Archive | Health and Wellness

Runner Returns to Marathons After Heart Attack

Marc PesseMarc Pesse, who played rugby while attending his university in Switzerland, enjoyed the pre-training runs. He even considered himself a casual runner for several years.

But then his priorities shifted: heavy travel demands from his job and then starting a family. The combination of added stress and limited exercise took its toll, and Pesse decided to embrace running again in 2011 “to shed some of the accumulated weight and spend some time with myself.”

Not only did he rediscover his love of running and lose weight, Pesse found that the physical activity helped him “function properly socially and professionally. There is a meditative quality to running outdoors which I find truly regenerative.” Continue Reading →


Interview with Dave Asprey, Changing Your Environment to Upgrade Your Health

Dave Asprey
*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

In this episode we speak with Dave Asprey, author of the book Headstrong -The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster

Dave is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $1 million to hack his own biology. He went from 300 pounds to fit and able to perform at a high level. Continue Reading →


The Recovery Episode! Seven Things to Do Post-Run

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Taking time to recover is absolutely essential if you want to get stronger and improve your fitness. During your speed work or long run (or even weight training session) you’re adding stress to your body systems which results in depleting energy levels, broken down muscle tissue, and stressed bones, tendons, and ligaments.

In the period post-workout (the recovery period), the body starts repairing itself so that you can come back stronger during your next run or workout if you do these seven things . . . Continue Reading →


Cupping, Should Runners Try it Too?

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-12-09-42-pmThe 2016 Rio Olympics brought new light to an old treatment–cupping. The world stared as athletes like Michael Phelps proudly displayed his petechia for the world to see.

Petechia is the medical term for the purplish bruise that can form with certain types of cupping techniques.

After seeing so many Olympic athletes with bruises this year, the rest of us were left wondering about this trend of using cupping as a medical treatment or sports enhancement treatment. Does cupping really work? Can I utilize cupping as a self-treatment method for common running related pains? Continue Reading →


Replay Episode: How Heart Rate Training Works

Heart Rate Training *[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Today we bring you a special replay of one of our most popular episodes from 2013. It’s a nuts and bolts kind of topic so get ready to learn a lot!

Maybe you have a heart rate monitor (HRM) that you never use or use a heart rate monitor and get frustrated because you don’t fully understand how to go about using this training method.

In this post I want to cut through the clutter and tell you how to get started with heart rate training. You will learn:

  1. What to know before you start heart rate training
  2. Three ways to find your ideal training zones
  3. The limitations of heart rate training

Ready, set, go! Continue Reading →


InsideTracker Review

N-O_7ZQb_400x400Even as my health has improved, I wasn’t sure about my overall outlook. InsideTracker’s report reveals my successes and guides me on where to improve.

By Henry Howard

I began running about five years ago as a way to improve on my health and cross “finish a marathon” off my bucket list. The side benefits have included eating a healthier diet and eliminating soda — with the exception of a rum and coke from time to time. Continue Reading →


How Running Changes Your Brain –Interview with Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Wendy Suzuki*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Wendy Suzuki has a PhD in neural science and is a researcher at New York University. She’s author of the book Healthy Brain, Happy Life.

We talk with her about the effects of running on the human brain, hippocampus growth, brain plasticity, memory, reward centers, the power of affirmations, meditation and more. Continue Reading →


The Productive Person’s Daily Energy Plan

Photo on 12-1-15 at 7.59 PM #2Our last two podcast episodes were about how busy working professionals find time to train.

Each runner we interviewed has discovered the energizing power of a morning workout. Without it, they would not be as focused and productive in their work.

This reminds me of a book I recently finished reading called, The ONE Thing by Gary Keller.

There’s a section in the book that will give you a helpful framework for managing your energy. Continue Reading →


How We Stay Healthy While Traveling to Marathons 

How we get to most marathons.  I've tried telling Angie that two 26.2 stickers is redundant.

How we get to most marathons. I’ve tried telling Angie that two 26.2 stickers is redundant.

We’ve spent a lot of time on the road this year traveling to marathons.

We’ve literally driven from one coast to another (and seemingly everywhere in between).

Most of our trips are by car and include the whole family. Here’s how we stay healthy (and sane) while traveling across the country with our kids. Continue Reading →