Interview with Dr. Stacy Sims, Menopause for Runners

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In this podcast episode we speak with Dr. Stacy Sims a physiologist, nutrition scientist, and expert on sports performance for female athletes who are in perimenopause and postmenopause.

Stacy explains the challenges that women runners face in the perimenopause period and beyond; and what measures they can take to offset the downsides that come with aging (like loss in muscle mass, reduced bone density, and weight gain). 

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Menopause for Runners

Don’t miss our podcast episode with Dr. Stacy Sims -a physiologist, nutrition scientist, and expert on sports performance for female athletes who are in perimenopause and postmenopause.

Stacy explains the challenges that women runners face in the perimenopause period and beyond; and what measures they can take to offset the downsides that come with aging (like loss in muscle mass, reduced bone density, and weight gain). 

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How to Set Yourself Up for Success After an Injury

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In Part 1 of our injury episode we talked about how I’ve been dealing with my hamstring injury, what injury is, and how to get past denial to find a solution.

If you haven’t checked that episode out it may be helpful to go back and listen.

In this episode we want to go deeper into coping with injury, especially mentally and emotionally, and how to set yourself up for success in the recovery process.

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A strong, powerful, female athlete

Lauren (left) with Coach Athena (right)

Here is an awesome letter from a Texas runner named Lauren. She worked with MTA Coach Athena for six months inside our Coaching Services. Reposted with permission.

– – -Start of letter – – –

Coach Athena,

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am to have gotten to work with and learn from you.

So much of what I’ve gained from our time together goes beyond running, and it’s hard to put into words just how impactful you’ve been on my life since we connected last year.

When I reached out to MTA for coaching I never imagined I’d end up getting connected with someone who not only provided excellent training and guidance but also served as a key role model I so desperately needed.

You filled a gap I hadn’t realized existed (or perhaps just hadn’t acknowledged) – that of a mentor. And not just any mentor – a strong, powerful, female athlete. Continue Reading →


Getting Real About Running Injuries

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In this podcast episode I answer a question from a discouraged runner and share statistics, tips, and hope on dealing with an injury so you can keep doing what you love.

Many of the episodes that we do are inspired by emails and feedback that we get from listeners.

The question that prompted the topic of dealing with injury came in from Megan who asks,

“Question for Angie.  She’s been dealing with a hamstring injury.  I’m curious if she in hindsight feels like she did something wrong that could have prevented this injury.. . For someone who has all the tools and knowledge to prevent injury like you guys, to still get injured is disheartening to me.  I like to think if you’re smart, you can be an injury free runner, but I guess that’s not the case.  I’m dealing with a debilitating posterior tibial tendon disfunction that will likely never go away.” -Megan. Continue Reading →


Get to Know Your Podcast Hosts! (2022 Edition)

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In this podcast episode you will hear how Angie stumbled into running marathons and what gave me the idea to start the MTA Podcast 12 years ago (wow, I’m feeling old).

Fellow podcaster Lisa Tamati (from New Zealand) interviews us about how we got started, our favorite and toughest marathons, overcoming challenges, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

It’s been five years since we’ve done an episode like this. Thanks for listening to our stories!

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Benefits of Run-Walk-Run Method

Coach Lynn has run a marathon in every US state after the age of 40. She is a certified running coach and registered dietician with experience in the run-walk-run method. Learn about MTA Coaching here.

Listener Question:

“I’ve run 7 marathons trying to qualify for Boston. In my races as I start to lose speed around 21 miles I see people I was well ahead of pass me with seem lying fresh legs. I could see that through out the race they used the run-walk technique. What is your opinion of this technique as a strategy to get a faster time? Have you or any of the runners you trained used the run-walk technique? Thanks for your time”. -Chris in Lexington Kentucky


Marathon Success Story with Dipti Pandya

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In this podcast episode we bring you a marathon success story as we speak with Academy member Dipti Pandya, a radiologist and mother of two, who just completed the Disney Dopey Challenge.

You will hear about the setbacks she faced during her training, including a cancer diagnosis, how she finds time to train, and what it was like to cross the finish line of her first marathon.


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The Importance of Having Insurance for Any Athlete

The world of sports can be an exciting one. Whether you’re a professional athlete or just a casual participant, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved with different sporting events. However, that doesn’t mean that participating in these activities is free from potential hazards and risks. In fact, playing many different types of sports can expose you to the risk of getting injured. Continue Reading →

5 Types of Insurance An Athlete In Extreme Sports Must Consider

Published on August 15th 2022

There’s a high need for extreme sports athletes to have their insurance. As a fan, you witness them compete and do amazing tricks during their games, but it puts them at many risks for the athletes.

Having insurance could benefit not only the athletes but their equipment. For instance, your bike was severely damaged during a motorbike race and needed fixing. You wouldn’t worry much about how to get it fixed because you could get an insurance plan that could cover this kind of repair. Continue Reading →


The Impact of Social Media on the Sports Industry

Once social media had hit the scene and started circulating the world, the sports industry has never been the same. Is it good or bad? That depends, but the fact is that social media channels now have an enormous effect on what’s happening in any kind of sport, be it running, football, or tennis. Some of those changes are positive, while others negatively influence sports culture. Let’s look at social media and its impact on the sports industry in a broader scope. Continue Reading →