Archive | Back-to-Back Races

A Dopey Idea: The 2018 Dopey Challenge [Part 2]

Post 2: The “Shorts”

When we last left our heroes, we were paused on the brink of greatness; ready to begin Disney’s Dopey Challenge at the 25th anniversary of the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend. The first race in the series was the 5K, a distance that I can basically run in my sleep… which is good because the race started at 5:30 AM.

I have to be completely honest: I was not worried about the 5K. When our alarm went off that first morning, despite the fact that we hadn’t gotten to bed on time (for which I completely blame the fact that we were busy infiltrating the First Republic at THEVOID the night before), I was pumped and ready to go! Continue Reading →


A Dopey Idea: The 2018 Dopey Challenge [part 1]

Danielle Rosvally

Post One: Challenge Preparation

I can’t honestly tell you what made me think that running the Dopey Challenge was a good idea. The only way I can summarize the logic behind this decision is as such: I have run several marathons. What’s harder than a marathon? Clearly I should push myself and do something EVEN BIGGER with my next goal.

Disney’s Dopey Challenge is an incredible race series that consists of four events: a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, and Full Marathon on four consecutive mornings in early January. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the Disney Marathon Weekend, and the 5th anniversary of the Dopey Challenge, so it was with gusto that I signed myself and my husband up for the challenge. Continue Reading →


Respecting the Distance

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After 42 marathons and ultras I’ve gotten to the point where finishing a marathon is not in doubt. Dare I say that I became a bit overconfident about marathons since they’ve gotten fairly easy for me if I’m not trying to set a PR.

The New South Trail Marathon was a good lesson in respecting the distance and the course for me.

With this marathon, and as I continue my running journey, I realize more and more that running teaches us about ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally and presents many character building opportunities. Continue Reading →


Going From Zero to Marathon

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If you’ve recently started listening to the podcast we’d like to give you a big welcome and let you know that you have come to the right place, even if a marathon seems like a long way off.

Trevor and I didn’t start off in marathon shape and it’s been a process through the years to get to the place where we can run a last minute marathon.

You may be looking to train for your first half or full marathon or you’re just returning to that level of fitness after some time off. That’s what “From Zero to Marathon” is all about. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Rock Cut Hobo Runs

Rock-Cut-Hobo-logo_1410811722I decided to run the Rock Cut Hobo Run series for my peak training week for my first 50 mile race. This would involve three back-to-back races.

I knew it would be much more motivating to run an actual event rather than gutting out two back to back long runs myself.

The trails in Northern Illinois also seemed very similar to what I would experience at the North Face Endurance 50 miler in Wisconsin. Continue Reading →


How to Safely Run Back-to-Back Marathons

A listener named Neisha sent in a great question recently. We read it on podcast episode #151 where I talk about my double marathon.

Hi Angie and Trevor – I have been an avid listener of your podcast from the beginning, and I still look forward to every podcast that comes out. My question is about marathon training for back to back races. This fall I am signed up for 2 half marathons and 3 full marathons (Marine Corps, Vegas, and Dallas). While I typically run 2 marathons every fall (in addition to shorter races), I am curious to know what you recommend for making my training most effective so that I can perform well in October, November and December marathons. Thank you! -Neisha

My answer . . . Continue Reading →