Archive | Podcasts

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast was started in 2010 to inspire and empower everyday people to live healthier lives and achieve fitness goals by unleashing their marathon potential. The show features actionable training wisdom delivered in a funny and relatable style. Co-hosts Angie and Trevor want you to believe that you have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!

How to Beat a Motivational Slump in Your Running

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There are many different reasons why you may face a lack of enthusiasm and energy for training.

We often face life stressors—those positive or negative events that cause change or upheaval in life.

Some of these events may be easy to identify but some are more subtle. Things like a new job, loss of job, starting school, ending school, getting married, going through a divorce, having a baby, kids leaving the nest, moving, building a home, death of a friend or family member, illness, injury, a running partner moving, change of schedule, change of seasons, cold or hot weather, etc.

All these things can leave us with less energy and throw off our normal routine. Before you know it you may be in an exercise or running slump. And the longer you go without running regularly, the harder it is to start doing it again.

Pretty soon you wonder if you’ll ever get your mojo back. Continue Reading →


Interview with David Clark -From Self-Described Obese Alcoholic to Ultramarathoner

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David Clark is author of the book “Out There -A Story of Ultra Recovery”

He’s a Colorado runner who’s done some of the toughest ultramarathons in the U.S. -the Leadville Trail 100 and the Badwater 135.

He’s living proof that you can change your life through.

I met David at the Leadville Trail Marathon expo in Leadville, Colorado. When I saw his before and after picture I knew I had to read the book. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Leadville Trail Marathon

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The Leadville Race Series currently operated by Life Time Fitness puts on the Leadville Trail Marathon and Heavy Half along with several more running and cycling events every year (most famously known for the Leadville Trail 100 miler).

The marathon is in its sixteenth year and starts in the Historic Mining District located on the east side of Leadville—an area known for its mining heritage, beautiful scenery and exciting trails. Continue Reading →


Fitness Begins In The Mind!

Angie and family climbing Square Butte in Central Montana

Angie and family climbing Square Butte in Central Montana

Since we’re traveling around the American West climbing mountains and seeing family we’re a little behind on podcast production.

Here’s a training lesson pulled directly from the Academy member’s only area. I know you’ll love it!

Before you can physically run 26.2 miles or accomplish any other running goal you have to believe that you can do it. Continue Reading →


An Inside Look into the Life of an Elite Runner – Interview with Tina Muir

photo credit: Tina Muir

photo credit: Tina Muir

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Tina Muir is a 2:41:10 marathoner and team member of the Saucony Hurricanes. She’s also community manager and podcaster at Runner’s Connect.

Originally from England, Tina moved to the States in 2007 to pursue her running career. She capped off her collegiate career by finishing 3rd in the 10k at the 2012 Great Britain Olympic Trials.

She spent two years working as an Assistant Coach for La Salle University in Philadelphia while completing her MBA

At the time of this episode Tina lives in central Kentucky and is engaged to be married. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Lincoln Marathon | A Hot Time In The Old Town!

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The 38th running of the National Guard Lincoln Marathon was held on Sunday May 3, 2015.

This race started in 1978 in Lincoln Nebraska and is organized by the Lincoln Track Club. This race has gained in popularity over the years to the current number of 12,500 starters.

It also holds a distinction that few marathons do in that it sells out quickly. In fact, registration opened Jan. 3rd and sold out within the space of a few hours. Continue Reading →


Interview with Travis Macy – Ultra Runner, Adventurer, Author

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Travis Macy is a professional endurance athlete who has raced the toughest ultra marathons around the globe. He’s author of the new book The Ultra Mindset – An endurance champion’s 8 core principles for success in business, sports, and life.

He lives with his wife and children in the mountains of Colorado. Continue Reading →


Boston Marathon Q and A (race recap part 2)

Priceless expressions from cold and weary marathon finishers.

Priceless expressions from cold and weary marathon finishers.

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Hhere’s part two of our Boston Marathon Race Recap. In this episode you will hear my marathon montage as I spent the day walking around with a digital recorder much to Angie’s chagrin!

Our friend Jason Pina of Providence, RI, articulates what the Boston Marathon has meant to him.

Angie answers member questions about her race experience and how she trains.

See the pictures: Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Boston Marathon [part 1]

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The 119th Boston Marathon presented by John Hancock was held on April 20, 2015. Started in 1897, this is the world’s oldest annual marathon held the third Monday of April on Patriot’s Day. It is also one of the 6 World Marathon Majors (joining Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City).

As most people know, entrants must qualify using a set of gender and age specific standards, run for charity or be really important and get a bib. Over 170 million dollars has been raised for charity in the last 30 years!

It’s interesting to note that in the beginning the distance wasn’t 26.2 miles/42.2k. Instead it started in Ashland and was around 24 miles (the distance wasn’t standardized to what we currently know until the London Olympics in 1908). The inaugural field in 1897 was 15 men and 10 finished that first Boston Marathon. Things have certainly changed because the race was capped at 30,000 this year with an elite field followed by four waves of runners.

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How to Run-Walk-Run a Marathon -Interview with Jeff Galloway

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Jeff Galloway has had one of the most influential careers in the history of running.  He  competed in the 10k distance at the 1972 Olympics. 

He’s run a 2:16 marathon.  He’s the author of many books and owner of the oldest specialty running store in America.

Many know him as the creator of the Galloway Run-Walk-Run program which has helped hundreds of thousands of people realize their dream of finishing a marathon. 

In this interview we have Jeff take us through how and why his method works for runners of all abilities. Continue Reading →


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon –Interview with Chris Russell

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Chris Russell has qualified for the Boston Marathon 16 times.  He is the creator of the Run Run Live podcast and author of Marathon BQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks. 

With the Boston Marathon approaching we thought it would be appropriate to bring you an episode about how to run a BQ time. Here’s what Chris had to say. Continue Reading →