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In this podcast episode we break down the news from the 2023 Boston Marathon plus three coaches from our team join us to share tips on running a Boston qualifying time.
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In this podcast episode we break down the news from the 2023 Boston Marathon plus three coaches from our team join us to share tips on running a Boston qualifying time.
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In this episode we recap our trip to Las Vegas to run the amazing Revel Mt. Charleston Half Marathon, and Trevor shares “The Lazy Runner’s Guide to Success!”.
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In this episode we share the “rookie mistakes” to be avoided on race day as Trevor brings you (through the wonders of podcasting) to the Richmond Half Marathon. Plus, you will hear our nutrition coach explain adaptive thermogenesis and metabolic recovery!
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In this podcast episode we bring you one of our “world famous” race recaps as Angie describes the 2022 Boston Marathon.
-Hear about the amazing stories that came out of this year’s marathon.
-Soundbites from the MTA meet up
-Plus two coaches join us to share tips on running a Boston qualifying (BQ) time.
At my most recent marathon, the Revel Wasatch, I had to modify my goal mid-race. I often talk about “doing hard things”, pushing yourself, and getting comfortable being uncomfortable. All of these are necessary elements in long distance running.
But we don’t often talk about is how continuing to push yourself can sometimes work against you whether in training or during a race. It’s important to stay strong but also be mentally flexible. There is a point when pulling the plug on your race goal is the hard thing to do but also a necessary choice. Continue Reading →
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In this episode Angie recaps the Revel Wasatch Marathon in Utah, her 67th marathon to date. Plus you will hear how to modify your goal when things go wrong. Continue Reading →
Even though I’ve completed 63 marathons I’d never done a virtual marathon before (and really had no desire to try one). But when the Pittsburgh Marathon was cancelled and offered the virtual option I decided to go for it (and my sister did too). It seemed like a good opportunity to get outside my comfort zone. Here’s what we did to prepare: Continue Reading →
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In this episode we speak with fellow podcaster and running coach Jason Fitzgerald about how to get the most enjoyment out of a virtual race. Plus Angie recaps her first ever virtual marathon.
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Because of the Corona Virus so many spring races have been cancelled or postponed. It’s really felt like dominos falling!
Just this past past week we’ve learned that the Boston Marathon will be moving to mid-September and London will be early October. And given the seriousness of the Covid-19 virus it’s important to take these safety precautions. Cancelling large events and social gatherings can save lives by flattening the curve of infection.
But what do you do now that your race is cancelled? Continue Reading →
Exactly one week before the 2 hour marathon barrier was broken in Vienna, Austria, I was in the county for a race of an entirely different variety. The Kaisermarathon (don’t you love how German smashes two nouns together) is a beautiful mountain trail race in the Wilder Kaiser region of Tyrol, in the Austrian Alps.
The race starts in the small village of Söll and winds its way onto a well-known (in that region) mountain called the Hohe Salve 1,829 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level. On this long awaited trip to Austria I was ready to trek through postcard-perfect scenes of Alpen paradise.
It rained relentlessly. Continue Reading →
Jennifer Oellerich conquered the CIM Marathon, her first.
Below you will see reports from runners who completed the California International Marathon (CIM), as well as the Orlando Half, Chattanooga 50, the San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll, and other races.
CIM in Sacramento was especially good to our runners. This is race is known for its flat fast course and is a good place to run a PR. Academy member Tom Wills ran a sub 3 hour marathon there -which is an amazing feat especially after age 40!!
Academy member Manissa Gunadi after the Chicago Marathon
Below you will see reports from runners who completed the Chicago Marathon as well as the Twin Cities Marathon, Portlandathon, and other races. I wouldn’t be surprised if October 7-8th ends up being the biggest race weekend of the year.
Seeing this year’s medal makes me want to run the Chicago Marathon again (Angie and I ran in 2014).
Congrats to all the runners who dug deep and proved once again that they have what it takes to go the distance! I love to see how all the hard work and months of training paid off on race day.