Archive | Beginner

How to Run-Walk-Run a Marathon -Interview with Jeff Galloway

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Jeff Galloway has had one of the most influential careers in the history of running.  He  competed in the 10k distance at the 1972 Olympics. 

He’s run a 2:16 marathon.  He’s the author of many books and owner of the oldest specialty running store in America.

Many know him as the creator of the Galloway Run-Walk-Run program which has helped hundreds of thousands of people realize their dream of finishing a marathon. 

In this interview we have Jeff take us through how and why his method works for runners of all abilities. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield reached out to us when we first started the MTA podcast five years ago. We have had him on the show every year since and he never fails to deliver great value to our listers. This episode is no exception!

In this interview you will hear him throw down tips on how runners can build muscular strength, obstacle racing mania, common mistakes he sees new runners make, nutritional misinformation, fueling for endurance, meditation, elevation training, chocolate milk, eating fruit post-exercise, drinking craft beer, and more!
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Run More and Recover Better

IMG_2443Here’s a question from our Academy Facebook group:

“Ran my first marathon yesterday at the Dallas Marathon. One thought I had often “how the heck does Angie do back to back marathons without falling apart?!” –Ashley

First of all a big congratulations goes out to Ashley for running her first marathon! I certainly wasn’t thinking about running multiple marathons before or during my first marathon in 2008. It was just one of those big challenges that I had to do.

At the time I didn’t have any friends who were runners and didn’t know anyone personally who’d ever run a marathon. Despite making lots of mistakes in training I crossed the finish line in 4:10 and knew that I’d run another marathon.

However, ITBS (iliotibial band syndrome) forced me to lay off running for the next several months. But I knew that I’d learn from my mistakes and come back stronger. I recovered properly, trained smarter and ran a marathon in 2009 breaking four hours. From there it was a process of learning more, setting bigger goals and running more marathons.

Now I’ve run 29 marathons and know that there are many, many more in my future. Here are my tips for running more and recovering more quickly whether your goal is to run more 5ks or marathons: Continue Reading →


How to Nearly Fail at a Marathon

North Country Trail Run

North Country Trail Run

Guest blogger Jeremy Verdusco gives us the painful details of his first trail marathon. Here’s what he learned . . .

Plenty of books and websites offer marathon training advice. How do I run a sub-4 hour marathon? How do I properly fuel for a marathon? What’s the best marathon pacing strategy?

I read a lot of that advice. I tried to follow it. I’ve finished four marathons and plan to sign up soon for a fifth. I’ve benefited from many of those running tips, and disregarded others that didn’t help me.

So what advice can I, a mid-pack runner, share?

I want to share the lessons I learned nearly failing at a marathon. Read on and I’ll tell you what you can do to avoid coming as close to a DNF as possible without dropping out. You’ll want to read this because finishing a marathon in four hours is hard, but finishing one in nearly seven hours means true suffering.

Learn from my mistakes. Continue Reading →


Questions New Runners Ask

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I recently did a guest interview on two different podcasts – Runner Girls and The Dr. Rob Show.

I had a chance to answer questions from new runners taking on the half marathon distance for the first time.

We talked about how to determine if you’re ready for the marathon, preventing injuries, carbohydrate loading, running surfaces, shoes, pedometers, nutrition, motivation, tapering, training plans, and overcoming doubts and fears.

Here is a sample of some of the questions these new runners asked me. Continue Reading →


Running Etiquette – How Not To Be a Rude Runner!

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This is funny . . .

One of my aunts sent me an article recently about the negative effects of long distance running.

I started reading some of the comments afterward to see if anyone would voice an alternative opinion in support of running. Instead I ran across this woman’s comment.

Here is Barbara’s two cents on runners:

“I think too much exercise is when you are in pain or uncomfortable for an extended period of time. Many runners look like they are in pain the whole time. They don’t look happy or meditative. They are usually angry and aggressive and refuse to run on sidewalks but instead run in the road and make you almost hit oncoming traffic trying to drive around them. I think they are a menace to society and a pain to deal with. There is usually room on the side of the road or sidewalk for them, but they charge at your car like enraged bulls. I think they are bullies and egomaniacs. If cyclists and joggers have any look on their face, it is like of smug superiority or bent determination.” Posted On Jan 25, 2012

I was pretty surprised by the animosity she expressed and it got me thinking that she can’t be the only person out there that feels that way about runners.

Here are the rules of running etiquette: Continue Reading →


Race Recap – Trevor Runs His First Marathon

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After almost two years of hard work my husband Trevor has been transformed from a desk potato to a successful marathon finisher.

He ran his first full marathon on October 23rd in St. Louis, Missouri. His official time was 4:31:40.

In this episode I talk with Trevor about the agony and joy of running his first marathon. What you are about to read is the brutally honest battlefield report of a first time marathoner and former “non-runner”. Continue Reading →


Accidentally Setting a Personal Record

This picture was taken at about mile 12 of my recent half marathon in Port Angeles, Washington. Angie is turning me into a lean mean running machine.

I was planning on just taking it easy and running alongside my Dad (2:18:01) the whole way. But suddenly I felt a competitive streak and decided to push hard, throttle on, and surge ahead. My Dad said, “Go for it”. Or maybe he said, “Run Forest!” I can’t remember.

I felt like a gazelle. The weather was hospitable. The scenery was spectacular. I wanted to RUN FAST!!! But I could hear Angie’s voice in my head telling me to save some gas in the tank for my later miles. She was right.

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My Calf Muscles are Ripping Apart – And Other Strange Fixations

Lately I have been haunted by a strange sensation in my calves. It feels like a small electrical spark under my skin. I can’t say that it is a sharp or deep pain . . . just a mild twinge now and again.

My brain had me convinced that my calf muscles were ripping apart. Maybe these strange twinges were microscopic tears? Maybe my muscle fibers were cleaving with each awkward foot strike?

Soon I was running on my tip-toes in order to save my calves from utter ruin.

I’ve heard of runners who rupture a ligament and hit the pavement face first. Everything is fine then all of a sudden “snap”! Perhaps it was about to happen to me!

Plausible explanation don’t you think? Continue Reading →


Confessions of a Lazy Runner

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In this podcast episode Angie interrogates me about my training for the Little Rock Half Marathon.

Many of you know that I am a new runner. The furthest I have ever run is 10 miles, reluctantly.

I am taking on the half marathon challenge to prove to myself that I have what it takes. And because I think it will be a cool thing to brag about to my co-workers.

Here are my startling revelations from the first six weeks of my training Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Angela Coulombe

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In this podcast we interview Angela Coulombe, who came back from a debilitating bout of Lyme Disease to train for the 2010 NYC Marathon.

I connected with Angela several months ago through the MTA Facebook page and was able to encourage her through her marathon training. In the process I’ve come to admire and respect her.

Lyme Disease is an infection that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. The infection often attacks the joints, nervous system, and can even damage the heart.

At one point Angela was bedridden and needed help to complete the simplest tasks. How did she overcome so much and cross the marathon finish line? Find out in this inspiring interview.

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