Stainless steel knives are in great demand in kitchens serving homes, restaurants, and other business places globally due to factors such as durability, non-corrosion, and sharpness of the cutting edge. Due to these attributes, they rank among the most preferred kitchen instruments by commercial cooks and housewives. Nonetheless, like any other utensil, stainless steel knives have their own share of risks that go along with their uses. Continue Reading →
Author Archive | Trevor Spencer
New PR at the Delaware Marathon
Congrats to our coaching client Nagesh Kolli on running a marathon PR of 4:31:44 at his 6th marathon! He writes,
“It was a great experience working with Coach Antonio to train for my Delaware marathon. I am very thankful for his insight into training, he guided me very well through out the last five months. Under his training I was able achieve a half marathon PR of 1:53:35 PR and a marathon PR 4:31:44. Continue Reading →
Fulfillment of a Life Long Dream
Congrats to our client Scott on finishing the Boston Marathon! He writes,
“I finished the Boston Marathon on Monday. A charity runner, I was running the race for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in memory of my Mom.
I’ve run 5 previous marathons but always hit the wall. My goal was to run the Boston hills and still finish strong.
Thanks to Coach Abby’s detailed training schedules and race plan, I finished Boston Strong with my last mile being my fastest and my second fastest marathon time of 4:35, at the age of 55.
Growing up less than 1 mile from Heartbreak Hill, this was a fulfillment of a life long dream. Thank you MTA and Coach Abby!” -Scott
The Lazy Runner’s Guide to Success!
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In this episode we recap our trip to Las Vegas to run the amazing Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon, and Trevor shares “The Lazy Runner’s Guide to Success!”.
I decided to aim for bigger goals
Congrats to our client Candis Ubiles who completed her 5th marathon after dealing with a knee injury. She writes,
“In spring of 2022, I decided to take my 20+ years of casual running to the next level after coming across MTA.
I found the podcasts to be so inspiring as well as informative and once I learned of the coaching through the MTA community, I decided to invest in a coach to prepare me for the Marine Corp Marathon in October 2022.
I was paired with Coach Lynn and was immediately inspired by her caring and thoughtful approach to coaching as well as the example she lives of someone who stays active, has accomplished so much and truly enjoys running as much as I do.
Through this relationship with Coach Lynn, a fire was lit in my life regarding running and I really tapped into what it meant to me (something she has me reflect on often). As I did this, I realized that marathon running was something I wanted in my life long term, not just as a bucket list item to check off. Continue Reading →
Ask the Coach Q and A
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In this episode Coach Angie and Coach Nicole tackle questions about calf cramps, running with a busy schedule, speedwork drills, snacks for plant-based runners, fueling during menopause, getting back into running after a health challenge, picking yourself up after a DNF, and more!
3:04:22 Marathon at Revel Mt. Charleston
Congrats to our client Bill Drinkward on earning a new PR at the Revel Mt. Charleston Marathon in Las Vegas! He writes,
“Wow… what a special day at Revel Mt Charleston Marathon in Nevada. Despite a frigid wait in 24 degree temperatures for 90 minutes, I was able to shake out the stiffness and cold to get the legs moving well soon after starting.
With careful pacing, I was able to save enough energy to execute a negative split on the course and finish 3rd in my age group (M55-59) as well as PR/BQ. Many thanks to MTA Coach Steven for helping me complete my best marathon build up yet and finish in 3:04:22. Continue Reading →
Trust the Process
Here is a short story from a coaching client of ours named Fernando. He writes,
“My passion for advertising and running started simultaneously about 30 years ago when I saw an ad. It was a close up of a woman’s face. She was running and you could see things flying off her back: a broken fridge, an angry boss, the super loud alarm clock, etc.
Although I still didn’t have the same problems, that was a brilliant representation of what running was for me: a moment of escaping from reality.
In the last 30 years, I had an internationally awarded marketing career because I can do hard things at work. Meanwhile, my runner career had an embarrassing score of 0 (zero) official races.
I was searching for running playlists when I saw the Running as Self-Leadership podcast episode. I listened to it and got hooked by the tagline “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life”. Continue Reading →
Client Story with Parker Watson
Parker is an Academy member and coaching client who, after getting a wake-up-call from his doctor, used marathon training to take control of his health and change his life! We helped him train for his first two marathons.
Sign up for a free coaching exploration call.
Listen our full podcast interview here
Run Smarter -Joint Podcast Episode with Brodie Sharp
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In this episode we bring you a joint podcast session with Brodie Sharp from the Run Smarter Podcast. Listen as we discuss how to handle hitting the wall, what to look for in a training plan, and many questions about running injuries. Lots of info to help you run smarter!
Marathon Success Story with Parker Watson
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In this episode we bring you a success story with Parker Watson -an Academy member and coaching client who, after getting a wake-up-call from his doctor, used marathon training to take control of his health and change his life!
In this fun conversation Parker shares how he struggled through his first half marathon and thought “running a full marathon is nuts”. Hear how he lost 60 pounds, completed two marathons, and fell in love with running by learning to slow down.
Consistency is Key to Your Nutrition
Angelo Poli is has worked with over 20,000 people helping them reach their body composition goals and dial in their nutrition. Talk to a Metabolic expert:
Listen to our podcast on High Performance Eating for Runners.