Archive | Beginner

First Marathon Done!

Here at MTA our mission is to help you conquer the marathon and change your life. The first step is believing that you have what it takes. Then you commit to train.

Huge congrats to Academy member Christie Youngblood for taking on the challenge to train for a marathon and finishing strong at the Honolulu Marathon! She dealt with 16 miles worth of rain but still remained positive.

My first marathon is done! I finished in 4:47:38 and beat my goal of 5 hours. It rained for the first 16 miles, but at mile 20 I saw the most beautiful rainbow! Angie & Trevor thank you for the amazing podcast and all of the advice. I found the magic in the misery and I am more proud of myself than I have ever been. I don’t think I am even close to being done and I cannot wait to see what is next!” #Ihavewhatittakes


What It Feels Like to Run Your First Marathon

Here’s a message from the Academy Facebook group that illustrates the thrill of finishing strong at your first marathon.

Paula Soto completed the Bakersfield Marathon on November 12th 2017 with a time of 4:34:45.5!

What I love is that she ’embraced the suck’ of the finial miles and finished with a smile on her face . . . ready to do it again!

Listen to the joy in her words, we can’t say it better than this, Continue Reading →


How to Be a Defensive Runner

We recently moved to a new town and I’ve noticed that several runners in my area don’t seem to know which side of the road they’re supposed to run on.

I think sometimes that we get so comfortable on our running routes that we get lax about safely measures. In a day and age where there are more distracted or tired drivers out on the roads it’s really our responsibility to be defensive runners.

So, let’s talk about some ways you can protect yourself. Continue Reading →


“How to Lose a Marathon” -Interview with Joel Cohen, Writer for The Simpsons

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In this episode we speak with Joel Cohen, author of the book ‘How to Lose a Marathon -a Starter’s Guide to Finishing in 26.2 Chapters’.

Not too long ago Joel went from an out-of-shape couch potato and writer/producer for The Simpsons T.V. series, to a slightly out-of-shape finisher of the New York City Marathon.

His book describes the odd and painful things you discover when you become a long distance runner.

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To Stretch or Not To Stretch – What Runners Should Know

stretching While some runners say stretching is vital to performance and muscle health, others conclude that more dynamic warmups benefit a good run over stretching.

Taking a look at how muscles work together, what stretching really does for the body, and when it is best performed, this quick guide can help answer some of your most pressing stretching questions: Continue Reading →


Newbie Notes: Hunting the Elusive “Perfect Training Plan”

Want a non-stop stream of advice? Mention to your (marathoner) husband and (marathoner) brother that you need a training plan for your first marathon. Then sit back and listen to the contradictions roll in:

Run slow to go fast.

You need to up your pace if you’re going to finish in that time.

Your easy runs should be REALLY easy.

If I were coaching you, I would definitely push you more on your long runs.

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Marathon Training in the Summer Heat

woman running in the heatHere’s a great question that came in from a fan in India who is dealing with daytime temperatures of 39 degrees Celsius (102.2 Fahrenheit).

Hi A&T, I am a big fan of your podcast. I started running in 2013. I have three running goals: 1. Run a half marathon under 2:00; 2. Run a full marathon under 5:00; 3. Run 2,000 KM in 2017! Last 2 months have been very hot in Pune, India (where I live) with daytime temperatures reaching 39 deg C. It is definitely impacting my pace and soreness. I wonder if a future podcast will talk about running in summer. Regards, -Milind

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How Running Can Change Your Life

Here’s a recent interview I did with the Believe.Love podcast. In this interview I talk about tips for getting started as a runner, identity formation and freedom you feel after breaking through the “my lungs are burning” “I hate this” stage.


You Have What It Takes to Run a Marathon! Here’s Why . . .

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At the beginning of the year we asked the following question on our Facebook page and got so many good responses.

“What are your biggest challenges in reaching your running and fitness goals in 2017?”

We then narrowed down the answers to the five biggest challenges . . . which we will seek to tackle in this episode. Here’s why you have what it takes to stay motivated, find the time, manage injury, eat healthy and run at any age! Continue Reading →


Future You Versus Present You; How to Make This a Great Running Year!

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This is the time of year when many of us reevaluate the direction our life is taking and set goals for the New Year. As a runner one of the things that comes to mind is continuing your success and taking your running to the next level.

With this episode we want to help set you up for marathon success. And often to have the most successful training you have to resist several natural impulses that lead to improper training. Continue Reading →


Marathon Training Q and A Episode

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One thing we’ve always enjoyed through the years is connecting with runners from around the world in our awesome online community.

In this episode we answer questions sent in by MTA Members -topics include what to do in the down season, transitioning from half to full and from full to ultra, finding time to run when your life is busy, motivation, and proper pacing in the marathon. Continue Reading →