Archive | Interview

How to Run-Walk-Run a Marathon -Interview with Jeff Galloway

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Jeff Galloway has had one of the most influential careers in the history of running.  He  competed in the 10k distance at the 1972 Olympics. 

He’s run a 2:16 marathon.  He’s the author of many books and owner of the oldest specialty running store in America.

Many know him as the creator of the Galloway Run-Walk-Run program which has helped hundreds of thousands of people realize their dream of finishing a marathon. 

In this interview we have Jeff take us through how and why his method works for runners of all abilities. Continue Reading →


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon –Interview with Chris Russell

Boston_Marathon_2010_in_Wellesley[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Chris Russell has qualified for the Boston Marathon 16 times.  He is the creator of the Run Run Live podcast and author of Marathon BQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks. 

With the Boston Marathon approaching we thought it would be appropriate to bring you an episode about how to run a BQ time. Here’s what Chris had to say. Continue Reading →


The Ingredients of Success in Endurance and Life – Interview with Joe De Sena

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 11.33.13 AMpodcast-on-itunes-300x97[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Joe De Sena once completed the Badwater 135, Lake Placid Ironman, and Vermont 100 miler in the same week.

He famously finished the 444 mile Iditarod dogsledding race on foot. (Yes people you read that correctly). He starts every morning with 300 burpees and a run then he hoses off with a cold shower JUST FOR FUN. 🙂

His legendary Death Race has taken the strongest human specimens and ground them to powder.

I’ve heard that Chuck Norris has a Joe De Sena lunch box. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield reached out to us when we first started the MTA podcast five years ago. We have had him on the show every year since and he never fails to deliver great value to our listers. This episode is no exception!

In this interview you will hear him throw down tips on how runners can build muscular strength, obstacle racing mania, common mistakes he sees new runners make, nutritional misinformation, fueling for endurance, meditation, elevation training, chocolate milk, eating fruit post-exercise, drinking craft beer, and more!
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Interview with Sean Astin –Actor, Marathoner, and Creator of #RUN3rd

Sean run3rd[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Hey you guys! It’s Sean Astin star of The Goonies, Rudy, Lord of the Rings . . .

All favorite movies of mine.

As a kid I watched The Goonies a dozen times or more. I thought it was a true story. It’s not.

But what is a true story is how Sean has used running to recalibrate his health and fitness and reach greater levels of success.

In this interview you will hear all about Sean’s genesis as a runner, favorite running stories, and future marathon goals.

SPOILER ALERT: He’s working on a 50 State goal.

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Interview with Hal Elrod -How to Have a Miracle Morning

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Hal Elrod is a motivational speaker, success coach and best-selling author of The Miracle Morning -The not so Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform your Life Before 8 a.m..  

At 20 years of age Hal was hit head on by a drunk driver traveling 70 mph.   Despite being clinically dead for 6 minutes, spending 6 days in a coma and being told he would never walk again, Hal made a comeback and went on to become a runner and even complete an ultra-marathon.  Hal lives in California with his wife and 2 children. Continue Reading →


Interview with Michael Wardian – Endurance Athlete Extraordinaire

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

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Michael Wardian is an accomplished marathoner and ultra-marathoner from Arlington VA. Last year he won the Big Sur Marathon and the Disney Dopey Challenge, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

His most recent accomplishment was setting a new indoor 50k World Record at the Hawk Indoor 50k in Hagerstown, MD, finishing 250 laps in 3 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Continue Reading →


Interview with Dave Asprey -Biohacker and High Performance Coach

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Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent 15 years and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. 

Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time.

He is the founder of The Bulletproof Executive company and has one of the top health and fitness podcasts in iTunes. Dave’s new book, THE BULLETPROOF DIET, is available now. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Lee and Colleen Staats

Looking good and loving life.  Colleen and Lee Staats with Meb Keflezighi before the Columbus Marathon.

Looking good and loving life. Colleen and Lee Staats with Meb Keflezighi before the Columbus Marathon.

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In this episode we bring you a marathon success story with Lee and Colleen Staats, two Academy members from Galion, Ohio, who are transforming their lives through running.

They have both lost weight since starting to run and recently completed the Columbus Marathon.

Colleen set a PR in the half and Lee qualified for Boston by running 3:21:52.

They have both battled through injury and a busy work load to achieve their goals.

It has been my great honor to be their running coach. Continue Reading →


Musician Conquers Alcoholism, Then Ultras

10003585_10204714372890015_6944650481230729807_o-2Just running wasn’t enough for Ryan Deguzis to break his addiction. It did play a role, however, and now he is loving life and giving back.

By Henry Howard

MTA member Ryan Deguzis has a lot going for him: he’s a classical musician, teaches students, has a steady girlfriend and recently finished his first ultra marathon.

But it wasn’t always like this. Like millions of Americans from all walks of life — millionaires to soccer moms — Deguzis battled an addiction to alcohol. He’s been sober for 3 ½ years now.

“Running was one of the things that helped me escape alcoholism,” he says. Continue Reading →


Interview with Vinnie Tortorich – Why Exercise is a Poor Way to Lose Weight

VinnieVinnie Tortorich is a Hollywood personal trainer and author of the book Fitness Confidential.

He has been a fitness trainer for over 30 years. Many of you will know him for advocating a no sugar no grains lifestyle. You can hear him on the Angriest Trainer Podcast found in iTunes and at

We brought Vinnie back on the show to talk about weight loss, clean eating, and answer questions sent in by Academy members.

I know you will love this interview! Continue Reading →


Interview with Nikolas Toocheck | Eleven-Year-Old Marathoner

photo credit: Nik's Facebook page

photo credit: Nik’s Facebook page

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Nikolas Toocheck (age 11) is the youngest runner to complete a marathon on all seven continents.

He was inspired to start running when he witnessed his dad, Daniel Toocheck, cross the finish line at the NYC Marathon.

After completing a half marathon Nik noticed how much energy he still had left so he asked his parents if he could try running a full marathon.

Then he had the idea to run a marathon on all seven continents.

After checking with sports medicine doctors and pediatricians Nik’s parents decided to help him pursue his seven continent goal.

In September of 2014 he completed this goal setting a World Record at age 11 and raising over $40,000 for Operation Warm an organization that provides new coats to underprivileged children. Continue Reading →