Archive | Coaching

Fulfillment of a Life Long Dream

Congrats to our client Scott on finishing the Boston Marathon! He writes,

“I finished the Boston Marathon on Monday. A charity runner, I was running the race for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in memory of my Mom.

I’ve run 5 previous marathons but always hit the wall. My goal was to run the Boston hills and still finish strong.

Thanks to Coach Abby’s detailed training schedules and race plan, I finished Boston Strong with my last mile being my fastest and my second fastest marathon time of 4:35, at the age of 55.

Growing up less than 1 mile from Heartbreak Hill, this was a fulfillment of a life long dream. Thank you MTA and Coach Abby!” -Scott


I decided to aim for bigger goals

Congrats to our client Candis Ubiles who completed her 5th marathon after dealing with a knee injury. She writes,

“In spring of 2022, I decided to take my 20+ years of casual running to the next level after coming across MTA.

I found the podcasts to be so inspiring as well as informative and once I learned of the coaching through the MTA community, I decided to invest in a coach to prepare me for the Marine Corp Marathon in October 2022.

I was paired with Coach Lynn and was immediately inspired by her caring and thoughtful approach to coaching as well as the example she lives of someone who stays active, has accomplished so much and truly enjoys running as much as I do.

Through this relationship with Coach Lynn, a fire was lit in my life regarding running and I really tapped into what it meant to me (something she has me reflect on often). As I did this, I realized that marathon running was something I wanted in my life long term, not just as a bucket list item to check off. Continue Reading →


Trust the Process

Here is a short story from a coaching client of ours named Fernando. He writes,

“My passion for advertising and running started simultaneously about 30 years ago when I saw an ad. It was a close up of a woman’s face. She was running and you could see things flying off her back: a broken fridge, an angry boss, the super loud alarm clock, etc.

Although I still didn’t have the same problems, that was a brilliant representation of what running was for me: a moment of escaping from reality.

In the last 30 years, I had an internationally awarded marketing career because I can do hard things at work. Meanwhile, my runner career had an embarrassing score of 0 (zero) official races.

I was searching for running playlists when I saw the Running as Self-Leadership podcast episode. I listened to it and got hooked by the tagline “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life”. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Parker Watson

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this episode we bring you a success story with Parker Watson -an Academy member and coaching client who, after getting a wake-up-call from his doctor, used marathon training to take control of his health and change his life!

In this fun conversation Parker shares how he struggled through his first half marathon and thought “running a full marathon is nuts”. Hear how he lost 60 pounds, completed two marathons, and fell in love with running by learning to slow down.

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Super prepared for 50 Miler

Congrats to our coaching client Zach who conquered his first 50 miler!! He was kind enough to share some thoughts on how MTA coaching prepared him for this challenge. He writes,

“The race was amazing. As you may remember, I attempted a 50-miler in September (training by myself, mostly around my neighborhood). But Coach Henry had me so super prepared (physically, for the trails, for the hills, mentally), I felt great crossing the finish line (looking at the video, I was still moving okay for 50 miles I think.

A few other thoughts I’ve had about coaching:

  • I felt good (not just less sore, but honestly “good”) after the race. My body has never felt like that even on shorter distances
  • I’ve so appreciated (and needed) having a coach still providing me with maintenance work the weeks after a race; typically I would just stop running for a while, decided I want to do a race, then start (from a less fit place) on a “new” 12-week plan

I don’t know what’s next! I think this fall I want revenge on the 50-miler in Alabama that go away from me last year.

Thanks again for being such a great introduction into the program and pairing me up with Henry. He’s the best.” -Zach L. Continue Reading →


It’s Worth It!

Congrats to our client Charis who overcame setbacks and finished her first marathon last weekend! She writes,

“I am a marathoner! Last weekend I ran the Phoenix Rock n Roll Marathon, a race that has been over a year in the making.

I started training in the summer of 2021 to run it last year, but I was hampered by a quadriceps injury, then got COVID the week of the race and had to defer to this year.

In an effort to prevent injury, I decided to get a running coach through MTA. The best decision I ever made. Continue Reading →


Cruising Through the Dopey Challenge at Age 70!

Major congrats to our coaching client Dale Moss who finished the Disney Dopey Challenge (which included his first full marathon!). He writes,

“In anticipation of passing my 70th birthday in 2022 I decided to do something to celebrate. I signed up for the 2023 Disney World Marathon Weekend Dopey Challenge. The Challenge, for those who don’t know, is running a 5K on Thursday, a 10K on Friday, a half-marathon on Saturday, and a full marathon on Sunday during the Weekend.

I have run many 5K’s, 10K’s, and half-marathons but this would be my first full marathon.

I realized that to complete this I would need a coach. After looking around the Web and finding great reviews for MTA I contacted Coach Nicole and I was placed with Coach Kristen.
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PR in just 3 months!

Here is a note from our coaching client Zach F. who worked with Coach Kris to reach a shiny new Personal Record in the marathon!

“I wanted to say thanks for all your help and support training for the Emerald Isle Marathon.

My 2:57:23 was a PR by almost 2 minutes and you made the entire training process easy and fun. When I trained for my race last year I felt extremely burned out for almost a month and got sick after the race.

This year you helped me reach a PR in just 3 months (over a month less than last year). I felt great and had plenty of energy throughout training. I could not believe how well everything went. Your advice and detailed running plans made a huge difference for me.” -Zach F.


I feel strong and fit

Here is a note from one of our clients, Elizabeth, to her coach -MTA Coach Athena. Shared with permission. This is what we live for!

“Thanks for all your coaching and support. Before you were coaching me, I was struggling, feeling like I was not going to be able to feel good when running ever again. But I feel strong and fit.

I am 43 lbs lighter. You helped me to run PRs in the 5k and 10k and one of my fastest half marathon times. I just can’t say enough about what a difference it made. I know I can hit the 4:30 marathon eventually. You’re a really great coach.” -Elizabeth S.


Training and consistency made a HUGE difference on marathon day!

Congrats to our coaching client Marie-Eve on finishing her first marathon in 3:52! She ran the Yellowknife Marathon in the Northwest Territories of Canada. She said,

“I was extremely happy with my first marathon and was able to achieve my time objective! Training and consistency over the last three months definitely made a HUGE difference on marathon day!

I very much enjoyed training with MTA Coach Kristyn! She prepared an excellent training program and was always so quick to respond to all of my questions.

Her training program was very well adapted to my level and body – I didn’t have any injuries or body pains during the program and felt great on marathon day. I learned a lot over the summer! Continue Reading →


What do you love about MTA Coaching?

Big thanks to Academy member and coaching client Dipti Pandya for sharing why she decided to work with a MTA Coach and what she loves about it! She writes,

“In the past, I always had plans for signing up for coaching to get me through a race (first half marathon, first marathon, etc).

Now after being a runner for 3 years, I decided to sign up with Coach Athena as more of a long term commitment.

I realized that the coach athlete relationship takes a long time to develop. Of course, coaching is still great for a couple months for a single race, but I know it would serve me better to stick with a coach over many training cycles to really maximize the benefit.

I have lots of big running goals that I know will take years to accomplish. I wanted to work with someone who is knowledgeable, passionate, and who I can relate to. Continue Reading →