Archive | Safety

10 Questions About Pregnancy and Marathon Training

photo credit: Michael Hollander; Flickr Creative Commons

photo credit: Michael Hollander; Flickr Creative Commons

Many women have asked me if it’s possible to safely run and train for a marathon while pregnant.

This is a very important question and I’ve thought about dedicating a whole podcast episode to this topic.

Well, lo and behold I was recently invited to speak about this on the Run Run Live podcast. A big thanks to Chris Russell for having me on the show! You can hear me on episode 4-308.

Chris sent over 10 really great questions about pregnancy and running that he wanted me to tackle during the interview.

Here are the answers I gave based on my own experience of running through two pregnancies and the science I’ve read on this topic. Continue Reading →


The Bizarre World of Race Cheaters

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A day after the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, which I ran this year, it was reported that the first place woman was disqualified for an inconsistent time.

Tabatha Hamilton of nearby Trenton, GA had finished the race in 2:55:39 claiming first place.

Upon closer inspection the chip times didn’t add up. It turns out her first half split was 2:06:51 and her second half was run in 49 minutes (which is 9 minutes faster than the current men’s world record)!

Reading about his unfortunate news made me wonder how frequently cheating goes on in the racing world, specifically during marathons.
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I Biffed It – Taking a Tumble While Running!

Not to happy about tripping over this!

Not to happy about tripping over this!

Face it, if you run enough you are going to take a tumble.

If you run on trails the probability of falling goes up exponentially.

It happened to me for the first time about 4 days ago. I was speeding through a 5 mile trail run on a nice leafy path. During the final downhill section a root stub sticking out of ground about 2 inches caught my left foot. I immediately went horizontal.

If you could rewind the tape and play it in slow motion you would see the following: Continue Reading →


Running in the Cold Without Killing Yourself

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Cold weather can be depressing if you’re stuck inside all the time.

Running can be a great way to get out of the house, boost your mood, increase your energy level, and stay in shape.

However, you need to be more careful to have a safe and enjoyable running experience in cold weather.

Here are some things to consider before hitting the road. Continue Reading →


Safety Tips for Runners

safetyA couple of years ago I was on a morning run in a residential neighborhood. It was a fairly quiet street and I wasn’t concerned with the lack of a sidewalk or shoulder. A car approached and I didn’t become concerned until I realized that it was headed straight for me.

The distracted driver was applying makeup in her rear view mirror and I was forced to jump off the road into the ditch.  My heart was racing after that and I hope the driver learns to use her bathroom mirror in the future for any makeup application

Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there on the road and runners need to learn how to avoid potential problems and protect themselves.

Runner’s World Magazine found that in 2009 there were more than 20 runners who were killed by cars or trucks. There is the additional risk of danger from the unsavory human element of society. It is always important to be alert and aware of potential problems. Here are some safety tips to follow. Continue Reading →