I’m a week late in posting this but congrats to all our Academy members and coaching clients on running the Berlin Marathon this year. I wish I could have been there!
Cecilia from Sweden earned a PR on a hot day!
“My finish time of 4:11:49 was slower than I had hoped for BUT only after the finish I fully realized how tough conditions had been . . . I still ran a PR of almost 5 minutes 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻! So in the end I am super happy about the race and the result! Just need to find a cooler one for my next attempt of getting closer to that 4 hour mark 😊! And of course, I need to send huge thanks to MTA coach Joel Royal Pearson who has put up with me for over 3 years now 😉. Without him I would never be in this place today!”
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