Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

PR in just 3 months!

Here is a note from our coaching client Zach F. who worked with Coach Kris to reach a shiny new Personal Record in the marathon!

“I wanted to say thanks for all your help and support training for the Emerald Isle Marathon.

My 2:57:23 was a PR by almost 2 minutes and you made the entire training process easy and fun. When I trained for my race last year I felt extremely burned out for almost a month and got sick after the race.

This year you helped me reach a PR in just 3 months (over a month less than last year). I felt great and had plenty of energy throughout training. I could not believe how well everything went. Your advice and detailed running plans made a huge difference for me.” -Zach F.


I feel strong and fit

Here is a note from one of our clients, Elizabeth, to her coach -MTA Coach Athena. Shared with permission. This is what we live for!

“Thanks for all your coaching and support. Before you were coaching me, I was struggling, feeling like I was not going to be able to feel good when running ever again. But I feel strong and fit.

I am 43 lbs lighter. You helped me to run PRs in the 5k and 10k and one of my fastest half marathon times. I just can’t say enough about what a difference it made. I know I can hit the 4:30 marathon eventually. You’re a really great coach.” -Elizabeth S.


“My face hurt because of how much I was smiling”

Congrats to community member Joanna R. on running her first marathon!

Thank you Angie and Trevor and the entire MTA community, I did my first marathon today- Chicago marathon. I was supposed to do it in 2020. I’ve been listening to the MTA Podcast since then and truly it has been so helpful in my training and keeping me motivated.

My face hurt because of how much I was smiling. Well, everything hurts but I felt SO GOOD! It was an incredible experience and I finished feeling so strong.

I ran it with my husband, who struggled with extreme nausea for the last 6 miles (I think he over dressed and had electrolyte issues) and our time wasn’t at our A or B goal- but I was SO proud of him for rallying, trusting my advice, and finishing with me. So between that win and how amazing I felt when we finished- I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

I said this was the only marathon that I ever really wanted to do, but that statement went out the window today. I can’t wait to get back out there again, and actually my husband said he would do it again too (he needs a redemption marathon!)


“Run a marathon and change your life.” I can honestly say that statement is true!

Check out this awesome write-up from a first time marathoner in our podcast audience. Congrats Katelyn Mann on conquering 26.2!!

“Well I did it, I ran my first marathon!

Yesterday’s Twin Cities Marathon race was beautiful. It was a perfect morning, but the afternoon did get warm in the later miles. The crowds were unbelievable.

People say is a 26.2 mile block party and they are not kidding.

Seeing my family along the course was the best part though. I felt really good for the first 20 miles, but all the hills from 20-23 were hard, and by 23 I was ready to be done. Continue Reading →


Running Every Day for 1,000 Days

Academy member Mike McMullan shares what it was like to do a 1,000 day running streak (at least 1 mile per day). Mike makes his living as a cardiologist. He writes,

“Reflections on my 1,000 day journey. I began a running streak on Jan 1, 2020. The first day of a new decade seemed a great time to rededicate myself to some healthy habits, and although a regular runner since 2007, I had never done a run streak. I also decided it was a great time to close all of my rings on my Apple Watch everyday. Yes, my obsessive compulsive tendencies certainly played a role in accomplishing both of these goals.

Here’s what I have learned? Continue Reading →


Do Hard Things! Interview with Steve Magness

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In this podcast episode we speak with Steve Magness -performance coach and author of the book ‘Do Hard Things -Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness’. 

In this interview Steve shares what we often get wrong about resilience; the 4 Pillars of Toughness; and mental tricks runners can use to get through a long run or marathon.

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Goals can change your life!

Check out this amazing story shared by a community member in one of our FB groups. Thank you Jessica for sharing and congrats on your BQ!

“Goals. They’re wild and can change your entire life. I just wanted to be better. I focused on my nutrition and just… moving. I went from step goals to actually signing up for a 5k. I was terrified.

My husband joined me and we started running a 5k every month together. I lost over 100 lbs. People joked about me doing marathons and I figured I’d never be able to run that long. COVID hit as I was training for my first half and I was determined not to let it take down what I had built.

This lovely group and MTA gave me the extra boost I needed to keep pushing my goals. Not only did a marathon become an attainable goal but I also stood a chance to qualify for Boston.

I missed it on my first attempt by 6 minutes so I signed up for my second attempt the moment I arrived back home. That training cycle was awful but I kept going. I didn’t think I was going to have it in me but I felt great.

At mile marker 20 I realized that I was not only going to qualify but I was going to do it with time to spare. I had 9:42 in the bank when I crossed the finish line. I’m still sitting here in amazement. Training for one little 5k has brought me all the way to the Boston Marathon.

This community has been so important to me. The support and inspiration is like nowhere I’ve ever seen on the internet. Thank you”. ❤️

-Jessica Fragione

Join one of our Facebook groups

MTA Member Chat -private inner circle group for Academy Members and Coaches. Join Academy to be added to the group.

SDR (Social Distancing Run) -free open group built around our virtual challenges.


Listener Q&A (feat. Running Rogue)

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In this podcast episode we are joined by fellow podcaster Chris McClung from Running Rogue to answer questions sent in from audience members.

Questions include: How late in life can you PR?; VO2 Max; How maintenance plans work; Training for back to back marathons; When to do Yasso 800s; Thoughts on processed fuels; and How much strength-training to do during the taper.  Enjoy!  Continue Reading →


Training and consistency made a HUGE difference on marathon day!

Congrats to our coaching client Marie-Eve on finishing her first marathon in 3:52! She ran the Yellowknife Marathon in the Northwest Territories of Canada. She said,

“I was extremely happy with my first marathon and was able to achieve my time objective! Training and consistency over the last three months definitely made a HUGE difference on marathon day!

I very much enjoyed training with MTA Coach Kristyn! She prepared an excellent training program and was always so quick to respond to all of my questions.

Her training program was very well adapted to my level and body – I didn’t have any injuries or body pains during the program and felt great on marathon day. I learned a lot over the summer! Continue Reading →


Marathon Success story with Bill Drinkward

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In this podcast episode we bring you a marathon success story with Bill Drinkward -a coaching client from Bend, Oregon.

Bill shares how he went from a disastrous DNF at the Honolulu Marathon to getting smarter in his training and qualifying for Boston.

He recently completed his first 50 trail ultra in 9 hours and 59 minutes! Continue Reading →


What do you love about MTA Coaching?

Big thanks to Academy member and coaching client Dipti Pandya for sharing why she decided to work with a MTA Coach and what she loves about it! She writes,

“In the past, I always had plans for signing up for coaching to get me through a race (first half marathon, first marathon, etc).

Now after being a runner for 3 years, I decided to sign up with Coach Athena as more of a long term commitment.

I realized that the coach athlete relationship takes a long time to develop. Of course, coaching is still great for a couple months for a single race, but I know it would serve me better to stick with a coach over many training cycles to really maximize the benefit.

I have lots of big running goals that I know will take years to accomplish. I wanted to work with someone who is knowledgeable, passionate, and who I can relate to. Continue Reading →