Archive | Motivation

100 Marathons After Parkinson’s Disease -Interview with Rhonda Foulds

Rhonda is in the blue shirt to the right of the banner.

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Interview with Rhonda Foulds

In this episode we speak with longtime listener and Academy member Rhonda Foulds who competed 100 marathons after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and undergoing multiple brain surgeries! Plus Angie answers a question from a listener who asks, “Can I Really Run a Marathon?”. Continue Reading →


How to Stay Motivated When Your Race is Cancelled

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Because of the Corona Virus so many spring races have been cancelled or postponed. It’s really felt like dominos falling!

Just this past past week we’ve learned that the Boston Marathon will be moving to mid-September and London will be early October. And given the seriousness of the Covid-19 virus it’s important to take these safety precautions. Cancelling large events and social gatherings can save lives by flattening the curve of infection.

But what do you do now that your race is cancelled? Continue Reading →


Deconstructing a Huge Running Goal

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For some people dreaming big seems to come as naturally as breathing. They’re always thinking about a next adventure or challenge to take on. Their default mode seems to be “bring it on.”

But many of us struggle with anxiety and self-doubt which makes setting goals much harder. I have to admit that my first thought after hearing about a big goal or challenge is often, “I could never do that.”

That’s how I responded to two ladies who were telling me about the requirements to join the Marathon Maniacs Club. Continue Reading →


How to Have a Good Decade

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This time of the year there’s a lot of attention put on goals, resolutions, getting motivated, and having the best year ever. I think there’s every more hype about it this year because we’re starting a new decade.

The title of this episode is based on a book I read recently called How to Have a Good Day-Harness the Power of Behavioral Science To Transform Your Working Life by Caroline Webb. Continue Reading →


Running Outside The Comfort Zone

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In this episode we bring you an interview with Susan Lacke, author of the new book Running Outside The Comfort Zone -An Explorer’s Guide To The Edges of Running.

In the quick tip segment Angie answers a question about what to do if your training plan doesn’t have the correct number of weeks until race day.

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How to Do a Mid-Year Running Review

Wow! At the time of this post we’re already more than halfway through 2019. That just blows my mind! We all have challenges to face along this crazy and wonderful journey of long distance running. If you’re not where you want to be right now don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your strategy.

By evaluating whether you’re where you want to be and making progress toward your goals you can know that your energy and efforts are going in the right direction. Continue Reading →