Don’t miss podcast episode 402 where we discuss how to think big and take action in running and life; and share books that we in enjoyed in 2022 (top picks).
In this post I share the 4 steps from that episode and some inspirational quotes!
Don’t miss podcast episode 402 where we discuss how to think big and take action in running and life; and share books that we in enjoyed in 2022 (top picks).
In this post I share the 4 steps from that episode and some inspirational quotes!
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In this podcast episode we discuss high performance eating with metabolic expert Angelo Poli. In this deep-dive interview you will learn about:
We like talking to Angelo at the beginning of a new year and this might be our best interview with him yet. Enjoy! Continue Reading →
Major congrats to our coaching client Dale Moss who finished the Disney Dopey Challenge (which included his first full marathon!). He writes,
“In anticipation of passing my 70th birthday in 2022 I decided to do something to celebrate. I signed up for the 2023 Disney World Marathon Weekend Dopey Challenge. The Challenge, for those who don’t know, is running a 5K on Thursday, a 10K on Friday, a half-marathon on Saturday, and a full marathon on Sunday during the Weekend.
I have run many 5K’s, 10K’s, and half-marathons but this would be my first full marathon.
I realized that to complete this I would need a coach. After looking around the Web and finding great reviews for MTA I contacted Coach Nicole and I was placed with Coach Kristen.
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In this podcast episode we talk about how to think big and take action in running and life! Plus, we discuss books that we in enjoyed in 2022 and share our top picks (both fiction and nonfiction).
In a recent podcast episode we discussed the books we read and enjoyed in 2022.
Angie got through 258 books last year (5 per week). I read/listened to a total of 59 (at least 1 book per week). Angie’s number dwarfs mine but seriously who reads 258 books?!
I usually have 10 books going at one time which reminds me of the quote, “My problem with reading books is that I get distracted by other books”.
In this post I share a list of Angie’s top picks from 2022 as well as my complete reading list. Enjoy fellow book nerd! 🤓
Congrats Delorean Ostrom on finishing 12 marathons in 12 months to raise money for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.
He trained with MTA Coach Henry to successfully run these back-to-back marathons injury free.
For this last marathon he extended his miles to 33 to celebrate turning 33. We spoke with him last year on the MTA Podcast.
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In this podcast episode we look back on 2022 and round up the biggest news from the running world including records, notable achievements, tragedies, inspiring moments, and bizarre stories! Plus we look back at what went down here at MTA: races run, travel, podcast guests, and new additions. Continue Reading →
Published on December 27th 2023
Combining an enduring passion for fitness with unmistakable sparks of love can create unforgettable memories. But how, you may wonder? Stick around as we serve up some creative ideas to celebrate love while keeping your bodies in sync and your hearts racing. Continue Reading →
Super congrats to Academy member Marty Gardner on finishing his first 100 miler! He writes,
“Good evening MTA family! I just wanted to share with y’all don’t see my personal posts that I finished my first 100 miler this weekend at the Daytona 100. It goes from Jacksonville, Florida to Ponce Inlet, which is just south of Daytona along the coastal highway.
Wow, what an experience! I had a great crew supporting me. Conditions were tough, but we got it done. I have been a part of this awesome family since 2 weeks after my 1st marathon in 2018. I learned a ton from MTA coaches Lynn and Henry that definitely played a huge part in my success yesterday.
I have a ton of stories and great memories of this incredible weekend to share, but for now just wanted to include y’all in my good news.” -Marty ✌️❤️
Find him on the Miles with Marty Podcast
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In this special podcast episode we hear from listeners about what motivated them to become long distance runners. Plus, Coach Angie shares tips on how to start (or resume) a strength training routine.
Thank you to everyone who sent in a voicemail recording to help us celebrate reaching episode 400! 🥳
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Angie and I are book lovers and we love having authors on the Marathon Training Academy podcast. With Christmas fast approaching I thought I’d share a list of the books we talked about this year, in case you still need some gift ideas for a runner in your life.
Here is our list:
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In this podcast episode Coach Angie shares tips on running through pregnancy and the postpartum period. Special guests include three moms (a nutritionist, a strength coach, and a pediatrician) who share stories and advice on training for a marathon after having a baby.