Archive | Motivation

How to Do a Mid-Year Running Review

Wow! At the time of this post we’re already more than halfway through 2019. That just blows my mind! We all have challenges to face along this crazy and wonderful journey of long distance running. If you’re not where you want to be right now don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your strategy.

By evaluating whether you’re where you want to be and making progress toward your goals you can know that your energy and efforts are going in the right direction. Continue Reading →


Charlevoix Marathon Race Recap + How to Keep Pushing in a Marathon

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The first main stop on our 2019 camping trip out West (which Trevor is calling our Ultramarathon Sufferfest Extravaganza) was the beautiful Charlevoix Marathon along the shores of Lake Michigan.

This was my 58th marathon, 45th state, and 4th fastest marathon.

The day went better than I expected and I managed to squeak out a BQ and get 1st place in my age group.

Let me tell you all about it . . .

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A Look at How We Are Training for Our Next Marathon

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In this episode we give you an inside look at our training for the London Marathon, what we’ve been doing and how it’s working.

This will be marathon #57 for me and I’m experimenting with higher mileage.

Plus, I’ll explain what I’m doing for strength training and what my morning routine looks like (which is quite the contrast to Trevor’s routine).

And in this episode’s quick tip we feature a listener question about rotating shoes during training. Continue Reading →


Taking Action and Setting Big Goals in Running and Life!

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The beginning of the year is definitely a great time to set aside space for self reflection, both on the year gone by and the year stretching ahead. This can help you stay the course or correct your course.

In this episode we want to offer you two simple but powerful tips for making 2019 an epic year. Plus, we are going to be sharing a lot of books with you. So get ready to channel your inner student!

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Finding Your “WHY” as a Long Distance Runner

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Why do you run?  In this episode we talk about the importance of finding your “why” if you want be a long term runner and what listeners shared with us about what motivates them.

Plus we give you a quick run down of this year’s MTA Virtual Half Marathon.   And in the quick tip segment, Angie answers a question about how to implement treadmill running into your training.  Continue Reading →


Episode 26.2! How Has Marathon Training Changed You?

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We started podcasting eight years ago and this week we finally reached episode #262!!

Since the number 26.2 represents the distance of a marathon we decided to ask our listeners how the process of training for a marathon has changed them. Runners from all over the world called in and left a voice mail and we are amazed by the stories and insights they shared! Continue Reading →


If Life is a Marathon, Here Are the Rules!

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Hey guys this is Trevor and I’m currently in Switzerland for the Jungfrau Marathon -which is a brutal but absolutely gorgeous race in the Swiss Alps.

This episode is going to be a bit unusual. You will hear a recording of a motivational talk I gave, to a group of non-runners, about what running marathons has taught me about life.

In the quick tip segment Coach Angie explains how to successfully taper for a race, because many runners go through “taper madness”. Enjoy! Continue Reading →


Three lessons I’ve learned from 10 years of running marathons

My first marathon

After I finished marathon #52, the Rhode Island Races Marathon, it dawned on me that my first marathon had been almost ten years ago to the day.

That first marathon was the 2008 Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.

The above photo is from the finish line area on that day. I remember being filled with both excitement and nervousness. When this photo was taken we only had two little kidos and Trevor was still a non-runner. I had purchased the hat I was wearing at the expo the day before because rain was in the forecast. It’s still my go-to marathon hat all this time later.

Fast forward 10 years and 52 marathons later, here’s what I’ve learned . . .

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