Safety Tips for Runners

safetyA couple of years ago I was on a morning run in a residential neighborhood. It was a fairly quiet street and I wasn’t concerned with the lack of a sidewalk or shoulder. A car approached and I didn’t become concerned until I realized that it was headed straight for me.

The distracted driver was applying makeup in her rear view mirror and I was forced to jump off the road into the ditch.  My heart was racing after that and I hope the driver learns to use her bathroom mirror in the future for any makeup application

Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there on the road and runners need to learn how to avoid potential problems and protect themselves.

Runner’s World Magazine found that in 2009 there were more than 20 runners who were killed by cars or trucks. There is the additional risk of danger from the unsavory human element of society. It is always important to be alert and aware of potential problems. Here are some safety tips to follow. Continue Reading →


From Couch Potato to Runner

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couchmanAre you ready to get off the couch and get your body moving?  Some of us have forgotten what it’s like to move the body.  As kids, running came naturally.  Somehow when we became adults we lost that natural motion.  It’s time for you to tap into that forgotten child and learn to love your body in motion. 

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Why Run a Marathon?

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People decide to run marathons for many different reasons. Some people are looking for a new challenge in their life. Some people are inspired by others who have done a marathon, and think “I could do that too!” Some just want to be part of a community of long distance runners who have dare to master the 26.2 mark .  The best reason to run a marathon is because IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

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Dog Safety

dogIt was a beautiful fall day and I was about a mile into my run through the neighborhood. 

I was getting closer to a house that had a dog that had been threatening in the past (running up to the edge of his property and barking menacingly). 

I crossed the road to avoid a confrontation even as my heart rate sped up.  Indstead of stopping at the edge of his property like usual, the dog kept running toward me barking and growling.  I slowed to a walk and didn’t look at him, but it was to no avail. 

The dog bit the back of my thigh ripping a hole in my running pants.  Fortunately, he didn’t attack further so I got out of there as quickly as possible. 

When I got home I called animal control.  After describing what happened the officer went to the house and impounded the dog to make sure it was rabies free.  The outcome was fine and I wasn’t seriously injured, but that incident has made me hyper-aware of dog safety.  Here are some helpful tips I’ve found: Continue Reading →


Mental Motivation

mentalmotivationWhy do you want to run a marathon?  Why do you want to take this challenge on now?  What is the payoff factor for you?  Each person is on an individual journey and something has brought you to the place where you want to run a marathon and change your life.  Now it is time to use your most powerful muscle to propel you forward.  YOUR MIND 

The whole purpose of the Marathon Training Academy is to empower you to run a marathon and change your life.  Think back to when you first started running…  what were those first months like?  They were tough.  Sometimes you wondered why you even pushed yourself to run at all.  But, you kept going because you found a payoff.  You probably started noticing positive physical changes like weight loss, better posture, and more energy.  You also noticed more confidence and better self-esteem from pushing yourself to do the hard thing.  Continue Reading →