Archive | Mindset

Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Summer Adventure

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In this episode we recap our big road trip to Alaska, which we are calling “Angie and Trev’s Most Excellent Summer Adventure.” Plus we talk about why you should take the plunge in marathon training and life.

We also have an important announcement about this year’s MTA Podcast Virtual Half Marathon!

Lot’s of photos ahead . . . Continue Reading →


Three lessons I’ve learned from 10 years of running marathons

My first marathon

After I finished marathon #52, the Rhode Island Races Marathon, it dawned on me that my first marathon had been almost ten years ago to the day.

That first marathon was the 2008 Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.

The above photo is from the finish line area on that day. I remember being filled with both excitement and nervousness. When this photo was taken we only had two little kidos and Trevor was still a non-runner. I had purchased the hat I was wearing at the expo the day before because rain was in the forecast. It’s still my go-to marathon hat all this time later.

Fast forward 10 years and 52 marathons later, here’s what I’ve learned . . .

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Greatest Hits Episode! Mastering the Endurance Mindset

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In this episode we bring you mindset tips, strategies, and stories from past guests on the MTA podcast like Marshal Ulrich, Dr. Jeff Brown, Lisa Smith-Batchen, Dr. Tim Noakes, and Sean Astin.

These conversations will help you master the mental game of long distance running.

In conjunction with our podcasting anniversary this is a “greatest hits” episode on the subject of mental toughness. Continue Reading →