Hip Flexor Pain and Pain in the Front of the Hip

Pain in the hip flexor or front of the hip/leg can be associated with several possible causes. When you experience pain in the front of the hip, and it doesn’t have an obvious mechanism of injury (such as tripping in a hole when running), then it’s almost always a repetitive motion injury or related to poor posture and/or biomechanics.

The location of pain in the hip flexor region can range from mid-thigh to the groin area to the lower stomach (from the belly button to the PSIS, which is the posterior superior iliac spine) or the front of the pelvic bone just up and lateral to the groin area where the primary hip flexor (psoas) originates.

Hip Flexor Pain and Pain in the Front of the Hip

Common potential reasons for pain in the front of the hip include:

  1. Femoral Stress Fracture
  2. Hernia
  3. Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
  4. Groin Muscle Strain
  5. Low Back Pain (LBP)
  6. Hip Flexor Strain

I will cover each one of these in more detail.

There are many common reasons to develop pain in or around the hip flexors. Often the cause for the pain is nearly identical (overuse). It’s important to get the proper diagnosis to insure that you’re treating the right structures.

Femoral Stress Fractures

The femur is the largest and longest bone in the body. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t develop a stress fracture. Stress fractures are a unique type of bone fracture as they rarely occur due to a specific trauma. Stress fractures typically occur due to a silique of events that leads to the bone not being able to handle the stress of your activity (such as running) which results in a crack in the bone.

Initially, you might barely even notice the pain associated with a stress fracture, but the pain tends to worsen with time. The tenderness usually originates from a specific spot and decreases during rest. As the injury worsens, the pain tends to spread out and become more diffused with a focal area of tenderness. You might have swelling around the painful area. In cases of femoral stress fractures, pain will often be diffuse and spread up and down the femur or thigh.

When the load and/or volume of activity are too much for the bone, a stress fracture will occur. In most cases, a reduction or complete elimination of training will initially be necessary. It will be necessary to take close look at the events that caused the fracture including a thorough examination of your running plan and nutrition levels.

Hernia Pain

Pain caused by a hernia (particularly, in the inguinal region) can mimic hip flexor or groin pain.

Symptoms of Hernia Pain include:

  • A small bulge on either side of the pelvic bone. The size can change depending on activity and especially, with coughing and straining.
  • There may be a burning or achy sensation in the groin area or near the bugling.
    There is increased pain after activity including running and weightlifting. Coughing can make it worse.
  • There could be the sensation of heaviness or weakness in the groin area.
    If you suspect that you might have a hernia, then it’s important to have it evaluated by a medical professional.

Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)

Femoral Acetabular impingement (FAI), also known as hip impingement, is the major cause of hip osteoarthritis in people under the age of 50. FAI is due to bone spurs (bone overgrowth) along the bones that form the hip joint. The bone overgrowth causes the bones to have an irregular shape and no longer fit together as a perfect ball and socket joint. The bones start to rub and pinch the tissue inside the hip. This will often affect the labrum, which is part of the socket.

Symptoms of Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) include:

  • Pain (typically in the groin area and/or toward the outside of the hip).
  • Sharp pain with turning, twisting, and/or squatting in a weight bearing position.
  • Stiffness and a sense of a dull ache within the hip joint when at rest.
  • When FAI symptoms are mild, running may typically only cause the sensation of stiffness and achiness with an occasional stabbing pain. As the bones and cartilage wear, the symptoms will worsen.

The pain tends to vary depending on activity levels. It can wax and wane with long periods of time without much issue. The more active you are, the more likely you will develop worsening symptoms.

Typical Treatment for Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI):

  • Activity Modification.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications.
  • Physical Therapy. It can be helpful to generally work on improving your range of motion (ROM) and to strengthen the muscles of your hips and pelvis that support the hip joint. This can generally relieve some of the stress on the injured labrum and cartilage.

Groin Muscle Strain

A groin strain is most common in individuals involved in running sports that require frequent cutting and changing of direction. The quick motion and large amount of force can cause a strain or pull in the inner thigh and groin musculature. This can also happen to runners while trail running. You may need to quickly change direction on the trail or jump over and around an obstacle in the path.

Symptoms of a Groin Muscle Strain include:

  • Pain and tenderness in the inner thigh and groin region.
  • There is usually a popping sensation during the injury with moderate to severe pain.
  • Pain that tends to feel a little better when mildly active in straight planned meaning forwards or backwards (sagittal) motion, but it can become very sharp and stabbing with any quick movements or as the intensity increases.
  • Pain tends to be deep and throbbing in the groin area after activity.
  • Pain when you bring your legs together (hip adduction) or resist this motion.
  • Pain when you raise your knee and flex your hip.

The initial treatment for a groin strain/pull is PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).

Potential Treatments for a Groin Muscle Strain:

  • Anti-inflammatories.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization. Slow, direct, and mild pressure over the painful areas can be helpful to elevate tightness and pain. Massage therapy or using a foam roller (or other mobilization tool) around the surrounding areas may also be helpful.
  • Exercise. Once you can begin to stretch and exercise the area, it is important to concentrate on are regaining full hip and pelvic mobility without pain and generally working on core stabilization as well as inner thigh and hip strengthening exercises. Progressing more slowly is almost always advised with these injuries.

Low Back Pain (LBP)

One might initially wonder why low back pain (LBP) is listed as a potential reason for pain in the front of the hip or hip flexor. However, pain in the hip flexors and front of the hip can often be associated with LBP.

The largest muscle group that flexes the hip is the psoas major and minor. These two muscles originate on the front part of the spine deep inside the abdominal area from the thoracic twelfth vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae L5-L1. This means that any issue affecting the spine can also cause pain for these two hip flexor muscles. In addition, pain in the spine tends to refer pain to other areas of the pelvis and lower leg depending on where the pain actually originates. The pain may or may not be directly over the injury site.

Hip Flexor Strain

There are many common reasons to develop pain in the front of the thigh. Pain in the hip flexors themselves can also be a complicated manner. There are several muscles that actually flex the hip including: the psoas major and minor; iliacus; sartorius; and the rectus femoris (one of the quadriceps muscles). Often with a true hip flexor strain, it’s not uncommon to have multiple muscle groups injured or affected.

The two most common reasons to have hip flexor pain is a traumatic strain or an overuse injury (typically due to faulty biomechanics and/or postural dysfunction).

Symptoms of a Hip Flexor Strain include:

  • A sudden and sharp pain/pulling in the front of the hip at time of injury. Depending on the severity, you may or may not be able to complete your activity.
    As pain worsens, there is usually a sensation of deep achiness. Associated muscle spasms and weakness are present.
  • In more severe cases, a person will limp and have a notably shorter stride length.
  • Pain when lifting the knee/flexing the hip is worse with resistance.
  • Stretching will initially help reduce the pain, but it will quickly return as a person continues with upright activity.
  • Notable pain and stiffness (particularly first thing in the morning or after prolonged sitting and rest).

In the case of an overuse injury, pain in the hip flexors will worsen as activity level and intensity increases and will increase generally over time. Pain that is initially experienced at the beginning of a run can partially resolve midway during the run. Then the pain will slowly increase and escalate as the run progresses. It gets worse the longer and further you go. Stretching the hip flexor will have a mild positive effect, but it’s typically short lived. This is more common with chronic issues such as tendinitis.

Treatment for Hip Flexor Pain

  • Rest. Initially it is typically best to rest including stopping all running activity for a period of time and tapering down from your regular exercise activity and any activity that worsens your symptoms. You should not return to running until you can be pain-free throughout the day.

  • Anti-inflammatories. Consider speaking with your medical professional about a short course of anti-inflammatory medication to help speed up your recovery. You may also consider more natural anti-inflammatories that could be used.

  • Improve your mobility. Mobility issues and myofascial restrictions are highly correlated with hip flexor pain. Often there is tightness in the quadriceps (the rectus femoris is a hip flexor), the thigh (inner and outer) and/or hamstrings, and the back extensors. These areas of tightness are associated with hip flexor pain. Utilize self-mobilization techniques to work on the areas above, below, and around the painful area.

  • Strengthen your core muscles. Focus on the strength of your back extensors and core muscles.

  • Strengthen your hip muscles. Weakness in the hip external rotators and the hip abductors (like the gluteus medius) can be associated with hip flexor pain as weakness in these areas typically leads to altered running mechanics. Strengthening of these muscle groups can help you to avoid future hip issues as well as reduce your risk of developing other knee related issues including: Hip Bursitis; IT Band pain; and Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS).

  • Have your gait analyzed while running. Gait or running abnormalities can increase your risk of developing hip flexor pain. An anterior pelvic tilt is just one of many issues that can affect running biomechanics and can lead to hip flexor pain. Check with your local running store or a physical therapy clinic that may offer a monthly gait analysis clinic. If you’re unable to obtain a gait analysis, ask your spouse or a friend to video record you (from behind) while you’re running. Then watch the recording to see if there are issues with your running posture and/or biomechanics.


The best way to rehabilitate hip flexor pain is to avoid it in the first place! Always work on lower leg mobility as part of your recovery protocol. Implement a strength training routine that targets the hip musculature as part of your ongoing cross training as well as a core strengthening routine. If your race includes many hills or is a trail race, then be sure to adequately train for both the uphill and downhill portion and the uneven terrain so that your body is ready for the stress.

If you start to develop hip flexor pain, then start your rehabilitation by resting while tapering down intensity and training volume. You may or may not have to stop running for a portion of time. It’s symptom dependent and determined by the severity of the strain. Try to use exercise, such as aquatic exercise, to maintain cardiovascular fitness. Always perform an adequate warm up and cool down.

More specific strategies to help you determine the cause of your hip flexor pain along with more thorough treatment and prevention strategies for those suffering from hip flexor pain are covered in the Resilient Runner Program, which is designed to help YOU meet YOUR training goals by insuring you have the tools to avoid injury, recover quickly, and train at a peak level.

What’s Inside the Resilient Runner Program:
Guidance on preventing and self-treating Hip Flexor Pain as well as many other common running related injuries, including Runner’s Knee, IT Band Syndrome, Piriformis Syndrome, and more!

Specific guidelines on when and how to return to running after experiencing an injury.
Rehabilitation guides with step-by-step photos demonstrating recommended exercises.
Step-by-step instructions on how to apply Kinesiological tape.
Downloadable podcasts, videos, and more!

If you’re tired of ongoing aches, pains, and injuries, learn how to become a resilient runner so that you can continue to train and compete in order to meet your goals!
Read more about the Resilient Runner here:


27 Responses to Hip Flexor Pain and Pain in the Front of the Hip

  1. Elisa July 2, 2018 at 11:24 am #

    Hi Ben,

    Do you personallly know someone you recommend in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Sadly, I’m in a lot of pain…feet, legs, hips & back. I’ve seen too many charlatans leaving me with broke and still in chronic pain.


    • Ben Shatto July 2, 2018 at 9:22 pm #

      Hi Elisa, I’m sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I personally do not know anyone in that area, but I would try searching this site. http://www.naiomt.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=contactsearch.searchquery

      This gives some names of therapist that have advanced certifications in a program I am very familiar with and who produces high quality therapist. I would start with one of them.

      Good Luck!

  2. Erik July 10, 2018 at 10:24 am #

    Please don’t even put down “the best way to fix a problem is to avoid it in the first place”.

  3. Jeff Wright March 1, 2019 at 2:23 am #


    I am experiencing pain in the front of my right hip when running and immediately thereafter, in addition to lower back pain/stiffness and pain that ranges from a dull aches to more of a shooting pain down my right leg (most commonly when sitting). I know you cannot diagnose me from afar but any idea what might be going on? I just ran 4.25 miles and after the first two the pain was to the point my pace dropped off by a full minute and a half. Thanks for any insight/advice you can provide.

    • Ben Shatto March 1, 2019 at 10:08 pm #

      Hi Jeff,

      No problem happy to help. Mostly likely you are having pain from your psoas muscle which is a hip flexor and attaches directly to the spine. The question is……is the pain because that muscle is irritated is so then that is likely due to a muscle imbalance or a running gait issue. However, that muscle will often be painful when a person has a true lumbar/low back related issue. There are a lot of articles on low back pain on the MTA website. That is a great place to start. If you want to dive deeper on the potential lumbar issue check this link out


      Otherwise there is a section on hip pain in the Resilient Runner program which is also available on the MTA website.

      Hope that helps!

  4. Sean Hegarty March 30, 2021 at 12:49 am #

    Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
    Dr Pat Carten of the Whitfield Clinic Waterford, ireland, has developed pioneering surgery techniques to resolve hip impingement issues and presumably hip issues no doubt.. He has performed over 3000 FAI surgeries with a 96% success rate apparently. my son had his second hip done yesterday. he has treated many professional sports people who have made full recoveries and improved mobility. btw im not on commission.. i just noticed the section on fai and it didnt say that surgery was an option…..just in case there were people out there with this condition.

    • Ben Shatto March 30, 2021 at 8:13 am #

      Thanks Sean….Surgical techniques have definitely improved and are now more of an option than before. Of course as a PT my bias is towards more conservative techniques first when appropriate. Appreciate the feedback. Thank you.

  5. Jake April 25, 2021 at 6:51 pm #

    I am experiencing tightness when sprinting in the back of my right thigh. So that is when my knee passes my waist and extends back. Any idea on what this may be ?

    • Ben Shatto April 25, 2021 at 9:20 pm #

      HI Jake, Its difficult to answer this question based on the information provided. Pain in the back of the leg/knee can be meniscus, hamstring or lumbar in origin. I would first attempt to see if there is something different from one leg to the other. Is there something different right vs left. That may give you a clue as to why you are getting the pain. Hope that helps!

  6. JC June 24, 2021 at 3:58 am #

    Hi Ben, training for marathon and developed pain since last run that want go away in left hip flexor only. Obviously dont want to take too much time out my training. How long should I wait to start streching and trying to build stength in the hip flexor / return to training. I am going to try the static bike in the interim

    • Ben Shatto June 24, 2021 at 9:54 pm #

      Hi JC…you can start working strengthening right away. These things are usually a symptom of something else such as poor running form, muscle imbalances in the core or lower leg or even poor footwear. SO start working on finding the root cause right away. Otherwise I would not return to longer runs until the pain has subsided at least 50% or more and I would taper back the runs so the next one does not aggravate the hip flexor. Hope that helps!

  7. JC June 27, 2021 at 6:07 am #

    Thanks Ben, i relised when I stand up and push my hips out I feel a clunk in my left hip (no pain really). Pain occurs if bring near to chest. And pretty much all the time there is a very mild.

    What exercises should I start with?


    • Ben Shatto June 27, 2021 at 8:28 pm #

      Hi JC….this sounds like it could also be hip impingement. I would start on core exercises and working on hip strengthening. Stretching is okay, but I would have this as a 3rd priority. When stretching avoid pain. Hope that helps!

  8. Ss July 14, 2021 at 1:59 pm #

    Hello I play competitive soccer and started with pain on my right hip bone . When I push on the bone it is sensitive to that area. The doctor said irritation around hip bone and sent me to PT. They think hip flexor injury and doing PT stretching at home for four weeks. Tried to do some soccer stuff with drills light running and pain is even worse. Have an MRI with contrast scheduled later in August. Do you think it’s hip flexor or I’m afraid may be a labrum tear or impingement? I would think after resting and PT I would have felt a lot better and not have pain immediately return. Thanks

    • Ben Shatto July 14, 2021 at 9:28 pm #

      Hi SS…..Its really hard to say given the symptoms you describe. A significant hip flexor strain can take more than 4 weeks to recover from. But yes you are correct that other possible diagnoses could also be hip impingement or labral injury. In either case the PT needs to look at the mechanics of your lower extremity and work towards fixing those. There is likely areas of imbalance that need addressed. With the MRI so far out I would continue with PT focusing on locating areas of imbalance and improving those. All the best! Ben

  9. Daman August 1, 2021 at 7:11 pm #

    Hello, Since last year i started feeling pain in my groin area(left side only) when i played soccer occasionally. The pain prevents to even walk the next day, but it goes away and any other exercise such as running etc, doesn’t cause the same kind of pain. After almost a year, i played soccer and i see the same issue has come back.

    I had assumed sports hernia and had worked on the adductor muscle strengthening exercises and stretches, but since the issue came back immediately i went back to play soccer. I am fairly active and exercise regularly however the issue resurfaces only after soccer. What do you think the issue could be?

    • Ben Shatto August 2, 2021 at 9:17 pm #

      Hi Daman…I’m sorry that is a difficult issue and can be very hard to diagnose. Yes a hernia needs to be ruled out. If that is not the issue then you have to assume a muscle imbalance of some kind that is leading to deep adductor pain. You will need to work very closely with a sports PT/Physio to help determine the ultimate cause. Best of luck! Ben

  10. Pamela October 12, 2021 at 2:35 pm #

    Hi Ben,

    I’m training for my first half-marathon in almost two years. Pre-COVID, I traveled for work and was on my feet a lot. But for the last year and a half, I’ve been sitting at my desk at home, doing video calls.

    Now I’m having pain on the front of my left hip. I’m not sure if it my hip flexor area, or groin. Oddly, it doesn’t hurt at all when I run. It hurts when I haven’t been moving around much. Once I get my body moving, the pain eases up.

    This reminds me a bit of my experience with Plantar Fasciitis. I went to PT for that and was told to stretch my foot quite a bit.

    I see your article recommends rest for hip flexor pain, but I’m wondering if stretching would be helpful like it was for my foot. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

    • Ben Shatto October 15, 2021 at 3:27 pm #

      Hi Pamela,

      Excellent question. Based off the limited information you provided I am wondering if you do not have a mild hip impingement. Symptoms are similar at times to a hip flexor strain and are often worsened by sitting or deep squatting. Here are links to two new videos on the topic and how to self treat. Best of Luck!

  11. Ben Shatto October 15, 2021 at 3:29 pm #

    The Physical Therapy Advisor YouTube Channel:
    Treating Hip Impingement: Basic Techniques
    Hip Impingement: Advanced Techniques

  12. Rhonda Stanley January 6, 2022 at 3:39 pm #

    I had a fermeral hernia surgery last year! I still have pain in my groin and my hip! The surgeon says everything looks good from my cat scan! I’m very active with running and lifting weights! I hurt bad and gave no idea what’s goin on!!! Help!

  13. Ben Shatto January 7, 2022 at 10:02 pm #

    Hi…I’m so sorry you continue to be in so much pain. Without a thorough examination, I can only speculate as to the cause of the pain. My initial top 3 possibilities would be a hip labral issue, a lumbar issue affecting possibly T12 or L1, or a scar tissue/fascia issue. I would find a good sports medicine physical therapist and have a thorough examination. I sure hope that helps! All the best!

  14. Coach AH February 8, 2022 at 2:25 pm #

    Hello! I have a client who is having some hip flexor/ groin pain in the squat and step up motions. It’s been occurring for around a month now, and after a week of rest she has had no improvement. Do you have any suggestions on how to move forward?

  15. Sara February 9, 2022 at 5:12 am #

    Hello from NE Pennsylvania! Im a 38yo female trying to get back into a running grove. Far more challenging as I get older. (BOOO!)

    I was jogging about 2 weeks ago when my right foot/ lip of my sneaker caught the edge of heightened sidewalk square (foot moving upward when occurred). I caught myself and did not fall but my entire upper body bent straight down very quickly when regaining balance. I would’ve smacked my hands against the pavement if I didn’t bend my arms. I imagine I looked like Gumby nearly breaking in half when catching myself. I had some achey pain on the outside of my right hip bone same day. Nothing excruciating but slight aches/pains in same hip area the past few days.
    I wore heels last night while standing in line at a viewing for about an hour. This morning the outside of my right hip is very achey. I can pinpoint exactly where the pain is coming from. Possible Glutimus Minimus strain? The pain is now occuring while lying in bed with no weight bearing on my right side. Never experienced an injury like this. Any feedback is helpful!!! Thank you.

  16. Kerry December 14, 2022 at 5:22 pm #

    I recently upped my milage and the frequency of runs from around 25 miles a week to around 35 and noticed pain in the front of my right hip, but not while running, only later in the day and particularly in the morning when I get up. I also have it in my right heel when standing and walking, but again, not when running.
    I sit all day at my desk.
    After a half marathon the previous Sunday, I tried running on Tuesday and it felt really painful in my hip even when running, so I slowed right down and ended up walking. I’ve not run since but went for a walk today and my hip flexor (I think) hurts tonight.
    Should I keep resting and try some strengthening exercises, or do you think I should try to see a physio / doctor?

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