Archive | Nutrition

What are healthy snacks to keep hunger in check between meals?

Metabolism expert Angelo Poli from MetPro gives recommendations on healthy snacks for runners to help keep hunger in check between meals. Talk to a metabolic expert about your goals:

I always feel motivated when listening to your podcast! Your enthusiasm, humor, education, and podcast topics helped me get back into running after my first AND second baby! “I can do hard things!” I find that I am more than 1 minute per mile slower post babies, which is hard to accept as I like competing with myself! I wonder if it’s due to my change in nutrition, or sleep, or both?! I would love to learn about quick, practical snacks for a full scheduled, working mom of two, trying to get back to quick paced running, please! I appreciate your knowledge, inspiration, and time. Sincerely, Berenise Lemus Balguma


Weight Loss Story Update

Here I am at the Juneau Marathon in 2018 and the Revel Kulia Marathon in 2020

As many of you know I’ve been working with a nutrition coach through a company called for the past 18 months. They offer a concierge nutrition coaching program that helps you dial in your specific nutritional needs and reach your body composition goals.

During the first nine months of working with my Metpro coach I was able to lose 30 pounds of fat. Even better I noticed increased energy, better recovery, and an improvement in my running. I wrote about it here.

Now that I’ve been eating and “MetPro way” for 18 months I want to give you an update on my journey . . . Continue Reading →


My Weight Loss Story

I am 30 pounds lighter than I was last year

As many of you know I’ve been working with a nutrition coach through a company called MetPro for the past nine months. At the time of this writing I’ve shed 30 pounds, have amazing energy, and am starting to see improvements in my marathon times! Many people have inquired about my journey so I thought I’d share more of the details. Continue Reading →


Ask the Coach Episode + Road Trip Rundown!

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In this episode we bring you an Ask the Coach Episode as we answer questions about hill work, tricks to increasing speed, and what to eat before a race and more.

Plus we give you a road trip rundown of our 7,719 mile journey across America and Angie will explain how to keep your habit of running while traveling.

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Weight Loss Tips for Marathoners

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In this podcast episode we bring you a special conversation with our nutrition coach, Natalie Mason, about how marathoners can lose weight and still maintain energy to do what they love.

And in the quick tip segment I’ll share how you can incorporate lower body strength training into your routine and never skip leg day again! Continue Reading →


The Importance Of Carbs and Protein When Training for a Marathon

Making the decision to train for a marathon is a big commitment, and it usually means undertaking a complete overhaul of your routine.

Many of us training know how important our workout schedules are and we know why we need to allow our bodies to become accustomed to strenuous activity. A big part of that transformation to ensure that you’re successful in your fitness goals is your diet. Continue Reading →


An elite runner dishes on nutrition

Tina Muir embraces the high fat/high protein fueling method, while rewarding her sweet tooth with a daily dessert.

By Henry Howard

At age 14, Tina Muir hid in the bathroom as her cross-country team was starting practice. In time she realized that she was not only good at running but actually enjoyed it.

Running is now an integral part of Muir’s life. She’s an elite runner for Saucony, community manager for Runners Connect and hosts her own podcast. (MTA’s Angie Spencer was featured on a previous episode.) Continue Reading →


Sneak Peak! Our interview with Shalane Flanagan

Screen Shot 2016-05-27 at 10.08.41 PMWe are totally stoked to speak with U.S. Olympic marathoner Shalane Flanagan and her friend Elyse Kopecky about their forthcoming cookbook Run Fast. Eat Slow.

The full interview will not be released until August, around the time Shalane is running the Olympic Marathon in Rio. Bt, here is a video excerpt of us asking Shalane and Elyse about pre-race meals. Continue Reading →