Archive | Interview

Interview with Traci Falbo – 242 Miles in 48 Hours

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Traci Falbo recently set the World Indoor 48 hour record by running just over 242 miles at an event called Six Days Under the Dome.

Traci is a pediatric physical therapist. She belongs to all 3 of the 50 states clubs and is a Marathon Maniac. She lives in Charlestown, IN, with her husband Mike and two teenage children.

Ten years ago Traci decided to lose weight and train for her first marathon. She lost 80 pounds and completed her first marathon and has since run a marathon in every state and many 100 milers.

See the before and after picture: Continue Reading →


Mental Toughness – Lisa Smith-Batchen on Completing a Badwater Quad

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She did it! In July of this year Lisa Smith-Batchen became the first woman to complete a Badwater Quad.

That’s four back to back Badwater Ultra Marathons, 584 miles through Death Valley where temperatures reached as high as 127 degrees.

Lisa is an accomplished ultra-marathoner and coach and lives with her family in Driggs, Idaho. The first time we spoke with her was on podcast episode #78.

In this interview we talk with Lisa about her record setting run, her training, mental toughness, hallucinations, her money raising efforts to provide clean water to villages and much more. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Dean Karnazes

Death Valley sunset*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Dean Karnazes is author of the NY Times best selling book Ultra-Marathon Man –Confessions of an all Night Runner.

He is known for pushing the limits of human endurance, like when he ran 350 continuous miles without sleep, or the time he ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

Dean is also an accomplished entrepreneur and motivational speaker. He has succeeded in convincing millions of people that they can go far beyond their perceived limitations.

List of questions Continue Reading →


Interview with Stephanie Howe -Western States 100 Mile Champion

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In this episode we talk with Stephanie Howe the winner of this year’s Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run.

Stephanie finished in 18:01:42 -the fourth fastest female finishing time recorded in WS history.

She is also a running coach, a North Face sponsored athlete and a PhD student at Oregon State University with a minor in nutrition and major in exercise physiology.

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Marathon Success Story with Jeriod Turner

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In this podcast episode we talk with Jeriod Turner a member of the Academy who has been on a life changing transformation in his health and fitness.

He has lost 50 pounds in the last six months. He recently ran a 1:31 half marathon and is currently training for his second full marathon in September.

Jeriod works as a commercial lender for Commerce Bank he is married and has two kids and lives in Hannibal, Missouri.

His progress has inspired us all!

See before and after picture. Continue Reading →


Be Awesome! Interview with Desert Runner Samantha Gash

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In this episode we talk with Samantha Gash an ultra marathoner from Australia who became the first female and youngest person to complete Racing the Planet’s Four Deserts Grand Slam in one calendar year.

This race series included the following 250km ultra-marathons:
Atacama (Chile) the driest desert
Gobi (China) the windiest desert
Sahara (Egypt) the hottest desert
Antarctica the coldest desert

Samantha considers herself to be an ordinary runner who decided to attempt something extraordinary.

Take some inspiration from her story, dream big, go out and be awesome! Continue Reading →


Interview with Joe De Sena – Founder of the Spartan Race

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In this episode we talk with Spartan Race founder Joe De Sena about his new book Spartan Up – a Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles And Achieving Peak Performance.

Joe’s Bio:
Joe De Sena is the founder of Spartan Race the world’s leading obstacle race series with events taking place all over the planet. In addition to being an accomplished businessman, he is a hard core ultra endurance athlete. He and his wife and their four children make their home in Vermont.
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Interview with Jan Seeley -Race Director and Publisher of Marathon and Beyond Magazine

Jan Seeley with Danny Bourgeois

Jan Seeley with Danny Bourgeois

*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a big marathon?

In this episode we talk with Jan Seely co-race director at the Christi Clinic Illinois Marathon in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

This race attracts more that 20,000 runners each year and was ranked as one of the best new marathons in 2014 by Runner’s World.

Jan is also co-owner of Marathon and Beyond Magazine -a bimonthly magazine tailored specifically for marathoners and ultrarunners. Continue Reading →


Going Beyond Training to Master Your Fitness – Interview with Ben Greenfield


Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

In this episode we talk with nutrition expert and triathlete Ben Greenfield about going beyond training to master your endurance.

Ben talks with us about being a fat adapted runner and answers nutrition questions from the listening audience.

You will hear questions and answers about his new book Beyond Training, the benefit of fat adaption for endurance athletes, the best way to become fat-adapted, what to do about an under active thyroid, snacks that fill you up without causing weight gain, what type of diet his kids eat, preventing heart & coronary disease, and the question of whether supplements provide a clear benefit.

But Wait There’s More!
We got exclusive permission to post content from chapter 13 of Beyond Training -the chapter entitled “How Much Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat You Need to Stay Lean, Stay Sexy, and Perform Like a Beast”.

I asked him for this chapter because it deals specifically with high fat low-carb diets. As far as I know, we are the only website on the internet where you can read this content for free! (yes, we feel special) Continue Reading →


Your Brain as the Central Governor – Interview with Dr. Tim Noakes

Dr. Tim Noakes*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Dr. Tim Noakes is a professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

He has completed more than 70 marathons and ultra-marathons and is the author of Waterlogged, Running Injuries, Challenging Beliefs, and the Lore of Running.

The Lore of running (900 pages) is the first running book Trevor bought me before we started the MTA podcast. I have kept it by my reading chair for reference ever since. It is worth its weight in gold.

While we had Dr. Noakes on the phone we were eager to talk with him about how the brain governs one’s performance in the marathon. Here’s what he had to say, Continue Reading →


Run More! Interview with Chuck Engle aka Marathon Junkie

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In this episode we talk with Chuck Engle the man who holds the record for most career marathon wins of any person in the United States.

He has won 164 out of 332 marathons with an average time of 2:43. At age 42 he continues to race almost every weekend and he continues to win.

Chuck lives in Coos Bay, Oregon, and is the internet marketing director for His approach to marathon training is “run more”.

Ten questions for the marathon junkie: Continue Reading →


Interview with Elite Runner Leah Thorvilson – 2:37 Marathoner

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Leah Thorvilson is the 4 time winner of the Little Rock Marathon, competed in the 2012 Olympic Trials and holds the 4th fastest 50 mile time ever recorded for an American woman.

She won the Tupelo Marathon this year (I saw her blazing by me on the out and back section). And she recently became the director of athletic development at her alma mater, the University of Arkansas Little Rock.

We talked with her about her runner career, training and the lessons she learned from a torn hamstring.

Here are some of the questions we asked Leah and a few tips about injury prevention Continue Reading →