Archive | Coaching

One Step at a Time

Crystal Campoverde finishing the Bravehearts Marathon in South Australia

Here’s a note we received from a coaching client named Crystal. She describes what it is like to live with chronic pain and how marathon training provided a life-changing experience.

“In November 2020 while training for my marathon, I had work related injuries that resulted in knee, hip, and glute tears.

In the midst of my physical recovery my papi (dad) had his unexpected homegoing to heaven in 2021 which has been my biggest loss.

I was determined to get better in whatever capacity that looked like to run a marathon in his honour and for an important cause. Continue Reading →


I’m the fittest and thinnest I’ve been in 20 years and also the most seasoned

Congrats to our client Karen K on finishing her second marathon at the age of 70!! Age is just a number. Here is what she had to say . . .

“I know this is late but wanted to share my Grandma’s Marathon story. It started last November with the realization I was going to be 70 in May and I wanted to step up my game and challenge my self, so I did what every 70 year young person does I signed up for a marathon.

As I always do when I run one is get an MTA coach. I was paired with Lynn Grieger and pulled the trigger on Metpro, I was a little skeptical about that but anyway I wanted to see what this was about. Long story short I’m the fittest and thinnest I’ve been in 20 years and also the most seasoned. Continue Reading →


I’m officially a marathoner now and I’m hooked!

Congrats to Academy member and coaching client Parker Watson on conquering his first marathon!! 🙌

“Angie, Trevor, and Coach Henry, you were right! I do have what it takes to run a marathon and change my life!

I completed my first marathon today, Revel Rockies. And with the help of Coach Henry, I achieved my “A” goal of a sub 5 hour race with a time of 4:54:48!

The weather was perfect and the course was stunningly beautiful. I held a steady pace for the first 20 miles, got to that final push, and felt strong with no “wall” in sight. I turned on my “Release the Kraken” playlist for that last 10k and powered through for a fast finish!

I’m officially a marathoner now and I’m hooked! I’ve already signed up for the Richmond Marathon this November. Thank you for creating such an amazing community and encouraging us to do hard things! Hopefully I’ll see some MTA members at Richmond!”


Why I Hired a Running Coach

Blog story by Coach Nicole Hart -Head Coach at MTA

Some people might wonder why a running coach would hire a coach, but it’s actually quite common, as coaches often seek the fresh eyes of another professional to guide them in their training.

I have made some new running goals for 2022, and I decided to hire a coach to help me achieve those goals.

Part of my job as the head coach of Marathon Training Academy is to discuss with runners why they might consider hiring a running coach.

Many people that I speak to are looking for accountability and guidance in their training. They may have had running injuries in the past, or have reached a plateau in their performance. Working with a coach can be the factor that gets them to the next level of their training, while also providing support and encouragement.

If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to work with a running coach, I hope my experience will give you some idea of what to expect. Continue Reading →


Boston Marathon 2022 Roundup

Michelle finishing 3:44:20

It was a great day at the 2022 Boston Marathon for many in our community and we’d like to give some shoutouts to MTA coaching clients, members, and coaches. Here are a few:

First of all congrats to Michelle Baker who ran 3:44:20 dropping her time from her previous 4:00:27! Here’s what she had to say,

“My first Boston Marathon on Monday was amazing. Much of the credit goes to MTA coach Lynn for getting me there. I signed up for coaching after hitting the wall hard at mile 20 when running my first marathon in 2019.

My goal was to BQ (4:05) and run a marathon under 4 hours. Working with coach Lynn I ran and BQ’d at two races in 2021 and was thrilled to be accepted to run Boston in 2022 . . .

With excellent guidance and the training plan from Lynn I ran 3:44:20 at Boston and felt great doing it. The awesome support of the crowds and perfect weather also contributed to this success. . . .Keep reaching for your goals; it’s a great feeling when you get there!!”
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Now it’s no longer “if” but “when”!

Congrats to MTA coaching client Cecilia on running a BQ time at the Hannover Marathon!!

“Hello MTA! Happy to share that yesterday I finished the Hannover marathon in Germany. It was a cold race (32-41F), windy at times, but a very flat course and not crowded. My finish time was 4:03:26, which is an 8-min PR and a BQ for my age group 🙌! Hard work pays off even if your age starts with a “5”!

I remember saying to coach Joel back in 2018, when I signed up for MTA coaching, that I would never run a 4-hour marathon. Now it’s no longer “if” but “when”! Onwards and upwards 😊!”


Achieving a stretch goal with MTA Coaching

Congrats Rachel Everett who worked with MTA Coach Nicole to achieve a PR of 4:38 in her marathon! Here is a wonderful note she shared with our team.

Here is what she had to say . . .

“I’d like to share with you and the MTA team my deepest gratitude to Coach Nicole Hart for training me to a PR at the Go! St. Louis Marathon last weekend!

Her guidance, training and encouragement were absolutely perfect and everything I needed to achieve this stretch goal.
Continue Reading →


Confidence to Run 50 Miles

Gretchen (left) with running friend Laura

Congrats to our coaching client Gretchen Smeltzer on finishing a trail 50 mile ultra!!

Gretchen ran the Syllamo 50 Miler in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. Here is a recap she sent MTA Coach Henry. Reposted with permission.

Hey Coach Henry! Yesterday was incredible!! . . The weather was perfect. Started in the high 30’s and ended in mid 60’s.

Beautiful sunny skies. Lots of elevation and beautiful views of river valleys, Ozark Mountain vistas, Creeks and rocky craigs. Such a beautiful place!! Continue Reading →


A strong, powerful, female athlete

Lauren (left) with Coach Athena (right)

Here is an awesome letter from a Texas runner named Lauren. She worked with MTA Coach Athena for six months inside our Coaching Services. Reposted with permission.

– – -Start of letter – – –

Coach Athena,

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am to have gotten to work with and learn from you.

So much of what I’ve gained from our time together goes beyond running, and it’s hard to put into words just how impactful you’ve been on my life since we connected last year.

When I reached out to MTA for coaching I never imagined I’d end up getting connected with someone who not only provided excellent training and guidance but also served as a key role model I so desperately needed.

You filled a gap I hadn’t realized existed (or perhaps just hadn’t acknowledged) – that of a mentor. And not just any mentor – a strong, powerful, female athlete. Continue Reading →


An epic six weeks!

Congrats to our coaching client Chad Brager on his epic six weeks of racing and testing his endurance!

In 6 weeks he completed 3 marathons, 3 half marathons, a Spartan Beast, a sprint triathlon, multiple virtual races including a trail 12K, and OrangeTheory Hell Week.

“I am having some reflective moments . . . and looking back at it, I really cannot believe what I did in October-November. I am not sure I will ever be able to match the sheer intensity and volume of racing that I did over these last 6 weeks ever again.

I want to cry, I am so happy. I thought I would be hating life and want to quit racing after this. I imagined being burnt out. None of it happened. I feel better than I ever have. I am tired, and sore, but I enjoy that feeling. Thanks, MTA Coach Lynn!”

See his list of races . . . Continue Reading →


One of the best days of my life . . .

Congrats to MTA coaching client Julia Smith on earning a 58 minute PR at the New York City Marathon yesterday!!🤩

“Today was one of the best days of my life. 4:12:49 at the 50th New York City Marathon and in no small part thanks to MTA Coach Lynn! This was a PR of over 58 minutes (!!!) from my first marathon in February.

I truly had no idea what I was doing before coaching and came to her saying I hoped I could run New York in 4:30-4:45! Well obviously that goal was smashed AND my body feels ten times better than it did the first time.

Whether you run, walk, or crawl, you MUST put the NYC marathon on your bucket list. Strangers were screaming my name the entire 26.2 miles and I don’t think I stopped smiling once. Thank you MTA- I truly ran a marathon and changed my life!” -Julia


“Can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!”

Here’s is a wonderful email from Emily, a MTA coaching client, who just completed her first marathon. Congrats Emily on your success!

“Dear MTA, I’ve been listening to the MTA podcast for about 5 years now. Always inspired by the recaps and never really thought I could be a success story due to the fact that training for a 10k or even a 5k would always end up with me developing some sort of injury.

I always wanted to be a runner but I was never consistent enough- I would get discouraged then come back to it every few months. After many failed attempts at trying to train on my own, I bit the bullet and contacted MTA for help. Now today I am proud to say that I am a success story!

I wanted to express my gratitude for having me paired with MTA Coach Antonio to help me get through my first marathon. I was able to show up and successfully complete the 2021 Chicago Marathon injury free! I have gone through so many ups and downs these past few months and Coach Antonio has been nothing but supportive and informative through all of it.

He drew up a training plan that was suitable for me. It was not overwhelming and he really built my confidence up that made me truly believe that I can do hard things! Thank you soooo much again, MTA!!! Running the Chicago Marathon has truly changed my life . . . I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!!” Regards, Emily Novak Continue Reading →