Archive | Podcasts

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast was started in 2010 to inspire and empower everyday people to live healthier lives and achieve fitness goals by unleashing their marathon potential. The show features actionable training wisdom delivered in a funny and relatable style. Co-hosts Angie and Trevor want you to believe that you have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!

Setting and Achieving Your Running Goals in 2012

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The beginning of the year is typically the time when we think about what we want to accomplish in the New Year. This reflection often causes us to set New Year’s resolutions.

How can we set goals that are meaningful, realistic, and do-able? I developed the acronym R.E.A.P. which stands for REALISTIC, EVALUATION, ACTION, PERSEVERANCE. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Stories

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In this episode we bring you success stories from four people who ran their very first marathon this year (and one ultra marathon).

All four of these runners are loyal MTA fans and it was a huge treat to talk with them. They are everyday people like you and I who took on the challenge of the marathon and changed their life for the better.

No matter where you are in your running journey be sure to celebrate the successes, dream big, and never give up! Continue Reading →


Secrets of Proper Recovery

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When I was training for my first couple of marathons I didn’t give recovery much thought.

My biggest priority after finishing a run was getting a shower. I didn’t know that what I did in the minutes and hours after a hard workout was almost as important as the workout itself.

The body has the capacity to work hard and improve, but it also needs time to recover. When you don’t take time to recover properly this can take a toll on the body. Here are the secrets to proper recovery. . . Continue Reading →


Race Recap – Trevor Runs His First Marathon

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After almost two years of hard work my husband Trevor has been transformed from a desk potato to a successful marathon finisher.

He ran his first full marathon on October 23rd in St. Louis, Missouri. His official time was 4:31:40.

In this episode I talk with Trevor about the agony and joy of running his first marathon. What you are about to read is the brutally honest battlefield report of a first time marathoner and former “non-runner”. Continue Reading →


Interview with Fueling Expert Steve Born

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Steve Born is a fueling expert at Hammer Nutrition. Steve is also an accomplished athlete holding two ultra marathon cycling records and has been inducted into the Ultra Marathon Cycling Hall of Fame.

We brought Steve on the podcast to help us unravel the mysteries of fueling for long distance running.

Ten Questions for Steve Born

1. How did you get started in endurance sports and what is your role at Hammer?

My sport was the financially lucrative (sarcasm) sport of ultra marathon bicycle racing. I did the Race Across America five times. I have spent so much money and made so many mistakes with fueling and I don’t want people to make the same mistakes. That’s pretty much why I have a job.

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Race Recap – Battle Tested Insights from The Wineglass Marathon

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One of the great things about running is the chance to continually learn new things and push past personal boundaries. It doesn’t matter if you can only run 1 mile or if you’ve finished 20 marathons.  You need to continue to learn and grow.

I recently ran the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, NY. This race has been on my radar for a long time because I heard that the course is both beautiful and conducive to setting a PR (personal record).

Over the summer I trained harder and smarter than ever before and I’m glad to say my hard work paid off. I managed to finished in 3 hours and 44 minutes. This is my fastest time yet.

Here is some advice that is applicable whether you’ll be racing your first 5k or trying to PR in the marathon. Continue Reading →


Interview with Adam Goucher and Tim Catalano

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Adam and Tim are the authors of the Book Running the Edge – Discover the Secrets of Better Running and a Better Life.

The edge is the outer reaches of your potential as a runner. We are all pursuing that edge to discover what we are capable of (because we know we are capable of more).

In running everyone who participates is a hero. Every runner must undergoes a training process and every runner must stick it out to be successful. You must push back against adversity and discomfort to accomplish your goal.

You may not be an elite runner but you are striving for a personal best. The only person you must beat is your former self. Even if you can only run 3 miles so far, you have reason to celebrate because a few months ago you couldn’t run even 1 mile.

The first step to running the edge in your running and life is INITIATIVE.

What if Superman lacked initiative to save the day? What if all his potential went unused? Superpowers are great, but without initiative, responsibility, determination, adaptability, integrity, and personability you can’t tap into your latent potential.

Are You a Distance Maven?:

Adam and Tim say a distance maven is a person who is dedicating themselves to pursuing excellence in their running and life. See how many of the following points apply to you. Continue Reading →


Don’t Make These Fueling Mistakes

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When I ran my first marathon I knew next to nothing about fueling. Oh, I did plenty of research on the internet, but still my fueling on long runs was haphazard at best. There was the time when I ate a chicken dinner 2 hours before running 16 miles and it didn’t stay down. There were times when I got light headed from inadequate fueling.

In the last few months I’ve come across some information that has revolutionized my personal fueling. I can’t take credit for coming up with these ideas. Here are some guidelines for smart fueling success: Continue Reading →


Answers to Your Questions About Marathon Training

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In this episode Angie answers questions about minimalist shoes, running with asthma, busting down the wall, IT band pain, plantar fasciitis, pronation, pre and post race meals, mantras, and motivation!

Because our attention spans are short (mine has only been about 10 minutes lately) I’ve provided abridged answers to the listener questions below.

Here is the first question . . . Continue Reading →


How to Set a PR at Your Next Race

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Want to set a personal record (PR) at your next 5k, 10k, half marathon, or marathon? This podcast will tell you how to shave minutes off your time.

Running a PR can even be more satisfying than winning an age group award because most of us run to compete against ourselves. We know that we’ll never be Olympic athletes or even win a marathon. Yet we know that somewhere deep down inside of us resides the best we are capable of.

Click here to reserve a room with Drury Hotels, the official hotel sponsor of the MTA podcast. Save $10 on your room and get 2 free months of membership to Marathon Training Academy. Check out our video below.

Are You Ready to PR?

Setting a PR will require a goal, focus, and mental, physical, and psychological commitment. If you’re a beginning runner then this is not the time to set ambitious time goals for yourself. Your goal should be to establish a solid running base and simply finish the race.

After you finish a few races you’ll start thinking about how to get faster. If your last marathon was 2 years ago and you haven’t been running regularly since that time, it wouldn’t be advisable to train for a PR. You have to push the “reset” button if you’ve taken some time off. Continue Reading →


Interview With Nancy Lieberman -President of Go! St. Louis Marathon

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In this episode you get a behind the scenes look at what it takes to orchestrate a big marathon.

Nancy Lieberman is the founder and president of Go! St. Louis. Throughout the past decade, she has guided the organization from an upstart marathon weekend event, to an organization that today is a year-round community wellness leader.

Last year over 25,000 people participated in Family Fitness Weekend -which includes a marathon, half marathon, 5k, children’s races, and the mature mile. After listening to this interview you will have a new appreciation for the staff and volunteers who made our races possible. See what it takes Continue Reading →


How To Get Started In Trail Running

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Tired of your same old running route? Break out of the mundane with some good old fashioned trail running.

When running on the road it’s easy to zone out and not think about the act of running. It can get mentally boring at times and the mind tries to find some outlet. Many people like to listen to music to help pass the miles more quickly. On the trail the mind has to be as engaged as the body.

Dr. Jerry Lynch is a psychologist and author who actually prescribes trail running to his patients who suffer from depression. He has this to say about the benefits of trail running,

Trails just have a way of closing off the rest of the world and all of the chaos. I’ve had several patients over the years who were depressed and taking medication and it wasn’t working. I steered them toward trail running and they became more at peace with themselves and found joy. – Jerry Lynch

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