Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Race Recap: My 50 Mile Strugglefest

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I didn’t really plan on running a 50 miler this fall but when the MCM turned into a virtual race I knew that I needed to see if I could find a new challenge, and preferably something that was an in-person race.

I looked around on and found the Pine Creek Challenge which takes place in Northern PA. They offered several distances including a 100 miler, a 100k, 50 miler, and marathon. The 50 miler sounded like a good challenge considering the race was just 7 weeks away.

Fortunately I’d kept a strong running base over the summer and was able to gradually increase my mileage before a good taper. I got up to a 70 mile week and thankfully stayed healthy. My sister Autum signed up for the marathon so we decided it would be a fun race/sisters weekend. Continue Reading →


Interview with Coree Woltering: 1,200 Miles in 21 Days!

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In this podcast episode we bring you a conversation with Coree Woltering— an ultra-runner and competitor on the Amazon Prime series World’s Toughest Race: Eco Challenge. He also set the fastest known time (FKT) on the 1,200 mile Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin this year. And in the quick tip segment, Coach Angie shares a list of running and fitness related books she’s enjoyed this year. Continue Reading →


What Runners Need to Know About Heart Health

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In our new podcast episode we speak with Dr. Tamanna Singh a marathoner and cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic about how runners can be proactive about their heart health. Plus we’ll tell you about a 100 mile virtual challenge you can complete between now and the end of the year.

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Weight Loss Story Update

Here I am at the Juneau Marathon in 2018 and the Revel Kulia Marathon in 2020

As many of you know I’ve been working with a nutrition coach through a company called for the past 18 months. They offer a concierge nutrition coaching program that helps you dial in your specific nutritional needs and reach your body composition goals.

During the first nine months of working with my Metpro coach I was able to lose 30 pounds of fat. Even better I noticed increased energy, better recovery, and an improvement in my running. I wrote about it here.

Now that I’ve been eating and “MetPro way” for 18 months I want to give you an update on my journey . . . Continue Reading →


Preparing for My First Virtual Marathon

Even though I’ve completed 63 marathons I’d never done a virtual marathon before (and really had no desire to try one). But when the Pittsburgh Marathon was cancelled and offered the virtual option I decided to go for it (and my sister did too). It seemed like a good opportunity to get outside my comfort zone. Here’s what we did to prepare: Continue Reading →