Archive | Interview

Interview with the Indomitable Jenn Shelton

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Jenn Shelton is an American ultra marathoner and running nomad. She spends her winters ski mountaineering in the Italian Alps and her summers trail running on far-flung mountain ranges.

In 2007 she set the women’s U.S. 100-mile trail record at the Rocky Raccoon Ultramarathon. She has also won numerous trail and road races and has run a 2:45 marathon, which qualified her for the Olympic Marathon trials.

She is perhaps best known from Christopher McDougall’s best-selling book Born to Run in which she is one of the main characters. Get the book! Continue Reading →


Interview with Scott Jurek

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In this episode we speak with Scott Jurek, legendary ultra runner who ran all 2,189 miles of the Appalachian Trail in 46 days!

In 2015 he set the record for the FKT (fasted known time) on the rugged Appalachian Trail averaging 50 miles per day. He tells his story in a new book which he co-authored with his wife Jenny called, North -Finding My Way on the Appalachian Trail. Continue Reading →


Strength Training for Runners, Interview with Jason Fitzgerald

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In this episode we talk with coach and fellow podcaster Jason Fitzgerald about the dos and don’ts of strength training when preparing for a marathon.

And in this episode’s quick tip we share recommendations on sunglasses for runners.

Plus, we give you an update on our 2 month long road trip . . . something we are calling “Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Adventure”. Continue Reading →


Finding and dishing out running inspiration

Cari Masek
Cari Masek started running in seventh grade when two of her friends thought they should all do cross-country together.

Her friends never showed up but Masek did. And she continues to show up as a runner (completing 34 races in 2017) and as a coach (eight teams and counting).

It was a slow beginning for Masek. She didn’t have running gear so she wore jean shorts to practice.

“My race times were slow,” she recalls. “I got picked on for how I looked, and of course, those jean shorts, but I didn’t give up. Continue Reading →


Interview with Amelia Boone, The Barkley Marathons

Amelia Boone*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Amelia Boone is a world-class obstacle racer and full time corporate attorney. In March of this year she competed in the infamous Barkley Marathons -the race that eats its young. Since the race was started in 1986 only 15 people have successfully completed all 5 loops of the course. Continue Reading →


The Science of Endurance -Interview with Alex Hutchinson

Alex Hutchinson
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In this episode we bring you a fascinating interview with Alex Hutchinson, author of the new book Endure -Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance.

In addition to being an endurance science geek, Alex was one of the few journalists allowed access to the Nike Breaking 2 project in Italy where Eliud Kipchoge ran the fastest marathon in history at 2:00:25 (an unofficial world record). Continue Reading →


Greatest Hits Episode! Mastering the Endurance Mindset

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In this episode we bring you mindset tips, strategies, and stories from past guests on the MTA podcast like Marshal Ulrich, Dr. Jeff Brown, Lisa Smith-Batchen, Dr. Tim Noakes, and Sean Astin.

These conversations will help you master the mental game of long distance running.

In conjunction with our podcasting anniversary this is a “greatest hits” episode on the subject of mental toughness. Continue Reading →


Putting the bottle down, lifting her running spirits up

Judith DahlBy Henry Howard

When Judith Dahl first sipped alcohol she knew it would be a problem.

For many years, she was able to contain her drinking to weekends.

“But eventually, it got to be a daily thing,” says Dahl, of Norway. “The last two years it really escalated, I did not manage to hide it from my kids and my extended family any longer. I have always worked, but it was getting hard to keep up. I began to have trouble attending and when I did, I was sick big parts of the day.”

She hit rock bottom, separating from her husband and feeling depressed. But fortunately she reached out to get help through her doctor, who connected Dahl with someone who could help.

“He signed me up with a counselor, who I went to for almost two years,” Dahl recalls. “But the job was mine to do, I had an amazing family who wanted me back. That was my motivation.”

As drinking moved out of the picture, running moved in. Continue Reading →