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Doctor Said He’d Never Run Again

Here’s a note we received a couple days ago from an Academy member named Pat McCain who has been a long time supporter of the MTA podcast and inspiration to us. If your doctor says you will never run again please go get a second and third opinion!

Pat McCain with fellow MTA’er Debbie Gelber at the Texas Marathon

“Hi Trevor and Angie,

After almost two years struggling with injury, and after a doctor told me I’d never run again, I just finished the Texas Marathon on New Years Day. Thanks to you and the MTA community for being a part of my comeback–y’all have taught me how to train, cross-train, fuel, pace, and stay on top of the mental game that enables all of us to run safely and do much more than we ever think possible. I did a 3:00 run/:30 walk to a 4:35 finish. I crossed the finish line stronger than ever and injury free.

Thanks for all the encouragement from you and our MTA family!” -Pat


Happy Holidays from MTA + A Quick Word of Thanks

We have one more episode to go before 2018 ends! Keep an eye out for it. Over the last 3 days we had to migrate the website and podcast to a faster server so we apologize if you’ve been having trouble accessing it.

Special Thanks . . . Continue Reading →


Another Great Weekend in MTA Land!

Jennifer Oellerich conquered the CIM Marathon, her first.

We love seeing the stories come back from runs and races over the weekend.

Below you will see reports from runners who completed the California International Marathon (CIM), as well as the Orlando Half, Chattanooga 50, the San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll, and other races.

CIM in Sacramento was especially good to our runners. This is race is known for its flat fast course and is a good place to run a PR. Academy member Tom Wills ran a sub 3 hour marathon there -which is an amazing feat especially after age 40!!

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Photos from the 2018 MTA Virtual Half

Raley Parker releasing the kraken in Delaware.

Here are some photos from this year’s MTA Podcast Virtual Half Marathon.

The way it works is . . . participants complete their half marathon sometime in the month of November and we ship them out their finisher’s medal. We had 375 people participate this year!

We love seeing the running routes and race reports . . . Continue Reading →


Huge Weekend for Academy Members!

Academy member Manissa Gunadi after the Chicago Marathon

Last weekend was huge for many of our members and coaching clients here at MTA!

Below you will see reports from runners who completed the Chicago Marathon as well as the Twin Cities Marathon, Portlandathon, and other races. I wouldn’t be surprised if October 7-8th ends up being the biggest race weekend of the year.

Seeing this year’s medal makes me want to run the Chicago Marathon again (Angie and I ran in 2014).

Congrats to all the runners who dug deep and proved once again that they have what it takes to go the distance! I love to see how all the hard work and months of training paid off on race day.

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Participation Map for the 2018 Virtual Half

Registration is filling up for this year’s MTA Podcast Virtual Half Marathon! States, Provinces, and Countries shaded green are where runners live who have registered for this year’s virtual half.

See More Maps Continue Reading →


Hear us on the Strength Running Podcast!

You can hear us talk about how to train for your first marathon on Jason Fitzgerald’s Strength Running Podcast. Topics include:

Transitioning from sedentary to marathon with as little injury risk as possible; Differentiating between training to finish vs. training for performance; and Marathon training mistakes that are common among beginners. Listen here.