Archive | Guest Perspective

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

Not many exercises will burn calories and raise your heart rate quite like running does. However, if you’re not careful, this type of training may actually have adverse consequences, such as suppressing your immune system or even knocking you right off of your feet.

Thankfully, if you pay attention to your pains and recognize your own bad habits, you’ll quickly learn what your body requires to face these strenuous workouts. Here are 10 of the most common mistakes to be aware of.

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Can’t Sleep the Night Before a Marathon?

Big race tomorrow but you’re worried you’re not going to sleep? I hear you. Don’t worry you won’t be alone in that concern. Pre-marathon insomnia is quite common.

A marathon is a big undertaking, no matter if it’s your first or your thirtieth. Nerves are to be expected. A good night’s sleep however will make tomorrow’s twenty six miles go a helluva lot quicker.

Don’t despair, before you go reaching for the horse tranquilizers and sleeping through the starting gun, have a read our top tips to get a good night’s sleep. Continue Reading →

Everything Runners Need to Know about Treating and Preventing Torn Ligaments

Ligament tears, also known as sprains, are extremely common among runners. In fact, they’re one of the top three injuries that runners regularly complain of, along with abrasions and blisters.

Whether you’re training for an upcoming race or just prefer running as your main form of exercise, if you’re not careful, there’s a good chance that you may find yourself dealing with a torn ligament at some point.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about torn ligaments and how to both treat and prevent them. Continue Reading →


Finding and dishing out running inspiration

Cari Masek
Cari Masek started running in seventh grade when two of her friends thought they should all do cross-country together.

Her friends never showed up but Masek did. And she continues to show up as a runner (completing 34 races in 2017) and as a coach (eight teams and counting).

It was a slow beginning for Masek. She didn’t have running gear so she wore jean shorts to practice.

“My race times were slow,” she recalls. “I got picked on for how I looked, and of course, those jean shorts, but I didn’t give up. Continue Reading →


The Science Behind 4 Popular Muscle Recovery Trends

Interested in what scientific research has to say about muscle recovery? Loads of athletes and marathon runners tout various techniques when it comes to helping muscles recover and preventing delayed onset muscle soreness after intense training. If you’re looking to sift through the claims and find real science-backed recovery methods, don’t miss this quick guide: Continue Reading →

The Science Behind 4 Popular Muscle Recovery Trends

Interested in what scientific research has to say about muscle recovery? Loads of athletes and marathon runners tout various techniques when it comes to helping muscles recover and preventing delayed onset muscle soreness after intense training. If you’re looking to sift through the claims and find real science-backed recovery methods, don’t miss this quick guide: Continue Reading →


Semper fi — Marine loses 100 pounds, finishes MCM

Eric HammBy Henry Howard

When Eric Hamm was in the Marine Corps he was a runner. He just didn’t realize it at the time.

“Running was the main source of physical training in the Corps,” says Hamm, who left the service after five years in 2009. “We ran every day in boot camp and almost every workday in the fleet Marine force. I really enjoyed the cadence, it’s very helpful with controlling breathing.”

Hills. Circuit training. With — and without heavy equipment — on. Sometimes three miles. Other days up to nine miles. Running was routine for Hamm. But after returning to the civilian world, life took over and running was set aside. Continue Reading →


10 Warning Signs That You’re Running Too Much

You love running. Your friends praise your efforts on social media. You are the pinnacle of health. You’ve never felt better. So you keep on running. Faster. Longer distances. Until one day… you completely fall to pieces. Sad but true: there is such a thing as running too much, and this type of overtraining can unravel all of your hard work and stop you immediately in your tracks. Rather take a break before you break yourself, by maintaining a careful watch on the following warning signs. Continue Reading →


Ways to Stay Fit with Injured Knees

A knee injury may dramatically hinder your running schedule, but this is not an excuse to lie down and give up. In fact, now more than ever you need to stay fit in order to help your body heal properly, by maintaining flexible joints while avoiding any high impact movements. To do this, look at your dilemma as a blessing in disguise, perhaps an opportunity to embark on something brand new, and try this list of suggestions to begin this fresh journey. Continue Reading →