Archive | Interview

Meet new MTA coach Nicole Hart

By Henry Howard

Running was the furthest thing from Nicole Hart’s mind until her mid-20s. She started running at age 26 when she met her Army husband.

“He was really fit and active and I decided I wanted to be that too,” says Hart.  

But her “why” goes deeper than that. Much deeper.

When she was in nursing school, Hart experienced tachycardia symptoms, and was diagnosed with Wolffe-Parkinson White Syndrome. After seeing a cardiologist, she had the problem surgically corrected by ablation at age 24. Continue Reading →


Interview with Pete Kostelnick, Self-Supported Run from Alaska to Florida!

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Pete Kostelnick was looking for a way to unlock his wildest dreams so he ran from Kenai, Alaska to Key West, Florida. He set out to accomplish this as a self-supported run, pushing all of his gear in a jogging stroller.

He began on July 31st, 2018 and reached Key West on November 5th, 2018. In this interview you will hear how he got into long distance running ten years ago, why he decided to take the adventure of a lifetime, and how he managed to pull it off. Enjoy! Continue Reading →


Heart Rate Training and More with Dr. Phil Maffetone

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When it comes to heart rate training perhaps you have heard of the Maffetone Method -which is a calculation that uses 180 minus your age to find your maximum aerobic function.

The genius of heart rate training is that it trains your body’s systems to tap into its fat stores for energy instead of primarily burning sugar.

That’s why we are excited to have Dr. Maffetone on the podcast to pick his brain about the MAF Method, inflammation, and the over-fat pandemic. Continue Reading →


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Mitch Goldstein after the Berlin Marathon

By Henry Howard

At Mile 18 of the Berlin Marathon in September, Mitch Goldstein came up with a new mantra to keep plowing forward: “There is no wall.”

“It seemed like it fit well in Berlin especially and it mostly worked, just not quite enough,” says Goldstein, who ran just barely over 3:30 in the race.

Goldstein, who ran in high school and for the last nine years consistently, has worked through various mental walls and hurdles thanks to his experience, dedication and the power of the Marathon Training Academy (MTA). Continue Reading →


7 Marathons in 14 Months and 2,577 Injury-Free Miles!

Ryan Hoffman heard the common Marathon Training Academy motto, “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life.”

He did run a marathon — seven and counting, actually. And it did change his life.

Hoffman says he has always been a runner. During his fifth-grade field day, Hoffman ran a 6:55 mile — wearing jeans. In high school, his favorite event was the 800-meter run (in shorts) and in college, he ran to keep in shape. Continue Reading →