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Running and Posture

lady slouchingIs your running form suffering from bad posture? How you sit, stand, and carry yourself off the pavement has a big impact on your own body mechanics and running efficiency when you’re on the pavement. Spinal alignment, balanced and flexible hips, and limber, pain-free muscles are a postural recipe for successful running technique that can make a big difference in your next marathon. Continue Reading →


Tips for Senior Marathon Runners

-By Jess Walter

The number of senior citizens running marathons is growing. Some of these runners have been running all their lives and can’t fathom doing anything else. Others have taken up running later in life and have gotten attracted to the health benefits running provides. Either way, there’s no reason you can’t run a marathon in your 60s, 70s, or even older. Continue Reading →


Home Gyms: Are They Worth It?

Posted December 8th 2021.

Health and fitness should be simple and practical. From moving with meaning to lifting the weights with efficiency and perfect form, that is how improving your physical fitness should be. On the other hand, packing your stuff in a bag, climbing in your car, and traveling for miles just to go to your gym is not. Continue Reading →


Do Muscle Scraper Really Work?

Published on June 22, 2023

What is Muscle Scraper?

A muscle scraper, also known as a gua sha tool and soft tissue mobilization tool, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) tool, It is often made of stone, jade, or stainless steel. Muscle scrapers are used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve pain, improve circulation, and promote healing. In the western world people also known it as a Graston tool, Use for break up adhesions, scar tissue, and fascial restrictions. Muscle scraper used by many practitioners on muscle therapy such as massage therapist, athletic trainer, physical therapist and personal trainers. Continue Reading →

Importance of Running for Elementary Students

Physical education is crucial for the development of elementary students. Elementary students involved in running/exercise have a lower risk of suffering from chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, and depression. It might even help them get to sleep faster. As per one study, exercises including running resulted in quick sleep and improved sleeping time. The more you exercise, the more you are in need of sleep. Therefore, after running, you won’t travel across your bed trying to fall asleep. Continue Reading →


5 Strategies to Help You Break Your Running Records

Published on June 22, 2023

Is running a sport and activity that you feel passionate about? Do you consider yourself a serious runner in that you track your milestones and goals? If so, there’s no doubt you’re well aware of what your personal bests are. So, what if you want to push yourself further and break your current running records? It’s not an impossible task; in fact, with the right tips and strategies, this is a highly attainable goal to have. Here are five strategies that can help you break your running records. Continue Reading →