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Angie and Trevor on the Runner’s World Podcast

cover170x170You can hear us on episode #15 of The Runner’s World Show talking with host David Willey about the marathon as a “beautiful struggle” (Angie’s words), our running stories, and tips for beginning marathoners.

Big thanks to David and his team who are doing great as new podcasters!

Links: View on the Runner’s World website (we start at the 17:35 mark). Subscribe to the Runner’s World Show in iTunes. Listen to our interview with David Willey



Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Valley

Here’s a pictorial update on our extended trip out West. We are so thankful for the good health and flexibility to build this trip into our lives and create amazing memories for our kids!

We will be podcasting and taking care of business from the road inbetween running, hiking, and eating Mexican food.

Here’s where we’ve been so far . . . Continue Reading →


MTA Epic Summer Conquest!

Mobile podcasting studio & running gear trailer.

Mobile podcasting studio & running gear trailer.

We just embarked on a 2 month trip, which I am calling our Epic Summer Conquest.

I call it that because our camper is a Gulf Stream Conquest and Angie thinks I overuse the word epic, which makes me want to use it more haha.

Our plans (conquest goals) are to see family, run races, visit national parks and make amazing memories for our kids! Continue Reading →


Angie Made the Front Page of the Sunday Paper


Here’s a story about MTA that ran in our town’s newspaper last Sunday. Our thanks to reporter Leonna Heuring and The Sikeston Standard Democrat for featuring us (well, mostly Angie). If you’re interested in reading the story I have a pdf version of page one here and page two here. Open and scroll to bottom of page.


MTA Podcast Featured on rounded up the 19 Best Health and Fitness Podcasts of All Time and guess who made the list!

From the article . . .

“The best takeaway from this podcast is the mondo dose of can-do attitude; it’s a feeling that lingers long after the theme music stops singing that you’re “well on your way.”

What an honor to be mentioned along with Jillian Michaels, Rich Roll, Able James, Dave Asprey, Ben Greenfield and other amazing podcasters.

Thank you @maritihart and the great team at!


Runner Academy Apologizes to MTA

You might have come here looking for the post “Runner Academy is Plagiarizing Our Content”. You can find it here.

Matt Johnson has offered the following apology.

I take responsibility for my actions. While I did not steal your content word for word I did structure it too similar. I modeled too much of what you did
and did add a substantial portion of my own spin to it. I could have done
better. Everyone deserves better. I let myself get too caught up in winning
and competition and I made some poor decisions. -Matt Johnson

While the evidence does show that Matt copied some of our content word for word, I am willing to accept this apology, and be done with this whole ordeal.

My hope is that we never have to deal with this again and can get back to helping people reach their running potential.

I appreciate all the support MTA has received over the last two days. You guys are awesome!

Happy Running,



Runner Academy is Plagiarizing Our Content!

iStock_000019637523LargeIt has been brought to my attention that another running coach, Matt Johnson of Runner Academy, has plagiarized and stolen content from MTA.

You may have seen the Runner Academy podcast in iTunes sometimes recommended next to ours. When Matt Johnson first came along I thought it was strange that his podcast imitated ours so closely.

The most obvious semblance is the use of “Academy” in his name but that’s not where the imitation stops. When his show first began, the format mimicked ours with welcoming new members and shout outs in the beginning, then the feature segment, and a quick tip at the end.

Coach Jeff Gaudette at has dealt with Matt Johnson plagiarizing his strength training course. You can read about it here: Runner Academy Stealing and Plagiarizing from RunnersConnect and Why it Matters to You. Both Coach Jeff and I have confronted Matt Johnson about this but he totally denies any wrong doing.

In this post I will document examples of how Matt has stolen our training content and conclude with some thoughts about why I have decided to make this public. Continue Reading →


Boston Marathon 2013 – I Was There

Boston logo 2013Angela Coulombe is a graphic designer and photographer. She uses her running to raise awareness for Lyme Disease. She and 5 friends were near the finish line as volunteers.

Boston – In 2012, a friend and I set a goal to train for and run a marathon that would qualify us for Boston, which, as you know, is a runner’s Mecca. It’s the worlds longest standing marathon and most prestigious, either you qualify or you raise lots of money to run for charity. Two of us were fortunate enough to qualify for 2014: me with a time of 3:41 and a friend with a time of 3:40. Because we hoped to run it in 2014, we thought it would be a great idea to go down and volunteer, to give to runners and help in a very karma like way, so that when we run it in 2014, we receive back the same karma. Also, meet new friends, speak with runners, get a lay of the land, but mostly, really to give support and help to runners and the BAA. Three women from Saco as well as myself met two other friends from MA in Cambridge the Sunday before the race, all of us volunteering together in what we thought would be a great girls weekend away.

We thought ourselves very fortunate that a college friend was able to get us a spot in Sector 6, finish line security, our sector starting right after the finish line. Our responsibilities were to direct runners towards water, Gatorade, blankets, their medals, or medical help. It was also to direct VIP runners down the VIP chute and to keep the medical lanes open so that medics could get from the finish line to the end of the water line and back again to the medical tent which was positioned in the middle of our sector. And so we started our day at 9:30 a.m. at an introduction meeting, picking up our volunteer jackets and badges, name tags and security badges and set off to work. Continue Reading →


My Killer Marathon Training Plan

After I ran my first marathon (in 2011) I had no aspirations of doing it again.

“Angie can be the 26.2 miler of the family.” I told myself. “I’ll stick to half marathons.”

I had gone from desk potato to runner. This was a remarkable transformation since I have hated running from a tender age. I failed PE class in 9th grade because I refused to run that mandatory 1 mile.

The marathon was a life changing experience but not one I was too eager to repeat. In the back of my mind I knew I would try it again but I planned to procrastinate it as long as possible.

The Eventual Death of Procrastination
Now I’m officially signed up for the New Orleans Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Feb 24th 2013. Do or die, this should be an exciting race. I personally think it’s worth a drive to New Orleans just to eat in the French Quarter.

Angie has designed a killer training plan for me that will be more aggressive than any schedule I’ve previously followed. This time I will be as strong as possible when I nudge my way into the corral on race day.

Here is a look at my training regimen Continue Reading →