Archive | Podcasts

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast was started in 2010 to inspire and empower everyday people to live healthier lives and achieve fitness goals by unleashing their marathon potential. The show features actionable training wisdom delivered in a funny and relatable style. Co-hosts Angie and Trevor want you to believe that you have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!

Runners You Should Know

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Several months ago my sister Autum suggested that we do a segment on each podcast featuring a notable marathoner. Since I haven’t implemented that yet I decided to do an entire podcast episode on four runners I admire.

There are hundreds of amazing runners I could talk about from all over the world. Here are four you should know: Continue Reading →


How to Survive the Summer in Your Marathon Training

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Summer ranks among many people’s favorite season of the year. Vacations, warm weather, more daylight, BBQ, pool time… what’s not to love? Many runners are surprised to find that keeping their momentum going during the summer can be a challenge. If you’re struggling to be consistent in your marathon training this summer you are not alone.

I recently did a poll on the MTA Facebook page and found the top reasons why people struggled with marathon training in the summer.

  • Only 11% said that they remain just as motivated during the summer
  • 62% struggled with heat/humidity
  • 22% had a hard time due to travel/family commitments
  • 5% dealt with allergies or a general lack of motivation.

In this post I share some tips on how to get past these barriers and make this summer one of your fittest ever. Continue Reading →


Weight Loss Questions with Dr. Robert Maki

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Many people start running in order to lose weight. [I admit, this was my motivation in the beginning].

Yet even when running as religiously as I do, dropping the extra pounds can still be a slow process. Sometimes weight loss feels like a mystery.

Here to help us unravel the mystery is weight loss expert Dr. Robert Maki. He has helped thousands of people drop the pounds without surgery, fad diets, appetite suppressants, or counting calories.

We spoke to Dr. Rob for over an hour about weight loss and marathon training. Here are the interview questions.

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How to Develop a Strong Finishing Kick for Your Marathon

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In the racing world, kick refers to sprinting towards the end of a race.

Having a good kick doesn’t happen by accident. Some runners have more natural proclivity toward running faster, but kick has to do with neuro-muscular training. It involves a combination of physical and mental preparation.

I was recently interviewed by a writer for Men’s Running Magazine on the subject of how to achieve a sprint finish at the end of your run.

Here are some key points from this interview: Continue Reading →


Race Recap | The Kentucky Derby Marathon

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My plan is to run a marathon in all 50 States. I’m always looking to add a new state to my collection. I had my eyes on the Kentucky Derby Marathon in Louisville, Kentucky for some time hoping I could work it in on my calendar.

This is a large event with almost 18,000 runners –most are participating in the half or “mini” marathon.

Every marathon has its own personality. We found this race to be fun, well organized and able to capture the personality of the city. Here is my race recap: Continue Reading →


The History of the Marathon

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When you run a marathon you become part of a living history.

Crossing the finish line connects you to those who have endured the toughness of marathon training before you.

Over 500,000 people will run a marathon in the US alone this year.

Here is the history of how our sport came to be.

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Maintaining Your Momentum in Marathon Training

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Keeping good steady momentum is crucial to meeting your running goals.

There will be times when you might feel unmotivated or bogged down in your marathon training. In this post I will show you five great ways to keep your enthusiasm for running and exercise week after week.

Here is how I keep momentum… Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Wisdom from the New Orleans Rock n Roll Marathon

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I finished the New Orleans Rock and Roll Marathon in 3:36:47. I missed qualifying for Boston by 1 minute and 47 seconds!

Even though I didn’t qualify, I’m not overly disappointed with my performance. I set a personal record -beating my previous best time by 7 minutes. I think that the lessons I learned during this race will be helpful as I continue to reach for my personal best in the future.

If you take the time to analyze your race experience you’ll find valuable lessons to apply to future marathons and even other challenges in life.

“Every time I fail, I assume I will be a stronger person for it. I keep on running figuratively and literally, despite a limp that gets more noticeable with each passing season, because for me there has always been a place to go and a terrible urgency to get there.” -Joan Benoit Samuelson

Maybe you’ll be running a half or full marathon this spring. Here are three essential marathon strategies. Continue Reading →


How To Get A More Athletic Looking Body – Interview with Fitness Expert Ben Greenfield

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Ben does 15-20 triathlons a year. This means he is not unaccustomed to stripping down to Speedos to hit the water.

Lucky for him he’s tri-ripped (a ripped triathlete).

After perusing his website I (Trevor) see that once you are tri-ripped, you can pose for half of all photographs with your shirt off.

The last time I had my shirt off in public I spent all day sucking in my non tri-ripped stomach.

The problem is . . . even though I am in pretty good shape because of marathon training my muscles are concealed under a cozy blanket of fat.

The Skinny Fat Look

This happens when runners have a lot of fat deposits along the waistline (love handles, muffin tops, gut) yet skinny legs, arms, and chest. This skinny fat look stems from a combination of low amounts of muscle, a lot of aerobic training, and a high carb diet.

And after reading that last paragraph you never need to see me shirtless.

The Fit Fat Look

Ben describes this as a runner who is built more like a rugby player. The body has stored its fat in various places throughout the body and copious amounts of exercise can’t blast it away. That’s because the real problem is often a hormonal imbalance which needs to be diagnosed by a hormone specialist. Also, the fit fat runner is dealing with the same dietary and exercise imbalances of the skinny fat runner.

Where to Go From Here
I would love to be an endurance runner with a more athletic looking body. I want less body fat and more toned muscles. I want to rip my shirt off at the next family gathering and say, “Somebody call a veterinarian cus’ these puppies are sick!”

And if you are like me and are tired of being skinny fat or fit fat then listen to my take-a-ways from this episode. Three simple action steps. Continue Reading →


Running Etiquette – How Not To Be a Rude Runner!

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This is funny . . .

One of my aunts sent me an article recently about the negative effects of long distance running.

I started reading some of the comments afterward to see if anyone would voice an alternative opinion in support of running. Instead I ran across this woman’s comment.

Here is Barbara’s two cents on runners:

“I think too much exercise is when you are in pain or uncomfortable for an extended period of time. Many runners look like they are in pain the whole time. They don’t look happy or meditative. They are usually angry and aggressive and refuse to run on sidewalks but instead run in the road and make you almost hit oncoming traffic trying to drive around them. I think they are a menace to society and a pain to deal with. There is usually room on the side of the road or sidewalk for them, but they charge at your car like enraged bulls. I think they are bullies and egomaniacs. If cyclists and joggers have any look on their face, it is like of smug superiority or bent determination.” Posted On Jan 25, 2012

I was pretty surprised by the animosity she expressed and it got me thinking that she can’t be the only person out there that feels that way about runners.

Here are the rules of running etiquette: Continue Reading →


Running Past Obstacles in Your Marathon Training

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Each of us face obstacles and roadblocks on our way to reaching our running goals.

We can either let them stop us or we can problem solve and find a way to get past these hindrances. Each time you do something hard it loses some of its power over you. Slowly you take the power away from your fear.

Let’s look at some specific obstacles and how to overcome them. Continue Reading →