Archive | Guest Perspective

Guide for Hosting a 5K Charity or Community Race

There are several great rewards individuals, groups, or companies can gain by hosting a 5K charity or community race.

A 5K fun run can help you give people an opportunity to do something that will make them feel good about themselves. Not to mention the money that you can raise for a worthy cause. But there is more involved with running one of these events than you might expect. Continue Reading →


Tips for Night Running

As daylight savings time draws near and the days grow shorter, you might find your late afternoon run turning into a night run, and for those training for a marathon this winter, your mileage is likely only increasing week by week.

Night runs can be hazardous in that visibility is limited for you, for drivers, and potentially for others on your running path. In order to stay safe, don’t miss these top tips: Continue Reading →


Hip Flexor Pain and Pain in the Front of the Hip

Pain in the hip flexor or front of the hip/leg can be associated with several possible causes. When you experience pain in the front of the hip, and it doesn’t have an obvious mechanism of injury (such as tripping in a hole when running), then it’s almost always a repetitive motion injury or related to poor posture and/or biomechanics.

The location of pain in the hip flexor region can range from mid-thigh to the groin area to the lower stomach (from the belly button to the PSIS, which is the posterior superior iliac spine) or the front of the pelvic bone just up and lateral to the groin area where the primary hip flexor (psoas) originates. Continue Reading →


6 Cross-Training Activities for Marathon Runners

You may have heard the term cross-training (also referred to as XT) loosely thrown around the running world, often as runners schedule out cross-training days on their training calendars as a way to stay active and give their joints a break.

If you’re thinking about updating your cross-training routine, don’t miss these important tips and ideas: Continue Reading →


To Stretch or Not To Stretch – What Runners Should Know

stretching While some runners say stretching is vital to performance and muscle health, others conclude that more dynamic warmups benefit a good run over stretching.

Taking a look at how muscles work together, what stretching really does for the body, and when it is best performed, this quick guide can help answer some of your most pressing stretching questions: Continue Reading →


Newbie Notes: Hunting the Elusive “Perfect Training Plan”

Want a non-stop stream of advice? Mention to your (marathoner) husband and (marathoner) brother that you need a training plan for your first marathon. Then sit back and listen to the contradictions roll in:

Run slow to go fast.

You need to up your pace if you’re going to finish in that time.

Your easy runs should be REALLY easy.

If I were coaching you, I would definitely push you more on your long runs.

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