I decided to aim for bigger goals

Congrats to our client Candis Ubiles who completed her 5th marathon after dealing with a knee injury. She writes,

“In spring of 2022, I decided to take my 20+ years of casual running to the next level after coming across MTA.

I found the podcasts to be so inspiring as well as informative and once I learned of the coaching through the MTA community, I decided to invest in a coach to prepare me for the Marine Corp Marathon in October 2022.

I was paired with Coach Lynn and was immediately inspired by her caring and thoughtful approach to coaching as well as the example she lives of someone who stays active, has accomplished so much and truly enjoys running as much as I do.

Through this relationship with Coach Lynn, a fire was lit in my life regarding running and I really tapped into what it meant to me (something she has me reflect on often). As I did this, I realized that marathon running was something I wanted in my life long term, not just as a bucket list item to check off. Continue Reading →


Natural Runners’ High: Integrating CBD and Plant-Based Supplements into Marathon Prep

Published on December 2nd 2023

As marathon runners, we’re always on the lookout for ways to enhance our performance, speed up recovery, and maintain our overall health and well-being during intense training periods. While regular training and a balanced diet are the cornerstones of any marathon preparation, there’s a growing interest in the role of supplements, particularly CBD and plant-based options, in boosting endurance and aiding recovery. Continue Reading →

What Are The Best Exercises to Build a Strong Core?

Published on November 30th 2023

The core refers to deep abdominal and back muscles attached to the spine. In simpler words, it’s the torso. And since the torso is what powers all the movements of our body, it’s important to strengthen its muscles.

However, building a strong core is not an overnight process. You must do workouts for several months. Even if you choose the most effective way, like an ab wheel to strengthen your core, it’s going to take at least four weeks. Continue Reading →

Ask the Coach Q and A

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this episode Coach Angie and Coach Nicole tackle questions about calf cramps, running with a busy schedule, speedwork drills, snacks for plant-based runners, fueling during menopause, getting back into running after a health challenge, picking yourself up after a DNF, and more!

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3:04:22 Marathon at Revel Mt. Charleston

Congrats to our client Bill Drinkward on earning a new PR at the Revel Mt. Charleston Marathon in Las Vegas! He writes,

“Wow… what a special day at Revel Mt Charleston Marathon in Nevada. Despite a frigid wait in 24 degree temperatures for 90 minutes, I was able to shake out the stiffness and cold to get the legs moving well soon after starting.

With careful pacing, I was able to save enough energy to execute a negative split on the course and finish 3rd in my age group (M55-59) as well as PR/BQ. Many thanks to MTA Coach Steven for helping me complete my best marathon build up yet and finish in 3:04:22. Continue Reading →


Interview with Lauren Fleshman

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this podcast episode we speak with Lauren Fleshman -one of the most decorated American distance runners of all time and author of the book, ‘Good for a Girl -A Woman Running in a Man’s World’.

In the quick tip segment we answer the question: can runners benefit from using infrared saunas?

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Can Nootropics Enhance Your Workout Performance? Eight Things to Know

Published on October 23, 2023

Often referred to as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, nootropics are substances that have the potential to improve mental abilities such as memory, focus, and creativity.

However, nootropics are not an invention of modern science. Many traditional medicinal practices have used natural substances with these properties for millennia. Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba are classic examples. So, both natural and synthesized nootropics are available. Continue Reading →


Trust the Process

Here is a short story from a coaching client of ours named Fernando. He writes,

“My passion for advertising and running started simultaneously about 30 years ago when I saw an ad. It was a close up of a woman’s face. She was running and you could see things flying off her back: a broken fridge, an angry boss, the super loud alarm clock, etc.

Although I still didn’t have the same problems, that was a brilliant representation of what running was for me: a moment of escaping from reality.

In the last 30 years, I had an internationally awarded marketing career because I can do hard things at work. Meanwhile, my runner career had an embarrassing score of 0 (zero) official races.

I was searching for running playlists when I saw the Running as Self-Leadership podcast episode. I listened to it and got hooked by the tagline “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life”. Continue Reading →


6 Factors That Make it More Likely You’ll Suffer a Knee Injury While Taking Part in Extreme Sport

Published on September 27, 2023

Participating in extreme sports is thrilling, but it also puts you at a higher risk of knee injuries. Understanding these risks and the factors that amplify them can help you avoid potential harm. Here’s a breakdown of a few crucial aspects to be aware of for safe sporting experiences. Continue Reading →

Long Runs, Healthy Veins: Tips for Marathoners to Maintain Optimal Circulation

Published on March 17, 2024

Picture this: you, lacing up your running shoes, the anticipation building for another exhilarating marathon. As a dedicated runner, you understand the joy and challenges that come with those long runs. But have you ever paused to consider the impact on your veins? In this blog, we will dive into the nitty-gritty of how those miles affect your veins. You will know how you can ensure they stay in top-notch condition. So, fellow runner, let’s explore the symbiosis between marathon running and maintaining circulation like a pro. Continue Reading →