Archive | Success Story

Faster Marathon Than Expected

Congrats to MTA coaching client Marly who actually just finished 1,000 miles for the year. She ran a full marathon on July 31st.

Today I did a full virtual marathon with the Social Distance Run 2. The run was easier compared to last week but air quality was still moderate to severe from wild fires. It has been over 2 years when I ran my last marathon (5:02). Today my time was 4:39:46 (5 minutes faster than my target). Thanks to Coach Lynn for all he training and support and to Angie & Trevor for your resources and challenges. This group is awesome! -Marly


Running -An Unexpected Light in the Dark

Congrats to Academy member Yali, who conquered her first 50k! Here’s a nice email she sent us about how running has been an unexpected light in the dark.

“Dear Trevor and Angie,

I can’t believe I am writing these words – yesterday I ran my first Ultramarathon, a 50K, -at the “3 Days at The Fair”. The race is a 1 mile looped course, so the 50K is 31 full loops plus a little more.

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Feeling Euphoric

Congrats to MTA Coaching client Bill D. on his new (blazing fast) PB of 3:07:56 at the Revel Wasatch Marathon!!

Runner’s high from a new personal best marathon . . . combined with a chance opportunity to meet Angie on the race bus made for a remarkable day at the Wasatch Marathon in Utah. Coach Dominique prepared me and challenged me to find even deeper capabilities than I knew I had within me. I am so grateful for her development of me over the last 2+ years. Coach Steve added sage advice too for dealing with the high altitude of 8000′ and I look forward to continuing this MTA journey with him. I finished 20th overall, 2nd in age group, and a new PB of 3:07:56. I feel euphoric! -Bill Drinkward


Sub-Four Marathon at Forty

Here’s a nice email we received from a customer named Stephen who used the Resilient Runner to help with IT Band injuries and used the MTA 4:00 Marathon plan to earn a shiny new PR!

“Hello MTA family!

With all our races being cancelled, I was excited to see all the great things that the MTA podcast was doing to help keep us all sane. I completed the 100-mile challenge at the end of last year.

Later when I saw the medal for the 300-mile challenge as well as the theme: I Run to Burn Off the Crazy, I had to sign up. I justified signing up for another virtual race with the thought that if the spring race I sign up for does not happen, at least I will have this cool medal and a sweet new hat.

I decided that this was the year I try to attempt to break 4 hours in the Marathon. Under 4 hours now that I am 40! Continue Reading →


A Better, Happier Runner!

Here’s a nice email from a client named Suzanne who earned an 8 minute PR at the Atlanta Half Marathon.

“I wanted to email MTA to thank Coach Lynn for her help in my recent PR in the Atlanta half marathon.

Last year when races were canceled, Coach Lynn put together a program to help me become a stronger and faster runner. After I ran a faster (for me) than expected virtual Peachtree 10K on Thanksgiving, we talked about my goals for 2021. She told me that a half-marathon under 2 hours was in reach for me; my previous half in November 2019 was 2:07.

She continued to encourage me in the next couple of months of training and never bought in to my concerned emails about reasons 2 hours was going to be too difficult for me.

On the big day I found that I was able to hold the needed pace for the entire time, and by mile 8 I knew I would be successful. I crossed the finish line at 1:58.55, 8 minutes faster than my previous PR!

Coach Lynn’s upbeat attitude and encouragement really made the difference in enabling me to reach a goal that I thought would be in the distant future for me. Thanks to Coach Lynn and MTA for all your help in making me a better, happier runner!” -Suzanne

Learn more about MTA Coaching here


Some Things Take Longer

Congrats to Cassandra Smith on completing the 300 Mile Challenge! Here’s an inspiring post she shared in our FB group, reposted here with permission.


Since completing Marathon Training Academy’s 100 mile challenge in September 2020 amid COVID-19 lockdowns and curfews, I was ready for their next challenge. Not sure, I anticipated that it would be all of 300 miles 😱

My Plan: Complete 100 miles each month from January to March which meant 4-5 runs per week at a minimum of 25 miles each week.
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First Marathon Accomplished Using MTA Beginner Plan

*Here is a nice email we received from a customer named Hanna Knapp.

“I want to share great news with you! I did it and ran my very first marathon. It was the Virtual Publix Atlanta Marathon 2021.

I could not have done it without you two, all the MTA friends and my supportive family.

I started running one and a half years ago. A friend who trained for her first half marathon inspired me. I got a bad back injury in the very first month of training. But this slipped disc could not stop me to start running again first thing after recovery. Continue Reading →


Shoutout to Coach Lynn

Here’s a nice comment from a client of Coach Lynn, one of the awesome coaches here at MTA. Congrats Jenn on your success!

Shout out for MTA and Coach Lynn Grieger specifically! I’ve been working with her for about a year now and I know I can be difficult and non-compliant but Coach Lynn has been nothing but patient and kind.

On top of that, she has gotten me from run/walking 30 seconds/1 minute to running non-stop and from a 16:30 minute mile (on a good day) to my current 13:30 mile. I’ve also lost 42 pounds! And all of this has been through illness, injury, and while working as a frontline healthcare worker during a pandemic.

I’ve been a listener to the podcast from the beginning and have been through many ups and downs physically and emotionally. This podcast and this MTA family has been such a positive force in my life, showing me that I can do hard things (thanks Angie ❤). -Jenn Greenly December 15th 2020

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What Running My Very First Half Marathon Taught Me

This was sent in by Sarah Granato who ran the MTA Virtual Half Marathon this year.

“Thank you Angi and Trevor for everything! Thank you for your podcast, your Virtual Half Marathon opportunity and for all you do for the running community.

I’ve written so many iterations of this summary of my ‘first half marathon’ experience and… way too long, all of them.

So here is my list, in short, of what running my very first half marathon taught me.

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A Runner’s Weight-Loss Journey

(This story is from my younger sister Autum Haley who started working with MetPro after she saw my success).

After having my fourth baby in 2018, I was frustrated about weight loss and stuck at twenty pounds heavier than I wanted to be.

Despite doing all the things I’d previously done to lose weight after my other pregnancies, nothing worked and two years passed. It was the definition of stubborn weight — weight that refuses to budge despite your best efforts and doing all the “right” things.

Thanks to my sister Angie (who all you MTA followers might know!) I started working with a MetPro nutrition coach in January, here are my results . . . Continue Reading →


So Psyched to Be a Marathoner!

Congrats to Academy member Jo Beth on running her first marathon at the Jackson Hole Marathon in Wyoming!

Here is what she wrote,

“So psyched I can finally share my own post saying I AM A MARATHONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The weather forecast changed from sunny and gorgeous to cold and rainy two days before the race….and three days after I had packed up my car and driven to Jackson with no rain coat or long sleeve of any kind.

Luckily, Eddie Bauer saved the day and my childhood best friend and I were able to cross the finish line together smiling and crying tears of joy!

Thank you Angie and Trevor for helping me become a life long runner and changing my health and life for the better. I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO RUN A MARATHON AND CHANGE MY LIFE!!!!!!!” Continue Reading →