wondering, why do you sweat so much?”

Believe it or not this was not the only time people have noticed my well fuctioning eccrine glands.

So being a recognized expert when it comes to sweat, let me tell you how to properly hydrate to keep the body’s cooling system in excellent working order.
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The Runner’s High and Why We Love It!

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Have you ever felt like you could run forever? -Like your legs are on auto-pilot while your mind disassociates from your body. You attain a higher mental state where your thoughts become clear and contemplative and the miles seem to wiz by. This is known as the runner’s high.
runner's high

Many runner’s have experienced it.

Some doubt it. . .

But I’m here to tell you that it is real.

It is scientific.

And it is awesome! Continue Reading →


Interview with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield is one of the top nutrition and fitness experts in the country. He competes in multiple triathlons each year, including the Hawaii Iron Man, and is a personal trainer, author, and host of the popular new podcast The Get-Fit Guy.

We had the opportunity to talk with Ben and ask him some key questions about nutrition for marathoners.

Many runners I talk to want to know more about the best foods for fueling the body and providing optimum support for marathon training.

Well . . . you are about to get a nutritional overhaul . . . so hang on tight! Continue Reading →


Interview with Sheldon Spencer

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sheldonIn this episode we chat with Sheldon Spencer, the man who has had the greatest influence on Angie and I to think positively and live the active life.

Looking for a new challenge, he ran his first marathon at age 55 and has been addicted to running ever since.

This interview was recorded while we were on vacation in Washington State.

Yes, even on vacation we still work hard for the MTA community! Continue Reading →


Listener Questions Answered

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questionsIn this episode, I tackle questions sent in by our listening audience.

Topics discussed include:
Does running damage your joints? Is it safe to run in hot weather? What about running on the treadmill? What are some considerations for heavier runners? What should you eat before running? And some thoughts on setting and achieving fitness goals.

Check out the rest of this post to read the quick answers to these topics.
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Mental Strategies for Conquering the Long Run

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Your body will not be prepared to go the distance unless it has the full support and encouragement of your mind and will. mentalstategies

Having an arsenal of mental tools is vital because the race is at least 50% physical and 50% mental.

Training the mind is vitally important and can be attained through visualizing success, affirmations, and blocking the negative.

Here are some keys to unlock your mental motivation for getting through the long runs.

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Conquering the Long Run

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In this episode I give you the secrets of conquering the long run, Trevor finds himself getting addicted to running, and in the quick tip segment – the most important thing a serious runner must wear.

The long run is undoubtedly the most important aspect of training for a marathon. 

There is no way around it, in order to run 26.2 miles, you will have to build up your ability to run long. 

We asked our facebook fans to send in the biggest challenge (physically or mentally) they face in running long . . .  keep reading to see the questions and answers.

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How to Find Your Running Pace

This short post is in response to a question sent in by a fan of the MTA Facebook Page

Your perfect running pace is that zone where you feel like you could run forever. You need to be able to find this zone quickly if you want to run a marathon or half marathon. 

Here are some tips for finding that perfect pace. Continue Reading →


Preventing Running Injuries

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In this episode Angie deals with how to prevent running injuries so you can remain a healthy and happy long distance runner.  

injuryIf you run enough, at some point you will deal with injury.  Hopefully you will catch and deal with it early. 

Better yet, now you can be informed on how to effectively prevent running injuries before they happen.   

This is the stuff I wish somebody had told me before I started training for my first marathon!

To get Angie’s free report on preventing injuries click here.

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What You Need to Know About Cross-Training

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Effective cross-training can make you a healthier and better balanced runner.

cross-trainingEverybody knows training for a marathon requires lots of running.  But, other exercises need to be incorporated into your training regimen to ensure that you cross the finish line strong and healthy. 

When I trained for my first marathon I ran at least 5 days per week and did little cross training.  Throughout my training program I struggled with shin splints and knee pain.  It was frustrating to deal with these injuries. 

While training for my second marathon I was taking a power yoga class twice a week.  I also incorporated weight training and some cycling. 

My marathon training program only required 3 days of running per week and emphasized cross-training.  Here is a sample week from my training: 

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