Archive | Health and Wellness

Interview with ‘T-Rex Runner’ Danielle Hastings

I shared a hotel room with Danielle (left) at the 2013 Go! St. Louis Marathon

I shared a hotel room with Danielle (left) at the 2013 Go! St. Louis Marathon

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In this podcast episode we talk with Danielle Hastings (T-Rex Runner) about her eleven year battle with an eating disorder.

I’ve followed Danielle’s blog for some time and was able to meet her at the recent Go! St. Louis Marathon. She has written an excellent series on Eating Disorders for her blog.

Reading these posts made me realize that this serious issue is often avoided or minimalized. I’ve had a few friends over the years who’ve struggled with an eating disorder and I know that there are many people out there with the same battle.

This episode will help educate you on this very important topic. Continue Reading →


Three Moves to Get a Better Chest

Guest Article by Fitness Expert and Triathlete Ben Greenfield

Whether you’re a guy or a girl, a better chest is something that can help you look better in a swimsuit or business suit. But getting a better chest goes far beyond simply looking good or having nice pecs.

This is because the chest muscles are responsible for flexing your upper arm bone (as you’d do when swimming), moving the arm inwards (as you’d do when holding bike handlebars) rotating the arm bone towards the body (as you’d do when running), and breathing deeply (as you’d do during intense exertion).

Because of those actions, getting a better chest is crucial to both aesthetics and performance – whether you’re a power lifter or an endurance athlete.

So here are three ways to take your pecs to the next level and get a better chest: Continue Reading →


Secrets of Proper Recovery

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When I was training for my first couple of marathons I didn’t give recovery much thought.

My biggest priority after finishing a run was getting a shower. I didn’t know that what I did in the minutes and hours after a hard workout was almost as important as the workout itself.

The body has the capacity to work hard and improve, but it also needs time to recover. When you don’t take time to recover properly this can take a toll on the body. Here are the secrets to proper recovery. . . Continue Reading →


Interview with Weight Loss Expert Dr. Robert Maki

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Many people start running to lose weight yet they find that the pounds still won’t come off. I have even seen runners gain weight during marathon training.

Since weight loss is such a pertinent topic in the world of running we decided to bring Dr. Robert Maki onto the podcast.

Dr. Rob is a naturopathic doctor who has helped thousands of people drop the pounds without surgery, fad diets, or appetite suppressants. He doesn’t even make his clients count calories!

Here are the weight loss questions we asked Dr. Rob. . . Continue Reading →


Will Running a Marathon Kill You?

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Occasionally I get the question about whether marathon training is damaging to a person’s body.

Maybe a well meaning person has told you that it will ruin your joints, lead to arthritis, or cause sudden death. Often the people spreading these myths about running do so while clutching a big gulp soda in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

So, what does the evidence say? Having the facts can help you answer people who may be concerned that your running a marathon will lead to an untimely death or disability. Continue Reading →


Preventing Running Injuries

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In this episode Angie deals with how to prevent running injuries so you can remain a healthy and happy long distance runner.  

injuryIf you run enough, at some point you will deal with injury.  Hopefully you will catch and deal with it early. 

Better yet, now you can be informed on how to effectively prevent running injuries before they happen.   

This is the stuff I wish somebody had told me before I started training for my first marathon!

To get Angie’s free report on preventing injuries click here.

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