Archive | Success Story

Marathon Success Story with Ryan Deguzis —Running Across the Driest Desert in the World

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Ryan Deguzis is a classical violist and music instructor from Hartford, Connecticut. He just finished a seven day stage race (155 miles) through the Atacama Desert in Chile, a placed he describes as otherworldly.

Ryan first heard about this race from MTA podcast episode #109 our interview with Samantha Gash.

In our conversation with Ryan you will hear why he started running, how much time and energy went into training for this race, what his family thought about it, and the gritty details of sun, wind, blisters, and sleep deprivation. It’s epic!

See the photos . . . Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Gregory Cheek -Maintaining Three Points of Contact

Greg running the Munich Marathon in Germany

Greg running the Munich Marathon in Germany

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Greg Cheek is a combat veteran who served in the US Air Force and as an officer in the United States Army.  He’s a college communications professor, motivation speaker, and author of the book Three Points of Contact -12.5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Life and Weather Any Storm.

Greg trained with us for his first half and full marathon in 2011-2012. At that time he was celebrating one year of being cancer free.

His enthusiasm is contagious . . . Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Lee and Colleen Staats

Looking good and loving life.  Colleen and Lee Staats with Meb Keflezighi before the Columbus Marathon.

Looking good and loving life. Colleen and Lee Staats with Meb Keflezighi before the Columbus Marathon.

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In this episode we bring you a marathon success story with Lee and Colleen Staats, two Academy members from Galion, Ohio, who are transforming their lives through running.

They have both lost weight since starting to run and recently completed the Columbus Marathon.

Colleen set a PR in the half and Lee qualified for Boston by running 3:21:52.

They have both battled through injury and a busy work load to achieve their goals.

It has been my great honor to be their running coach. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Jeriod Turner

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In this podcast episode we talk with Jeriod Turner a member of the Academy who has been on a life changing transformation in his health and fitness.

He has lost 50 pounds in the last six months. He recently ran a 1:31 half marathon and is currently training for his second full marathon in September.

Jeriod works as a commercial lender for Commerce Bank he is married and has two kids and lives in Hannibal, Missouri.

His progress has inspired us all!

See before and after picture. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Stories

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In this episode we bring you success stories from four people who ran their very first marathon this year (and one ultra marathon).

All four of these runners are loyal MTA fans and it was a huge treat to talk with them. They are everyday people like you and I who took on the challenge of the marathon and changed their life for the better.

No matter where you are in your running journey be sure to celebrate the successes, dream big, and never give up! Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Angela Coulombe

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In this podcast we interview Angela Coulombe, who came back from a debilitating bout of Lyme Disease to train for the 2010 NYC Marathon.

I connected with Angela several months ago through the MTA Facebook page and was able to encourage her through her marathon training. In the process I’ve come to admire and respect her.

Lyme Disease is an infection that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. The infection often attacks the joints, nervous system, and can even damage the heart.

At one point Angela was bedridden and needed help to complete the simplest tasks. How did she overcome so much and cross the marathon finish line? Find out in this inspiring interview.

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