Archive | Books

Olympic Marathoner Shalane Flanagan & Elyse Kopecky on Nourishment for Athletes

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In this episode we talk nutrition with U.S. Olympic Marathoner Shalane Flanagan and food writer Elyse Kopecky -authors of the new cookbook Run Fast Eat Slow.

In this interview you will hear about indulgent nourishment, why Shalane started eating real butter, the top nutrition mistakes runners make, Shalane’s training for Rio and more!

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How Running Changes Your Brain –Interview with Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Wendy Suzuki*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Wendy Suzuki has a PhD in neural science and is a researcher at New York University. She’s author of the book Healthy Brain, Happy Life.

We talk with her about the effects of running on the human brain, hippocampus growth, brain plasticity, memory, reward centers, the power of affirmations, meditation and more. Continue Reading →


Interview with Tom Foreman -Runner, Dad, and Reporter at CNN

22519_001_0643.NEF*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Tom Foreman is a journalist, anchor, and reporter for CNN.

He’s author of the new book My Year of Running Dangerously – a Dad, A Daughter, and a Ridiculous Plan.

As an out-of-shape 50 year old ex-runner he took up the challenge from his daughter to train for the Atlanta Marathon.

This was the spark that has set Tom’s running on fire! Continue Reading →


Interview with Joe De Sena – Founder of the Spartan Race

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In this episode we talk with Spartan Race founder Joe De Sena about his new book Spartan Up – a Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles And Achieving Peak Performance.

Joe’s Bio:
Joe De Sena is the founder of Spartan Race the world’s leading obstacle race series with events taking place all over the planet. In addition to being an accomplished businessman, he is a hard core ultra endurance athlete. He and his wife and their four children make their home in Vermont.
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