Archive | Fueling

Review: Tailwind as a Race-Day Fuel Source

IMG_2945The electrolyte mix will replace calories and energy without giving the endurance athlete the dreaded sugar crash or bonk.

By Henry Howard

Jennifer Vierling knows the challenges endurance athletes face: the need to replenish lost calories, energy and electrolytes with something that will sustain and hydrate them throughout the event.

Vierling became hooked on cycling when she rode 6 miles from the Charleston airport to the KOA campground to begin a weeklong cycling tour. She put in many miles including RAAM qualifiers and Paris-Brest-Paris, while also supporting her husband, Jeff, as he competed in long-distance cycling events.

They turned their love for endurance sports into a solution for athletes when they created and co-founded Tailwind Nutrition mix and launched their company in 2012. The company actually got started when Jeff ran into nutrition challenges while competing at the Leadville 100 mountain-biking event. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield reached out to us when we first started the MTA podcast five years ago. We have had him on the show every year since and he never fails to deliver great value to our listers. This episode is no exception!

In this interview you will hear him throw down tips on how runners can build muscular strength, obstacle racing mania, common mistakes he sees new runners make, nutritional misinformation, fueling for endurance, meditation, elevation training, chocolate milk, eating fruit post-exercise, drinking craft beer, and more!
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Let’s Get Physiological! Vo2 Max, Heart Rate Variability, Anaerobic Threshold and More

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In this blog post/podcast episode we want to delve into a few more components of understanding how your body ticks by discussing heart rate variability (HRV), V02 max and anaerobic threshold (AT).

I received a question from a listener related to our podcast about heart rate training. He says,

“The only thing you did not discuss and maybe there is no answer to this, but I’d like to know more about monitoring and tracking recovery heart rate after a workout. I “appear” to recover very quickly after a long or hard workout, as my heart rate comes back to normal quickly. Do you have any data or thoughts on this?”

This excellent question leads into the topic of heart rate variability (HRV). Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Air Force Marathon in Dayton, Ohio

Brain overload at the Air Force Museum in Dayton

Brain overload at the Air Force Museum in Dayton

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On Sept 21, 2013 we got to run the 17th annual Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH. This year there were a total of 15,000 participants between the 5k, 10k, half and full marathon.

We made this a family trip and were able to visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force the day before the race. This is a pretty amazing place (with free admission!!) that details the history of aviation with many aircraft and memorabilia from over the years. The kids were as impressed as kids can be with a museum and it was an educational experience that they’re still talking about.

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Interview with Vinnie Tortorich – How Your Good Intentions Have Been Stolen

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Vinnie Tortorich is the author of the book Fitness Confidential – adventures in the weight loss game. *Quick heads up, the book does contain adult language and content.

He is the go to guy for celebrities and athletes who need to get fit fast. He hosts the Angriest Trainer Podcast and is an ultra-endurance cyclist. He has also battled Leukemia, a struggle he chronicles in the book.

Vinnie calls himself America’s angriest trainer but he’s actually a really nice guy. As a personal trainer he doesn’t scream “feel the burn!” when making his clients do push ups. He says that’s only what made-for-T.V. trainers do.

He is angry because of the misinformation that exists in the fitness industry -an industry he’s been working in since the 80s. Vinnie’s contention is that the calorie in calorie out weight loss model is a bunch of bull.

“Your good intentions have been stolen, and I’m here to help you get ’em back!”

The book opens with a situation where movie execs from Disney need him to take 35 pounds off an actress in six weeks.

When you see an actress on the red carpet and you know she just had a baby three weeks ago but she looks fabulous; she either has me or someone like me working with her. -Vinnie Tortorich

He will be the first to tell you that these celebrities types are not genetically perfect. What works for them will work for us. The secret sauce of Fitness Confidential is called NSNG (no sugars no grains). Continue Reading →


How to Avoid Bonking and Cramping During Your Marathon

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In this podcast episode and blog post I will zero in on two common difficulties that can make your marathon a lot more challenging —bonking and cramping. I have heard from many runners who have experienced one of these mishaps. It is time to understand why they happen and what you can do about it.


Bonking is often referred to as “hitting the wall” and this phenomenon happens during long runs and marathons. Bonking can occur when you don’t take in adequate carbohydrate replenishment during your run.

Because the average runner burns 100 calories per mile the body will have depleted its muscle glycogen fuel store after approximately 90 minutes of running (if you haven’t been replenishing the lost calories). When you bonk, your body has burned through its reserve supply of muscle glycogen and what you’ve put into your body hasn’t kept up with the demand. You may feel a sudden fatigue, loss of energy and start taking long walking breaks. Other symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, feeling faint, shakiness and rubbery legs which may indicate that your blood sugar is low.

Bonking may also have a mental component where you feel hopeless or like you can’t go on. If your brain is low on glycogen it logically will be signaling your body to stop whatever folly you’re engaged in.

Here’s what you need to do to prevent bonking:
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Fueling Questions with Steve Born from Hammer Nutrition

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Steve Born gives fueling seminars for Hammer Nutrition.

He is also an accomplished athlete holding two ultra marathon cycling records. This guy rides his bike 1,000 miles for the fun of it!

We asked Steve to give us a fueling overview. What should a runner do the week before, the morning of, during the race, and post-race?

Here is what he said . . . Continue Reading →


Don’t Make These Fueling Mistakes

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When I ran my first marathon I knew next to nothing about fueling. Oh, I did plenty of research on the internet, but still my fueling on long runs was haphazard at best. There was the time when I ate a chicken dinner 2 hours before running 16 miles and it didn’t stay down. There were times when I got light headed from inadequate fueling.

In the last few months I’ve come across some information that has revolutionized my personal fueling. I can’t take credit for coming up with these ideas. Here are some guidelines for smart fueling success: Continue Reading →