Archive | Low Carb

Nutrition for Runners with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

Mark Cucuzzella
*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this episode of the MTA Podcast we bring you an in-depth and fascinating conversation with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella on the subject of nutrition for runners. And in the quick tip segment we share a mantra for your first marathon that takes the pressure off your finishing time. Continue Reading →


Interview with Professor Tim Noakes

Professor Tim Noakes  photo credit: Noakes Foundation

photo credit: Noakes Foundation

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Professor Tim Noakes is still exploding minds! In this interview we ask him about the biggest “aha” moments over his 40 years of studying runners.

You will learn about the dangers of over-hydration (hyponatremia), the brain’s Central Governor, the real reason we slow down in the marathon, and how the Banting Diet (low carb eating) caught fire in South Africa. Continue Reading →


How to Run a Sub-Four Hour Marathon (Fat Adapted Version)

Awkward photo alert:  Trev at the Myrtle Beach Marathon photo credit:

Awkward photo alert: Trev at the Myrtle Beach Marathon
photo credit:

Last year I wrote a post called “How I Ran a Sub-Four Hour Marathon”.

You can see it here. Amazingly, this little post has continued to generate high numbers of visitors every month.

Well ladies and gentleman, I have broken the 4:00 barrier again! (spontaneous cheering ignites all over the world wide web).

I ran 3:56:35 in Myrtle Beach.

I’m not setting any speed records to be sure. I’m just a middle of the pack runner. At my age I would need to clock a 3:05 to qualify for Boston! Ha, ha, ha . . .

Nevertheless, breaking 4 hours for the second time feels really good. Especially after running a miserable 4:53:23 at the Rocket City Marathon in December. (Let’s not talk about that race).

The cool part about running sub-four this time is that I did not carry a boat load of fuel. What did I carry? Nothing but my fat baby! (sort of).

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Going Beyond Training to Master Your Fitness – Interview with Ben Greenfield


Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

In this episode we talk with nutrition expert and triathlete Ben Greenfield about going beyond training to master your endurance.

Ben talks with us about being a fat adapted runner and answers nutrition questions from the listening audience.

You will hear questions and answers about his new book Beyond Training, the benefit of fat adaption for endurance athletes, the best way to become fat-adapted, what to do about an under active thyroid, snacks that fill you up without causing weight gain, what type of diet his kids eat, preventing heart & coronary disease, and the question of whether supplements provide a clear benefit.

But Wait There’s More!
We got exclusive permission to post content from chapter 13 of Beyond Training -the chapter entitled “How Much Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat You Need to Stay Lean, Stay Sexy, and Perform Like a Beast”.

I asked him for this chapter because it deals specifically with high fat low-carb diets. As far as I know, we are the only website on the internet where you can read this content for free! (yes, we feel special) Continue Reading →


High Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets | Interview with Dr. Tim Noakes [part 2]

Tim Noakes*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Many runners have experienced this frustration . . . no matter how much you run it doesn’t seem to have a dramatic effect on your weight loss.

Speaking from his personal experience of having completed over 70 marathons and ultra marathons Dr. Noakes writes,

“In forty-one years of running I have learnt that the numerous benefits of exercise do not include any sustained effects on weight loss.” -Challenging Beliefs, Kindle version

We have all heard the conventional formula for losing weight: (1) eat less (2) exercise more.

But when you step back and think about this model a cruel irony settles in . . . Continue Reading →


Interview with Vinnie Tortorich – How Your Good Intentions Have Been Stolen

Vinnie*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Vinnie Tortorich is the author of the book Fitness Confidential – adventures in the weight loss game. *Quick heads up, the book does contain adult language and content.

He is the go to guy for celebrities and athletes who need to get fit fast. He hosts the Angriest Trainer Podcast and is an ultra-endurance cyclist. He has also battled Leukemia, a struggle he chronicles in the book.

Vinnie calls himself America’s angriest trainer but he’s actually a really nice guy. As a personal trainer he doesn’t scream “feel the burn!” when making his clients do push ups. He says that’s only what made-for-T.V. trainers do.

He is angry because of the misinformation that exists in the fitness industry -an industry he’s been working in since the 80s. Vinnie’s contention is that the calorie in calorie out weight loss model is a bunch of bull.

“Your good intentions have been stolen, and I’m here to help you get ’em back!”

The book opens with a situation where movie execs from Disney need him to take 35 pounds off an actress in six weeks.

When you see an actress on the red carpet and you know she just had a baby three weeks ago but she looks fabulous; she either has me or someone like me working with her. -Vinnie Tortorich

He will be the first to tell you that these celebrities types are not genetically perfect. What works for them will work for us. The secret sauce of Fitness Confidential is called NSNG (no sugars no grains). Continue Reading →