Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

First Marathon and Hungry for More

Congrats to our coaching client Tarah on successfully completing her first marathon! This is what we love to hear. She writes,

“I reached out to MTA to find a coach that could meet me where I was at and push me a little too – and I found that in coach Athena.

I was coming off a hip injury and lots of physical therapy but had a goal to run my first marathon this year in Maui.

Athena provided me with structure and accountability. I found this to be enormously helpful because I tend to push myself too hard and then *big surprise* get injured! Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Tokyo Marathon 🇯🇵

In this episode we bring you along with us to Japan as we recap the Tokyo Marathon. Learn what makes this marathon unique and hear from local MTA podcast listeners about Japanese running culture! Continue Reading →


It was an amazing day!

Congrats to our coaching client Todd on finishing the Catalina Island Trail Marathon! He writes,

“This is the fastest time I have had at this race in 17 years!!!! And this is the only marathon I have ever run with no cramping!

I think it is totally due to your coaching and especially your advice about fuel and hydration. I would have never believed that hydration was the source of my cramping issue but now I am a believer.

The other interesting thing is that my mile times for the first 9 miles were slower this race than my previous two here but then, from mile 10 on, nearly all of my mile times are faster this time than my previous two races here. Starting slower really worked for me.

It was an amazing day! I felt really good afterwards and now, a day later, I still feel great. Just a little stiff. But no pain anywhere. My plan now is to let my body rest and heal. I don’t plan on doing any long races until September when I plan on running the Air Force Marathon again and I think I have a pretty good shot at a PR there. Thank you so much Coach Carri!”


6 Minute Half Marathon PR

Congratulations to Kyle D. who ran a perfectly paced 6 minute half PR at the Disney Princess Half in the middle of his marathon training block!

His coach writes, “I’ve had the pleasure of coaching Kyle since October, in that time he’s made great strides in his speed and endurance, boosting his VDOT score several points.

He’s also one of the most disciplined and consistent runners I’ve ever coached (there have been thousands at this point so that is really saying something) Excited to see what lies ahead, he has the Cleveland Marathon up next. Way to go Kyle!” –Coach Kris


What day to do a lower body workout

MTA Coach Carri answers a question about leg day from an Academy member named Anjelica.

“When should I do my leg strength workout? Do I do it on the same day that I run or on the next day when I am not running ? And if I do it on the next day that I’m not running would this caused the legs to not get rested?”


My Trail Run in Big Bend National Park

I’ve always wanted to visit Big Bend National Park in Texas but it’s so dang far from anything!

I flew into the Midland/Odessa airport, rented a car, and drove 4 hours south on empty highways to Lajitas, Texas.

This part of Texas is like a moonscape if the moon had cacti. Only ten inches of rain falls per year on this harsh land, and when it does it arrives in flash-floods.

I’m glad to have come here in February when the weather is reasonable. I brought my trail shoes, UCAN bars, and handheld hydration bottle.

Now to find a nice trail and crank out a long run!

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Ask the Coach Q&A (part 1)

In this episode we are joined by two coaches on our team and answer questions sent in from Academy members and listeners about running injuries, ultra training, shakeout runs, super shoes, mileage per week, and more! Continue Reading →


29 Minute PR in the Marathon

Congrats to our coaching client Gareth on running a 29 minute PR, he writes,

“Mesa Marathon in the books. My #3 Marathon and a PR by 29mins!! I couldn’t have nailed this one without an awesome training block under the guidance of Coach Antonio. I really enjoyed the process and mixture of sessions throughout the build up – I leant on the feeling of those tough ones when the race got heavy at Mile 21 yesterday.

Weather wasn’t superb – however the atmosphere and location were spot on! Through the rain and puddles – I kept to the plan we’d discussed and I knew at halfway I was rolling ok. Squally showers kept the temperature low and the feet drenched.

The quads were banged up from the early fast downhill sections, and at Mile 23 needed to dig real deep . . . found something in the tank and kicked it home with a strong last 3 miles to run 3.30.34.

This is my first race with a coach formulating a specific and guided plan and can absolutely testify to its value! Much thanks Coach Antonio and bring on the next PR chase!”


The Untethered Runner -Interview with Dave Proctor

In this episode we speak with Canadian ultra-runner Dave Proctor author of the book Untethered: The Comeback Story of one of the Longest Fastest Runs in History. In 2022 Dave ran across the entire length of Canada in 67 days, averaging 105.3 kilometers (65.4 miles) per day!
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Life is Fun, That’s My Motto

Congrats to Anna from Finland on finishing the 2500 Mile Challenge! She finished this distance challenge around the same time as her retirement party. She writes,

“Day before yesterday was my retirement party, 67 years on the earth 🙈😎💕💕🎂🎂🎼🥳🥳 And what a party that was! Today I reached my 2500 miles medal 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻👍🤗☀️Thanks Angie and Trevor Spencer for all fantastic medals!❤️ Life is Fun! That’s my motto since many years!”


Finding a Logos (Meaning) in Your Running

What makes life worth living and how can we relate this discovery to long distance running?

I recently finished the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. It’s a powerful personal narrative and keen first-hand observation into what makes life bearable in the worst of circumstances. I recommend everyone read it.

Here’s a quick look at the book and what it might have to say about your next long run. Continue Reading →


Running Retreat in the Alps with Trevor and Angie

photo credit: @runthealps, @kimberly.strom

Trevor and Angie will be hosting a nine day run/hike on the famous Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB).

The Tour du Mont-Blanc is the most famous trail running route in the world, and for good reason. Wandering over mountain trails from France, to Italy, to Switzerland and back into France, the “TMB” footpath includes some of the most iconic mountain terrain anywhere.

We believe this trip will be a transformational experience on many levels. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the Alps, challenged by the distance around Mont Blanc (roughly 165k), and get to hang out with Trevor, Angie, and fellow MTA podcast fans!

The tour starts on July 11th 2024. Please email us if you want to be added to the waiting list! There is currently 0 spots available. Continue Reading →